import beziercurve from '../bezier-curve' import { calcLength, getPointOnQuadraticBezier, getTensionPointsClosed, expandPoints } from '../bezier-curve/core/path2d' import { deepClone, eliminateBlur, checkPointIsInCircle, getTwoPointDistance, checkPointIsInSector, getRegularPolygonPoints, checkPointIsInPolygon, checkPointIsNearPolyline, checkPointIsInRect } from '../plugin/util' import { drawPolylinePath, drawBezierCurvePath } from '../plugin/canvas' const { polylineToBezierCurve, bezierCurveToPolyline } = beziercurve export const circle = { shape: { rx: 0, ry: 0, r: 0 }, validator({ shape }) { const { rx, ry, r } = shape if (typeof rx !== 'number' || typeof ry !== 'number' || typeof r !== 'number') { console.error('Circle shape configuration is abnormal!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape }) { ctx.beginPath() const { rx, ry, r } = shape ctx.arc(rx, ry, r > 0 ? r : 0.01, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() ctx.closePath() // ctx.draw() }, hoverCheck(position, { shape }) { const { rx, ry, r } = shape return checkPointIsInCircle(position, rx, ry, r) }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { rx, ry } = shape style.graphCenter = [rx, ry] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { this.attr('shape', { rx: shape.rx + movementX, ry: shape.ry + movementY }) } } export const ellipse = { shape: { rx: 0, ry: 0, hr: 0, vr: 0 }, validator({ shape }) { const { rx, ry, hr, vr } = shape if (typeof rx !== 'number' || typeof ry !== 'number' || typeof hr !== 'number' || typeof vr !== 'number') { console.error('Ellipse shape configuration is abnormal!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape }) { ctx.beginPath() let { rx, ry, hr, vr } = shape ctx.ellipse(rx, ry, hr > 0 ? hr : 0.01, vr > 0 ? vr : 0.01, 0, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() ctx.closePath() // ctx.draw() }, hoverCheck(position, { shape }) { const { rx, ry, hr, vr } = shape const a = Math.max(hr, vr) const b = Math.min(hr, vr) const c = Math.sqrt(a * a - b * b) const leftFocusPoint = [rx - c, ry] const rightFocusPoint = [rx + c, ry] const distance = getTwoPointDistance(position, leftFocusPoint) + getTwoPointDistance(position, rightFocusPoint) return distance <= 2 * a }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { rx, ry } = shape style.graphCenter = [rx, ry] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { this.attr('shape', { rx: shape.rx + movementX, ry: shape.ry + movementY }) } } export const rect = { shape: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0 }, validator({ shape }) { const { x, y, w, h } = shape if (typeof x !== 'number' || typeof y !== 'number' || typeof w !== 'number' || typeof h !== 'number') { console.error('Rect shape configuration is abnormal!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape }) { ctx.beginPath() let { x, y, w, h } = shape ctx.rect(x, y, w, h) ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() ctx.closePath() // ctx.draw() }, hoverCheck(position, { shape }) { let { x, y, w, h } = shape return checkPointIsInRect(position, x, y, w, h) }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { x, y, w, h } = shape style.graphCenter = [x + w / 2, y + h / 2] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { this.attr('shape', { x: shape.x + movementX, y: shape.y + movementY }) } } export const rectRound = { shape: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0, radius:[0,0,0,0], close:false,//true时为填充,否则描边。 }, validator({ shape }) { const { x, y, w, h } = shape if (typeof x !== 'number' || typeof y !== 'number' || typeof w !== 'number' || typeof h !== 'number') { console.error('Rect shape configuration is abnormal!