Phoenix 3 months ago
parent 629ce2f21b
commit bed3debb59

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const configs = {
prod: {
apiBaseUrl: 'https://oa-a.szjixun.cn/api',

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
var require_app_css = __commonJS({
"app.css.js"(exports) {
exports.styles = [];
const _style_0 = {};
exports.styles = [_style_0];
export default require_app_css();

@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
Promise.resolve("./pages/index/index.js").then((res) => {
Promise.resolve("./app.css.js").then(() => {

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
import { ref, openBlock, createElementBlock, createElementVNode, normalizeStyle, unref } from "vue";
function formatAppLog(type, filename, ...args) {
if (uni.__log__) {
uni.__log__(type, filename, ...args);
} else {
console[type].apply(console, [...args, filename]);
const env = "dev";
const configs = {
dev: {
apiBaseUrl: "https://warehouse.szjixun.cn/oa_backend",
h5Url: ""
test: {
apiBaseUrl: "https://warehouse.szjixun.cn/oa_backend",
h5Url: ""
prod: {
apiBaseUrl: "https://oa.szjixun.cn/api",
h5Url: "https://oa.szjixun.cn/#/"
const config = configs[env];
const sendWebWiew = (refValue, paramValue, callName = "onReceive") => {
if (!refValue) {
formatAppLog("error", "at utils/communicate/index.js:3", "evalJs: The reference to the webview is not provided or is null.");
if (typeof refValue.evalJs !== "function") {
formatAppLog("error", "at utils/communicate/index.js:8", "evalJs: The evalJs method is not available on the provided reference.");
try {
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(paramValue);
const jsCode = `window.${callName}(${jsonString})`;
} catch (error) {
formatAppLog("error", "at utils/communicate/index.js:18", "evalJs: An error occurred while trying to stringify the parameter value or while invoking evalJs.", error);
const receiveWebView = (e) => {
return e.detail.data[0];
const _style_0 = { "content": { "": { "display": "flex", "flex": 1 } } };
const _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
for (const [key, val] of props) {
target[key] = val;
return target;
const _sfc_main = {
__name: "index",
setup(__props) {
const webViewRef = ref(null);
const systemInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
const webLoad = (e) => {
const m = receiveWebView(e);
switch (m.action) {
case "load-complete": {
const systemInfo2 = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
type: "gcj02",
geocode: false,
isHighAccuracy: false,
success: async (res) => {
sendWebWiew(webViewRef.value, { ...res, systemInfo: systemInfo2 });
fail: (e2) => {
formatAppLog("log", "at pages/index/index.nvue:38", e2);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("scroll-view", {
scrollY: true,
showScrollbar: true,
enableBackToTop: true,
bubble: "true",
style: { flexDirection: "column" }
}, [
createElementVNode("div", { class: "content" }, [
createElementVNode("u-web-view", {
class: "webview",
"on:onPostMessage": webLoad,
style: normalizeStyle({ height: `${unref(systemInfo).windowHeight}px`, width: `${unref(systemInfo).windowWidth}` }),
ref_key: "webViewRef",
ref: webViewRef,
src: unref(config).h5Url
}, null, 44, ["src"])
const index = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["styles", [_style_0]], ["__file", "D:/WebstormProjects/oa-base/pages/index/index.nvue"]]);
export {
index as default

