import Style from './style.class' import transition from '../transition' import { deepClone, getRotatePointPos, getScalePointPos, getTranslatePointPos, checkPointIsInRect } from '../plugin/util' /** * @description Class Graph * @param {Object} graph Graph default configuration * @param {Object} config Graph config * @return {Graph} Instance of Graph */ export default class Graph { constructor (graph, config) { config = deepClone(config, true) config = {animationFrame:24,...config}; const defaultConfig = { /** * @description Weather to render graph * @type {Boolean} * @default visible = true */ visible: true, /** * @description Whether to enable drag * @type {Boolean} * @default drag = false */ drag: false, /** * @description Whether to enable hover * @type {Boolean} * @default hover = false */ hover: false, /** * @description Graph rendering index * Give priority to index high graph in rendering * @type {Number} * @example index = 1 */ index: 1, /** * @description Animation delay time(ms) * @type {Number} * @default animationDelay = 0 */ animationDelay: 0, /** * @description Number of animation frames * @type {Number} * @default animationFrame = 30 */ animationFrame: 30, /** * @description Animation dynamic curve (Supported by transition) * @type {String} * @default animationCurve = 'linear' * @link */ animationCurve: 'linear', /** * @description Weather to pause graph animation * @type {Boolean} * @default animationPause = false */ animationPause: false, /** * @description Rectangular hover detection zone * Use this method for hover detection first * @type {Null|Array} * @default hoverRect = null * @example hoverRect = [0, 0, 100, 100] // [Rect start x, y, Rect width, height] */ hoverRect: null, /** * @description Mouse enter event handler * @type {Function|Null} * @default mouseEnter = null */ mouseEnter: null, /** * @description Mouse outer event handler * @type {Function|Null} * @default mouseOuter = null */ mouseOuter: null, /** * @description Mouse click event handler * @type {Function|Null} * @default click = null */ click: null } const configAbleNot = { status: 'static', animationRoot: [], animationKeys: [], animationFrameState: [], cache: {} } if (!config.shape) config.shape = {} if (! = {} const shape = Object.assign({}, graph.shape, config.shape) Object.assign(defaultConfig, config, configAbleNot) Object.assign(this, graph, defaultConfig) this.shape = shape = new Style( this.addedProcessor() } } /** * @description Processor of added * @return {Undefined} Void */ Graph.prototype.addedProcessor = function () { if (typeof this.setGraphCenter === 'function') this.setGraphCenter(null, this) // The life cycle 'added" if (typeof this.added === 'function') this.added(this) } /** * @description Processor of draw * @param {CRender} render Instance of CRender * @param {Graph} graph Instance of Graph * @return {Undefined} Void */ Graph.prototype.drawProcessor = function (render, graph) { const { ctx } = render const { shape } = graph,shape) if (typeof this.beforeDraw === 'function') this.beforeDraw(this, render) graph.draw(render, graph) // ctx.draw(true) if (typeof this.drawed === 'function') this.drawed(this, render) } /** * @description Processor of hover check * @param {Array} position Mouse Position * @param {Graph} graph Instance of Graph * @return {Boolean} Result of hover check */ Graph.prototype.hoverCheckProcessor = function (position, { hoverRect, style, hoverCheck }) { const { graphCenter, rotate, scale, translate } = style if (graphCenter) { if (rotate) position = getRotatePointPos(-rotate, position, graphCenter) if (scale) position = getScalePointPos( => 1 / s), position, graphCenter) if (translate) position = getTranslatePointPos( => v * -1), position) } if (hoverRect) return checkPointIsInRect(position, ...hoverRect) return hoverCheck(position, this) } /** * @description Processor of move * @param {Event} e Mouse movement event * @return {Undefined} Void */ Graph.prototype.moveProcessor = function (e) { this.move(e, this) if (typeof this.beforeMove === 'function') this.beforeMove(e, this) if (typeof this.setGraphCenter === 'function') this.setGraphCenter(e, this) if (typeof this.moved === 'function') this.moved(e, this) } /** * @description