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape }) { ctx.beginPath() let { x, y, w, h, radius, close } = shape if(typeof radius ==='number'){ radius = [radius,radius,radius,radius] } const cxt = ctx; let width = w,height = h; var r0 = radius[0],r1 = radius[1],r2 = radius[2],r3 = radius[3]; cxt.beginPath(); //从右下角顺时针绘制,弧度从0到1/2PI cxt.arc(width - r0+x, height - r0+y, r0, 0, Math.PI / 2); //矩形下边线 cxt.lineTo(r1+x, height+y); //左下角圆弧,弧度从1/2PI到PI cxt.arc(r1+x, height - r1+y, r1, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI); //矩形左边线 cxt.lineTo(x, r2+y); //左上角圆弧,弧度从PI到3/2PI cxt.arc(r2+x, r2+y, r2, Math.PI, Math.PI * 3 / 2); //上边线 cxt.lineTo(width - r3+x, y); //右上角圆弧 cxt.arc(width - r3+x, r3+y, r3, Math.PI * 3 / 2, Math.PI * 2); //右边线 cxt.lineTo(width+x, height+y-r0); ctx.stroke() if(close){ ctx.fill() } cxt.closePath(); }, hoverCheck(position, { shape,style, }) { let { x, y, w, h } = shape let {lineWidth} = style; return checkPointIsInRect(position, x-lineWidth, y-lineWidth, w+lineWidth, h+lineWidth) }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { x, y, w, h } = shape style.graphCenter = [x + w / 2, y + h / 2] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { this.attr('shape', { x: shape.x + movementX, y: shape.y + movementY }) } } export const ring = { shape: { rx: 0, ry: 0, r: 0 }, validator({ shape }) { const { rx, ry, r } = shape if (typeof rx !== 'number' || typeof ry !== 'number' || typeof r !== 'number') { console.error('Ring shape configuration is abnormal!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape }) { ctx.beginPath() const { rx, ry, r } = shape ctx.arc(rx, ry, r > 0 ? r : 0.01, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.stroke() ctx.closePath() // ctx.draw() }, hoverCheck(position, { shape, style }) { const { rx, ry, r } = shape const { lineWidth } = style const halfLineWidth = lineWidth / 2 const minDistance = r - halfLineWidth const maxDistance = r + halfLineWidth const distance = getTwoPointDistance(position, [rx, ry]) return (distance >= minDistance && distance <= maxDistance) }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { rx, ry } = shape style.graphCenter = [rx, ry] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { this.attr('shape', { rx: shape.rx + movementX, ry: shape.ry + movementY }) } } export const arc = { shape: { rx: 0, ry: 0, r: 0, startAngle: 0, endAngle: 0, clockWise: true }, validator({ shape }) { const keys = ['rx', 'ry', 'r', 'startAngle', 'endAngle'] if (keys.find(key => typeof shape[key] !== 'number')) { console.error('Arc shape configuration is abnormal!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape }) { ctx.beginPath() const { rx, ry, r, startAngle, endAngle, clockWise } = shape ctx.arc(rx, ry, r > 0 ? r : 0.001, startAngle, endAngle, !clockWise) ctx.stroke() ctx.closePath() // ctx.draw(true) }, hoverCheck(position, { shape, style }) { const { rx, ry, r, startAngle, endAngle, clockWise } = shape const { lineWidth } = style const halfLineWidth = lineWidth / 2 const insideRadius = r - halfLineWidth const outsideRadius = r + halfLineWidth return !checkPointIsInSector(position, rx, ry, insideRadius, startAngle, endAngle, clockWise) && checkPointIsInSector(position, rx, ry, outsideRadius, startAngle, endAngle, clockWise) }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { rx, ry } = shape style.graphCenter = [rx, ry] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { this.attr('shape', { rx: shape.rx + movementX, ry: shape.ry + movementY }) } } export const sector = { shape: { rx: 0, ry: 0, r: 0, startAngle: 0, endAngle: 0, clockWise: true }, validator({ shape }) { const keys = ['rx', 'ry', 'r', 'startAngle', 'endAngle'] if (keys.find(key => typeof shape[key] !== 'number')) { console.error('Sector shape configuration is abnormal!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape }) { ctx.beginPath() const { rx, ry, r, startAngle, endAngle, clockWise } = shape ctx.arc(rx, ry, r > 0 ? r : 0.01, startAngle, endAngle, !clockWise) ctx.lineTo(rx, ry) ctx.closePath() ctx.stroke() ctx.fill() // ctx.draw() }, hoverCheck(position, { shape }) { const { rx, ry, r, startAngle, endAngle, clockWise } = shape return checkPointIsInSector(position, rx, ry, r, startAngle, endAngle, clockWise) }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { rx, ry } = shape style.graphCenter = [rx, ry] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { const { rx, ry } = shape this.attr('shape', { rx: rx + movementX, ry: ry + movementY }) } } export const regPolygon = { shape: { rx: 0, ry: 0, r: 0, side: 0 }, validator({ shape }) { const { side } = shape const keys = ['rx', 'ry', 'r', 'side'] if (keys.find(key => typeof shape[key] !== 'number')) { console.error('RegPolygon shape configuration is abnormal!') return false } if (side < 3) { console.error('RegPolygon at least trigon!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape, cache }) { ctx.beginPath() const { rx, ry, r, side } = shape if (!cache.points || cache.rx !