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
let u=void 0,isReady=false,onReadyCallbacks=[],isServiceReady=false,onServiceReadyCallbacks=[];
const __uniConfig = {"pages":[],"globalStyle":{"backgroundColor":"#F8F8F8","navigationBar":{"backgroundColor":"#F8F8F8","titleText":"uni-app","type":"default","titleColor":"#000000"},"isNVue":false},"nvue":{"compiler":"uni-app","styleCompiler":"uni-app","flex-direction":"column"},"renderer":"auto","appname":"oa考勤系统","splashscreen":{"alwaysShowBeforeRender":true,"autoclose":true},"compilerVersion":"4.15","entryPagePath":"pages/index/index","entryPageQuery":"","realEntryPagePath":"","networkTimeout":{"request":60000,"connectSocket":60000,"uploadFile":60000,"downloadFile":60000},"locales":{},"darkmode":false,"themeConfig":{}};
const __uniRoutes = [{"path":"pages/index/index","meta":{"isQuit":true,"isEntry":true,"navigationBar":{"titleText":"uni-app","style":"custom","type":"default"},"isNVue":true}}].map(uniRoute=>(uniRoute.meta.route=uniRoute.path,__uniConfig.pages.push(uniRoute.path),uniRoute.path='/'+uniRoute.path,uniRoute));
const __uniRoutes = [{"path":"pages/index/index","meta":{"isQuit":true,"isEntry":true,"navigationBar":{"titleText":"uni-app","style":"custom","type":"default"},"isNVue":false}}].map(uniRoute=>(uniRoute.meta.route=uniRoute.path,__uniConfig.pages.push(uniRoute.path),uniRoute.path='/'+uniRoute.path,uniRoute));
__uniConfig.onReady=function(callback){if(__uniConfig.ready){callback()}else{onReadyCallbacks.push(callback)}};Object.defineProperty(__uniConfig,"ready",{get:function(){return isReady},set:function(val){isReady=val;if(!isReady){return}const callbacks=onReadyCallbacks.slice(0);onReadyCallbacks.length=0;callbacks.forEach(function(callback){callback()})}});
__uniConfig.onServiceReady=function(callback){if(__uniConfig.serviceReady){callback()}else{onServiceReadyCallbacks.push(callback)}};Object.defineProperty(__uniConfig,"serviceReady",{get:function(){return isServiceReady},set:function(val){isServiceReady=val;if(!isServiceReady){return}const callbacks=onServiceReadyCallbacks.slice(0);onServiceReadyCallbacks.length=0;callbacks.forEach(function(callback){callback()})}});
service.register("uni-app-config",{create(a,b,c){if(!__uniConfig.viewport){var d=b.weex.config.env.scale,e=b.weex.config.env.deviceWidth,f=Math.ceil(e/d);Object.assign(__uniConfig,{viewport:f,defaultFontSize:16})}return{instance:{__uniConfig:__uniConfig,__uniRoutes:__uniRoutes,global:u,window:u,document:u,frames:u,self:u,location:u,navigator:u,localStorage:u,history:u,Caches:u,screen:u,alert:u,confirm:u,prompt:u,fetch:u,XMLHttpRequest:u,WebSocket:u,webkit:u,print:u}}}});

@ -31,6 +31,24 @@ if (uni.restoreGlobal) {
(function(vue) {
"use strict";
const env = "prod";
const configs = {
dev: {
apiBaseUrl: "https://warehouse.szjixun.cn/oa_backend",
h5Url: ""
test: {
apiBaseUrl: "https://warehouse.szjixun.cn/oa_backend",
h5Url: ""
prod: {
apiBaseUrl: "https://oa-a.szjixun.cn/api",
h5Url: "https://oa.szjixun.cn/#/"
const config = configs[env];
const ON_SHOW = "onShow";
const ON_HIDE = "onHide";
function formatAppLog(type, filename, ...args) {
if (uni.__log__) {
uni.__log__(type, filename, ...args);
@ -38,6 +56,11 @@ if (uni.restoreGlobal) {
console[type].apply(console, [...args, filename]);
const createHook = (lifecycle) => (hook, target = vue.getCurrentInstance()) => {
!vue.isInSSRComponentSetup && vue.injectHook(lifecycle, hook, target);
const onShow = /* @__PURE__ */ createHook(ON_SHOW);
const onHide = /* @__PURE__ */ createHook(ON_HIDE);
const _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
for (const [key, val] of props) {
@ -45,6 +68,56 @@ if (uni.restoreGlobal) {
return target;
const _sfc_main$1 = {
__name: "index",
setup(__props) {
const networkStatusChange = (res) => {
if (res.isConnected) {
url: "/pages/index/index"
} else {
title: "网络无连接",
icon: "none"
const webViewObj = vue.ref(null);
onShow(() => {
onHide(() => {
const webLoad = (e2) => {
var _a, _b;
const h5SendString = (_b = (_a = e2.detail.data) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) == null ? void 0 : _b.action;
switch (h5SendString) {
case "load-complete": {
const { statusBarHeight } = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
const currentWebview = getCurrentPages().pop().$getAppWebview();
webViewObj.value = currentWebview.children()[0];
top: statusBarHeight,
bottom: 0
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("web-view", {
class: "webview",
onMessage: webLoad,
style: { "flex": "1" },
ref: "webViewRef",
src: vue.unref(config).h5Url
}, null, 40, ["src"]);
const PagesIndexIndex = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$1, [["__file", "D:/WebstormProjects/oa-base/pages/index/index.vue"]]);
__definePage("pages/index/index", PagesIndexIndex);
const _sfc_main = {
onLaunch: function() {

