import curves from './config/curves' const defaultTransitionBC = 'linear' /** * @description Get the N-frame animation state by the start and end state * of the animation and the easing curve * @param {String|Array} tBC Easing curve name or data * @param {Number|Array|Object} startState Animation start state * @param {Number|Array|Object} endState Animation end state * @param {Number} frameNum Number of Animation frames * @param {Boolean} deep Whether to use recursive mode * @return {Array|Boolean} State of each frame of the animation (Invalid input will return false) */ export function transition (tBC, startState = null, endState = null, frameNum = 30, deep = false) { if (!checkParams(...arguments)) return false try { // Get the transition bezier curve const bezierCurve = getBezierCurve(tBC) // Get the progress of each frame state const frameStateProgress = getFrameStateProgress(bezierCurve, frameNum) // If the recursion mode is not enabled or the state type is Number, the shallow state calculation is performed directly. if (!deep || typeof endState === 'number') return getTransitionState(startState, endState, frameStateProgress) return recursionTransitionState(startState, endState, frameStateProgress) } catch(e) { console.warn('Transition parameter may be abnormal!') return [endState] } } /** * @description Check if the parameters are legal * @param {String} tBC Name of transition bezier curve * @param {Any} startState Transition start state * @param {Any} endState Transition end state * @param {Number} frameNum Number of transition frames * @return {Boolean} Is the parameter legal */ function checkParams (tBC, startState = false, endState = false, frameNum = 30) { if (!tBC || startState === false || endState === false || !frameNum) { console.error('transition: Missing Parameters!') return false } if (typeof startState !== typeof endState) { console.error('transition: Inconsistent Status Types!') return false } const stateType = typeof endState if (stateType === 'string' || stateType === 'boolean' || !tBC.length) { console.error('transition: Unsupported Data Type of State!') return false } if (!curves.has(tBC) && !(tBC instanceof Array)) { // console.warn('transition: Transition curve not found, default curve will be used!') } return true } /** * @description Get the transition bezier curve * @param {String} tBC Name of transition bezier curve * @return {Array} Bezier curve data */ function getBezierCurve (tBC) { let bezierCurve = '' if (curves.has(tBC)) { bezierCurve = curves.get(tBC) } else if (tBC instanceof Array) { bezierCurve = tBC } else { bezierCurve = curves.get(defaultTransitionBC) } return bezierCurve } /** * @description Get the progress of each frame state * @param {Array} bezierCurve Transition bezier curve * @param {Number} frameNum Number of transition frames * @return {Array} Progress of each frame state */ function getFrameStateProgress (bezierCurve, frameNum) { const tMinus = 1 / (frameNum - 1) const tState = new Array(frameNum).fill(0).map((t, i) => i * tMinus) const frameState = => getFrameStateFromT(bezierCurve, t)) return frameState } /** * @description Get the progress of the corresponding frame according to t * @param {Array} bezierCurve Transition bezier curve * @param {Number} t Current frame t * @return {Number} Progress of current frame */ function getFrameStateFromT (bezierCurve, t) { const tBezierCurvePoint = getBezierCurvePointFromT(bezierCurve, t) const bezierCurvePointT = getBezierCurvePointTFromReT(tBezierCurvePoint, t) return getBezierCurveTState(tBezierCurvePoint, bezierCurvePointT) } /** * @description Get the corresponding sub-curve according to t * @param {Array} bezierCurve Transition bezier curve * @param {Number} t Current frame t * @return {Array} Sub-curve of t */ function getBezierCurvePointFromT (bezierCurve, t) { const lastIndex = bezierCurve.length - 1 let [begin, end] = ['', ''] bezierCurve.findIndex((item, i) => { if (i === lastIndex) return begin = item end = bezierCurve[i + 1] const currentMainPointX = begin[0][0] const nextMainPointX = end[0][0] return t >= currentMainPointX && t < nextMainPointX }) const p0 = begin[0] const p1 = begin[2] || begin[0] const p2 = end[1] || end[0] const p3 = end[0] return [p0, p1, p2, p3] } /** * @description Get local t based on t and sub-curve * @param {Array} bezierCurve Sub-curve * @param {Number} t Current frame t * @return {Number} local t of sub-curve */ function getBezierCurvePointTFromReT (bezierCurve, t) { const reBeginX = bezierCurve[0][0] const reEndX = bezierCurve[3][0] const xMinus = reEndX - reBeginX const tMinus = t - reBeginX return tMinus / xMinus } /** * @description Get the curve progress of t * @param {Array} bezierCurve Sub-curve * @param {Number} t Current frame t * @return {Number} Progress of current frame */ function getBezierCurveTState ([[, p0], [, p1], [, p2], [, p3]], t) { const { pow } = Math const tMinus = 1 - t const result1 = p0 * pow(tMinus, 3) const result2 = 3 * p1 * t * pow(tMinus, 2) const result3 = 3 * p2 * pow(t, 2) * tMinus const result4 = p3 * pow(t, 3) return 1 - (result1 + result2 + result3 + result4) } /** * @description Get transition state according to frame progress * @param {Any} startState Transition start state * @param {Any} endState Transition end state * @param {Array} frameState Frame state progress * @return {Array} Transition frame state */ function getTransitionState (begin, end, frameState) { let stateType = 'object' if (typeof begin === 'number') stateType = 'number' if (begin instanceof Array) stateType = 'array' if (stateType === 'number') return getNumberTransitionState(begin, end, frameState) if (stateType === 'array') return getArrayTransitionState(begin, end, frameState) if (stateType === 'object') return getObjectTransitionState(begin, end, frameState) return => end) } /** * @description Get the transition data of the number type * @param {Number} startState Transition start state * @param {Number} endState Transition end state * @param {Array} frameState Frame state progress * @return {Array} Transition frame state */ function getNumberTransitionState (begin, end, frameState) { const minus = end - begin return => begin + minus * s) } /** * @description Get the transition data of the array type * @param {Array} startState Transition start state * @param {Array} endState Transition end state * @param {Array} frameState Frame state progress * @return {Array} Transition frame state */ function getArrayTransitionState (begin, end, frameState) { const minus =, i) => { if (typeof v !== 'number') return false return v - begin[i] }) return =>, i) => { if (v === false) return end[i] return begin[i] + v * s })) } /** * @description Get the transition data of the object type * @param {Object} startState Transition start state * @param {Object} endState Transition end state * @param {Array} frameState Frame state progress * @return {Array} Transition frame state */ function getObjectTransitionState (begin, end, frameState) { const keys = Object.keys(end) const beginValue = => begin[k]) const endValue = => end[k]) const arrayState = getArrayTransitionState(beginValue, endValue, frameState) return => { const frameData = {} item.forEach((v, i) => (frameData[keys[i]] = v)) return frameData }) } /** * @description Get the transition state data by recursion * @param {Array|Object} startState Transition start state * @param {Array|Object} endState Transition end state * @param {Array} frameState Frame state progress * @return {Array} Transition frame state */ function recursionTransitionState (begin, end, frameState) { const state = getTransitionState(begin, end, frameState) for (let key in end) { const bTemp = begin[key] const eTemp = end[key] if (typeof eTemp !== 'object') continue const data = recursionTransitionState(bTemp, eTemp, frameState) state.forEach((fs, i) => (fs[key] = data[i])) } return state } /** * @description Inject new curve into curves as config * @param {Any} key The key of curve * @param {Array} curve Bezier curve data * @return {Undefined} No return */ export function injectNewCurve (key, curve) { if (!key || !curve) { console.error('InjectNewCurve Missing Parameters!') return } curves.set(key, curve) } export default transition