== rx || cache.ry !== ry || cache.r !== r || cache.side !== side) { const points = getRegularPolygonPoints(rx, ry, r, side) Object.assign(cache, { points, rx, ry, r, side }) } const { points } = cache drawPolylinePath(ctx, points) ctx.closePath() ctx.stroke() ctx.fill() // ctx.draw() }, hoverCheck(position, { cache }) { let { points } = cache return checkPointIsInPolygon(position, points) }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { rx, ry } = shape style.graphCenter = [rx, ry] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape, cache }) { const { rx, ry } = shape cache.rx += movementX cache.ry += movementY this.attr('shape', { rx: rx + movementX, ry: ry + movementY }) cache.points =[x, y]) => [x + movementX, y + movementY]) } } export const polyline = { shape: { points: [], close: false }, validator({ shape }) { const { points } = shape if (!(points instanceof Array)) { console.error('Polyline points should be an array!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape, style: { lineWidth } }) { ctx.beginPath() let { points, close } = shape if (lineWidth === 1) points = eliminateBlur(points) drawPolylinePath(ctx, points) if (close) { ctx.closePath() ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() } else { ctx.stroke() } // ctx.draw() }, hoverCheck(position, { shape, style }) { const { points, close } = shape const { lineWidth } = style if (close) { return checkPointIsInPolygon(position, points) } else { return checkPointIsNearPolyline(position, points, lineWidth) } }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { points } = shape style.graphCenter = points[0] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { const { points } = shape const moveAfterPoints =[x, y]) => [x + movementX, y + movementY]) this.attr('shape', { points: moveAfterPoints }) } } export const smoothline = { shape: { points: [], close: false }, validator({ shape }) { const { points } = shape if (!(points instanceof Array)) { console.error('Smoothline points should be an array!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape, cache }) { const { points, close } = shape if (!cache.points || cache.points.toString() !== points.toString()) { const bezierCurve = polylineToBezierCurve(points, close) const hoverPoints = bezierCurveToPolyline(bezierCurve) Object.assign(cache, { points: deepClone(points, true), bezierCurve, hoverPoints }) } const { bezierCurve } = cache ctx.beginPath() drawBezierCurvePath(ctx, bezierCurve.slice(1), bezierCurve[0]) if (close) { ctx.closePath() ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() } else { ctx.stroke() } // ctx.draw() }, hoverCheck(position, { cache, shape, style }) { const { hoverPoints } = cache const { close } = shape const { lineWidth } = style if (close) { return checkPointIsInPolygon(position, hoverPoints) } else { return checkPointIsNearPolyline(position, hoverPoints, lineWidth) } }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { points } = shape style.graphCenter = points[0] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape, cache }) { const { points } = shape const moveAfterPoints =[x, y]) => [x + movementX, y + movementY]) cache.points = moveAfterPoints const [fx, fy] = cache.bezierCurve[0] const curves = cache.bezierCurve.slice(1) cache.bezierCurve = [ [fx + movementX, fy + movementY], =>[x, y]) => [x + movementX, y + movementY])) ] cache.hoverPoints =[x, y]) => [x + movementX, y + movementY]) this.attr('shape', { points: moveAfterPoints }) } } export const bezierCurve = { shape: { points: [], close: false }, validator({ shape }) { const { points } = shape if (!(points instanceof Array)) { console.error('BezierCurve points should be an array!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape, cache }) { let { points, close } = shape if (!cache.points || cache.points.toString() !