Update graph state * @param {String} attrName Updated attribute name * @param {Any} change Updated value * @return {Undefined} Void */ Graph.prototype.attr = function (attrName, change = undefined) { if (!attrName || change === undefined) return false const isObject = typeof this[attrName] === 'object' if (isObject) change = deepClone(change, true) const { render } = this if (attrName === 'style') { } else if (isObject) { Object.assign(this[attrName], change) } else { this[attrName] = change } if (attrName === 'index') render.sortGraphsByIndex() render.drawAllGraph() } /** * @description Update graphics state (with animation) * Only shape and style attributes are supported * @param {String} attrName Updated attribute name * @param {Any} change Updated value * @param {Boolean} wait Whether to store the animation waiting * for the next animation request * @return {Promise} Animation Promise */ Graph.prototype.animation = async function (attrName, change, wait = false) { if (attrName !== 'shape' && attrName !== 'style') { console.error('Only supported shape and style animation!') return } change = deepClone(change, true) if (attrName === 'style') const changeRoot = this[attrName] const changeKeys = Object.keys(change) const beforeState = {} changeKeys.forEach(key => (beforeState[key] = changeRoot[key])) const { animationFrame, animationCurve, animationDelay } = this const animationFrameState = transition(animationCurve, beforeState, change, animationFrame, true) this.animationRoot.push(changeRoot) this.animationKeys.push(changeKeys) this.animationFrameState.push(animationFrameState) if (wait) return if (animationDelay > 0) await delay(animationDelay) const { render } = this return new Promise(async resolve => { await render.launchAnimation() resolve() }) } /** * @description Extract the next frame of data from the animation queue * and update the graph state * @return {Undefined} Void */ Graph.prototype.turnNextAnimationFrame = function (timeStamp) { const { animationDelay, animationRoot, animationKeys, animationFrameState, animationPause } = this if (animationPause) return if ( - timeStamp < animationDelay) return animationRoot.forEach((root, i) => { animationKeys[i].forEach(key => { root[key] = animationFrameState[i][0][key] }) }) animationFrameState.forEach((stateItem, i) => { stateItem.shift() const noFrame = stateItem.length === 0 if (noFrame) animationRoot[i] = null if (noFrame) animationKeys[i] = null }) this.animationFrameState = animationFrameState.filter(state => state.length) this.animationRoot = animationRoot.filter(root => root) this.animationKeys = animationKeys.filter(keys => keys) } /** * @description Skip to the last frame of animation * @return {Undefined} Void */ Graph.prototype.animationEnd = function () { const { animationFrameState, animationKeys, animationRoot, render } = this animationRoot.forEach((root, i) => { const currentKeys = animationKeys[i] const lastState = animationFrameState[i].pop() currentKeys.forEach(key => (root[key] = lastState[key])) }) this.animationFrameState = [] this.animationKeys = [] this.animationRoot = [] return render.drawAllGraph() } /** * @description Pause animation behavior * @return {Undefined} Void */ Graph.prototype.pauseAnimation = function () { this.attr('animationPause', true) } /** * @description Try animation behavior * @return {Undefined} Void */ Graph.prototype.playAnimation = function () { const { render } = this this.attr('animationPause', false) return new Promise(async resolve => { await render.launchAnimation() resolve() }) } /** * @description Processor of delete * @param {CRender} render Instance of CRender * @return {Undefined} Void */ Graph.prototype.delProcessor = function (render) { const { graphs } = render const index = graphs.findIndex(graph => graph === this) if (index === -1) return if (typeof this.beforeDelete === 'function') this.beforeDelete(this) graphs.splice(index, 1, null) if (typeof this.deleted === 'function') this.deleted(this) } /** * @description Return a timed release Promise * @param {Number} time Release time * @return {Promise} A timed release Promise */ function delay (time) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, time) }) }