== points.toString()) { const hoverPoints = bezierCurveToPolyline(points, 20) Object.assign(cache, { points: deepClone(points, true), hoverPoints }) } ctx.beginPath() drawBezierCurvePath(ctx, points.slice(1), points[0]) if (close) { ctx.closePath() ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() } else { ctx.stroke() } // ctx.draw() }, hoverCheck(position, { cache, shape, style }) { const { hoverPoints } = cache const { close } = shape const { lineWidth } = style if (close) { return checkPointIsInPolygon(position, hoverPoints) } else { return checkPointIsNearPolyline(position, hoverPoints, lineWidth) } }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { points } = shape style.graphCenter = points[0] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape, cache }) { const { points } = shape const [fx, fy] = points[0] const curves = points.slice(1) const bezierCurve = [ [fx + movementX, fy + movementY], =>[x, y]) => [x + movementX, y + movementY])) ] cache.points = bezierCurve cache.hoverPoints =[x, y]) => [x + movementX, y + movementY]) this.attr('shape', { points: bezierCurve }) } } export const text = { shape: { content: '', position: [], x: 0, y: 0, rowGap: 0 }, validator({ shape, style }, ctx) { const { content, position, rowGap } = shape if (typeof content !== 'string') { console.error('Text content should be a string!') return false } if (!(position instanceof Array)) { console.error('Text position should be an array!') return false } if (typeof rowGap !== 'number') { console.error('Text rowGap should be a number!') return false } this.textWidth = 0 this.textHeight = 0 return true }, measureSize(ctx, text) { var _context = ctx, fontSize = this.fontSize(), metrics;; _context.font = ctx.font; metrics = _context.measureText(text + ""); _context.restore(); return { width: metrics.width, height: fontSize, }; }, draw({ ctx, area }, { shape, style }) { let { content, position, maxWidth, rowGap, } = shape let { lineWidth } = style; const { textBaseline, font, } = ctx const [w, h] = area const fontSize = parseInt(font.replace(/\D/g, '')) let [x, y] = position content = content.split('\n') const rowNum = content.length const lineHeight = fontSize + rowGap const allHeight = rowNum * lineHeight - rowGap let offset = 0 if (textBaseline === 'middle') { offset = allHeight / 2 y += fontSize / 2 } if (textBaseline === 'bottom') { offset = allHeight y += fontSize } position = new Array(rowNum).fill(0).map((foo, i) => [x, y + i * lineHeight - offset]) if (typeof maxWidth == 'undefined' || !maxWidth) maxWidth = w // #ifdef H5 maxWidth = maxWidth * ctx.dpr // #endif let maxwi = [] ctx.beginPath() content.forEach((text, i) => { ctx.fillText(text, ...position[i], maxWidth) if (lineWidth > 0) { ctx.strokeText(text, ...position[i], maxWidth) } maxwi.push(ctx.measureText(text + "").width) }) ctx.closePath() this.textWidth = Math.max(...maxwi) this.textHeight = allHeight }, hoverCheck(position, { cache, shape, style }) { const [x, y] = shape.position; const { textBaseline } = style; var w = this?.textWidth ?? 0; var h = this?.textHeight ?? 0; let isCheck = false; if (textBaseline == 'top') { if (position[0] >= x && position[0] <= x + w && position[1] >= y && position[1] <= y + h) { isCheck = true; } } else if (textBaseline == 'bottom') { if (position[0] >= x && position[0] <= x + w && position[1] >= y + h && position[1] <= y + h * 2) { isCheck = true; } } else if (textBaseline == 'middle') { if (position[0] >= x && position[0] <= x + w && position[1] >= y - h / 2 && position[1] <= y + h - h / 2) { isCheck = true; } } return isCheck; }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { position } = shape style.graphCenter = [...position] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { const { position: [x, y] } = shape this.attr('shape', { position: [x + movementX, y + movementY] }) } } export const path = { shape: { points: [], close: false }, validator({ shape }) { const { points } = shape if (!(points instanceof Array)) { console.error('Polyline points should be an array!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape, style: { lineWidth } }) { ctx.beginPath() let { points, close } = shape if (lineWidth === 1) points = eliminateBlur(points) drawPolylinePath(ctx, points) if (close) { ctx.closePath() ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() } else { ctx.stroke() } ctx.draw() }, hoverCheck(position, { shape, style }) { const { points, close } = shape const { lineWidth } = style if (close) { return checkPointIsInPolygon(position, points) } else { return checkPointIsNearPolyline(position, points, lineWidth) } }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { points } = shape style.graphCenter = points[0] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { const { points } = shape const moveAfterPoints =[x, y]) => [x + movementX, y + movementY]) this.attr('shape', { points: moveAfterPoints }) } } export const image = { shape: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0, sx: 0, sy: 0, src: '' }, validator({ shape }) { const { x, y, w, h, src } = shape if (typeof x !== 'number' || typeof y !== 'number' || typeof w !== 'number' || typeof h !== 'number' || ! src) { console.error('image x,y,w,h,src必填。') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx, cav }, { shape }) { let { x, y, w, h, sx, sy, src } = shape let t = this; // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN //1加载中,2加载完成,3从未加载。 if (typeof this['isLoad'] == 'undefined' || this['isLoad'] == 3) { this['isLoad'] = 1; const bg = cav.createImage() bg.onload = () => { setTimeout(function() { console.warn('tm-render:图片加载完成') ctx.drawImage(bg, x, y, w, h) t['isLoad'] = 2; shape.src = bg if(t?.load){ t.load(); } }, 400) } bg.onerror = () => t['isLoad'] = 3 bg.src = src; } if (this['isLoad'] == 2) { ctx.drawImage(src, x, y, w, h) } else { console.log('image loadding...'); } // #endif // #ifndef MP-WEIXIN if(typeof this['isLoad'] =='undefined') this['isLoad'] = 3; if(this['isLoad']===3){ this['isLoad'] = 1; setTimeout(()=>{ t['isLoad'] = 2; if(this?.load){ this.load(); } },1200) } ctx.drawImage(src, x, y, w, h, sx, sy) // #endif }, hoverCheck(position, { shape }) { let { x, y, w, h } = shape return checkPointIsInRect(position, x, y, w, h) }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { x, y, w, h } = shape style.graphCenter = [x + w / 2, y + h / 2] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { this.attr('shape', { x: shape.x + movementX, y: shape.y + movementY }) } } export const star = { shape: { points: [], close: false, x: 0, y: 0, numPoints: 5, //星星的角数量 innerRadius: 40, //内部凹进去的比例 outerRadius: 70, //角向外凸出的比例。 }, validator({ shape }) { const { points, x, y } = shape if (typeof x !== 'number' || typeof y !== 'number') { console.error('Polyline points should be an array!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape, style: { lineWidth } }) { let context = ctx; let { points, close, x, y, numPoints, innerRadius, outerRadius } = shape; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y - outerRadius); points.push([x, y - outerRadius]) for (var n = 1; n <= numPoints * 2; n++) { var radius = n % 2 === 0 ? outerRadius : innerRadius; var x2 = radius * Math.sin((n * Math.PI) / numPoints); var y2 = -1 * radius * Math.cos((n * Math.PI) / numPoints); context.lineTo(x2 + x, y2 + y); points.push([x2 + x, y2 + y]) } this.shape.points = points; if (lineWidth === 1) points = eliminateBlur(points) if (close) { ctx.closePath() ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() } else { ctx.stroke() } // ctx.draw() }, hoverCheck(position, { shape, style }) { const { points, close } = shape const { lineWidth } = style if (close) { return checkPointIsInPolygon(position, points) } else { return checkPointIsNearPolyline(position, points, lineWidth) } }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { points } = shape style.graphCenter = points[0] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { const { points } = shape const moveAfterPoints =[x, y]) => [x + movementX, y + movementY]) this.attr('shape', { points: moveAfterPoints }) } } export const arrow = { shape: { points: [], close: true, x: 0, y: 0, tension: 0, //弯曲程度。 pointerLength: 0, //箭头指针长度。 pointerWidth: 0, //箭头指针宽度。 pointerAtBeginning: false, //我们需要在两边画指针吗?默认值为 false。 pointerAtEnding: true, //结束端显示箭头。 hitPoints: [], //检测命中点。 }, validator({ shape }) { const { points, x, y, close, tension, pointerLength, pointerWidth, pointerAtBeginning, pointerAtEnding } = shape if (typeof x !== 'number' || typeof y !== 'number') { console.error('Polyline points should be an array!') return false } return true }, draw({ ctx }, { shape, style: { lineWidth } }) { let context = ctx; let { points, x, y, close, tension, pointerLength, pointerWidth, pointerAtBeginning, pointerAtEnding } = shape let old_x = points[2] - points[0] let old_y = points[3] - points[1] points[0] = this.shape.x points[1] = this.shape.y points[2] = this.shape.x + old_x points[3] = this.shape.y + old_y var PI2 = Math.PI * 2; var tp = points; var fromTension = tension !== 0 && points.length > 4; if (fromTension) { if (close) { tp = getTensionPointsClosed(points, tension); } else { tp = expandPoints(points, tension); } console.log(tp); } var length = pointerLength; var n = points.length; var dx, dy; if (fromTension) { const lp = [ tp[tp.length - 4], tp[tp.length - 3], tp[tp.length - 2], tp[tp.length - 1], points[n - 2], points[n - 1], ]; const lastLength = calcLength(tp[tp.length - 4], tp[tp.length - 3], 'C', lp); const previous = getPointOnQuadraticBezier(Math.min(1, 1 - length / lastLength), lp[0], lp[1], lp[2], lp[3], lp[4], lp[5]); dx = points[n - 2] - previous.x; dy = points[n - 1] - previous.y; } else { dx = points[n - 2] - points[n - 4]; dy = points[n - 1] - points[n - 3]; } var radians = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) + PI2) % PI2; var width = pointerWidth; this.shape.hitPoints = []; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(points[0], points[1]); // #ifdef H5 || APP-VUE ctx.lineTo(points[2], points[3]); // #endif // #ifdef MP ctx.lineTo(points[2], points[3]); // #endif ctx.closePath(); if (pointerAtEnding) { ctx.translate(points[n - 2], points[n - 1]); ctx.rotate(radians); // #ifdef H5 || APP-VUE ctx.moveTo(points[2], points[3]); ctx.lineTo(points[2], points[3] - width / 2); ctx.lineTo(length + points[2], points[3]); ctx.lineTo(points[2], width / 2 + points[3]); // #endif // #ifdef MP ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(-length, width / 2); ctx.lineTo(-length, -width / 2); // #endif ctx.closePath(); ctx.restore(); this.shape.hitPoints.push([points[2], points[3] - width / 2]); this.shape.hitPoints.push([length + points[2], points[3]]); this.shape.hitPoints.push([points[2], width / 2 + points[3]]); } if (pointerAtBeginning) { if (pointerAtBeginning) {; } ctx.translate(x, y); if (fromTension) { dx = (tp[0] + tp[2]) / 2 - points[0]; dy = (tp[1] + tp[3]) / 2 - points[1]; } else { dx = points[2] - points[0]; dy = points[3] - points[1]; } ctx.rotate((Math.atan2(-dy, -dx) + PI2) % PI2); // #ifdef H5 || APP-VUE ctx.moveTo(points[0], points[1]); ctx.lineTo(points[0], points[1] - width / 2); ctx.lineTo(-length + points[0], points[1]); ctx.lineTo(points[0], width / 2 + points[1]); // #endif // #ifdef MP ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(-length, width / 2); ctx.lineTo(-length, -width / 2); // #endif ctx.closePath(); ctx.restore(); } if (close) { ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() } else { ctx.stroke() } }, hoverCheck(position, { shape, style }) { const { points, hitPoints, close, pointerLength, pointerWidth } = shape const { lineWidth } = style // if (close) { // console.log( checkPointIsInPolygon(position, hitPoints)); // return checkPointIsInPolygon(position, hitPoints) // } else { // return checkPointIsNearPolyline(position, hitPoints, lineWidth) // } // #ifdef H5 || APP-VUE return checkPointIsInRect(position, points[2], points[3] - pointerWidth / 2, pointerLength, pointerWidth) // #endif // #ifdef MP return checkPointIsInRect(position, points[2] - pointerLength, points[3] - pointerWidth / 2, pointerLength, pointerWidth) // #endif }, setGraphCenter(e, { shape, style }) { const { points } = shape style.graphCenter = points[0] }, move({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { const { points } = shape const moveAfterPoints =[x, y]) => [x + movementX, y + movementY]) this.attr('shape', { points: moveAfterPoints }) } } const graphs = new Map([ ['rectRound', rectRound], ['arrow', arrow], ['star', star], ['image', image], ['path', path], ['circle', circle], ['ellipse', ellipse], ['rect', rect], ['ring', ring], ['arc', arc], ['sector', sector], ['regPolygon', regPolygon], ['polyline', polyline], ['smoothline', smoothline], ['bezierCurve', bezierCurve], ['text', text] ]) export default graphs /** * @description Extend new graph * @param {String} name Name of Graph * @param {Object} config Configuration of Graph * @return {Undefined} Void */ export function extendNewGraph(name, config) { if (!name || !config) { console.error('ExtendNewGraph Missing Parameters!') return } if (!config.shape) { console.error('Required attribute of shape to extendNewGraph!') return } if (!config.validator) { console.error('Required function of validator to extendNewGraph!') return } if (!config.draw) { console.error('Required function of draw to extendNewGraph!') return } graphs.set(name, config) }