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
"id": "__UNI__4796942",
"name": "泰丰考勤",
"id": "__UNI__70C49A3",
"name": "oa考勤系统",
"version": {
"name": "1.0.0",
"code": 100
"name": "1.1.5",
"code": 115
"description": "",
"developer": {
@ -43,14 +43,6 @@
"usingComponents": true,
"nvueStyleCompiler": "uni-app",
"compilerVersion": 3,
"statusbar": {
"immersed": "supportedDevice",
"style": "dark",
"background": "#000000"
"navigationbar": {
"hidden": true
"distribute": {
"icons": {
"android": {
@ -147,7 +139,6 @@
"UniversalLinks": ""
"push": {},
"audio": {
"mp3": {
"description": "Android平台录音支持MP3格式文件"
@ -155,7 +146,11 @@
"nativePlugins": {},
"statusbar": {
"immersed": "supportedDevice",
"style": "dark",
"background": "#F8F8F8"
"uniStatistics": {
"enable": false

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
"use weex:vue";
if (typeof Promise !== 'undefined' && !Promise.prototype.finally) {
Promise.prototype.finally = function(callback) {
const promise = this.constructor
return this.then(
value => promise.resolve(callback()).then(() => value),
reason => promise.resolve(callback()).then(() => {
throw reason
if (typeof uni !== 'undefined' && uni && uni.requireGlobal) {
const global = uni.requireGlobal()
ArrayBuffer = global.ArrayBuffer
Int8Array = global.Int8Array
Uint8Array = global.Uint8Array
Uint8ClampedArray = global.Uint8ClampedArray
Int16Array = global.Int16Array
Uint16Array = global.Uint16Array
Int32Array = global.Int32Array
Uint32Array = global.Uint32Array
Float32Array = global.Float32Array
Float64Array = global.Float64Array
BigInt64Array = global.BigInt64Array
BigUint64Array = global.BigUint64Array
(() => {
var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __defProps = Object.defineProperties;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
return a;
var __spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b));
var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
// If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM
// file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-
// compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set
// "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility.
isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var fulfilled = (value) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
var rejected = (value) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
var step = (x) => x.done ? resolve(x.value) : Promise.resolve(x.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next());
// vue-ns:vue
var require_vue = __commonJS({
"vue-ns:vue"(exports, module) {
module.exports = Vue;
// D:/WebstormProjects/oa-base/unpackage/dist/dev/.nvue/pages/index/index.js
var import_vue = __toESM(require_vue());
function formatAppLog(type, filename, ...args) {
if (uni.__log__) {
uni.__log__(type, filename, ...args);
} else {
console[type].apply(console, [...args, filename]);
var env = "dev";
var configs = {
dev: {
apiBaseUrl: "https://warehouse.szjixun.cn/oa_backend",
h5Url: ""
test: {
apiBaseUrl: "https://warehouse.szjixun.cn/oa_backend",
h5Url: ""
prod: {
apiBaseUrl: "https://oa.szjixun.cn/api",
h5Url: "https://oa.szjixun.cn/#/"
var config = configs[env];
var sendWebWiew = (refValue, paramValue, callName = "onReceive") => {
if (!refValue) {
formatAppLog("error", "at utils/communicate/index.js:3", "evalJs: The reference to the webview is not provided or is null.");
if (typeof refValue.evalJs !== "function") {
formatAppLog("error", "at utils/communicate/index.js:8", "evalJs: The evalJs method is not available on the provided reference.");
try {
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(paramValue);
const jsCode = `window.${callName}(${jsonString})`;
} catch (error) {
formatAppLog("error", "at utils/communicate/index.js:18", "evalJs: An error occurred while trying to stringify the parameter value or while invoking evalJs.", error);
var receiveWebView = (e) => {
return e.detail.data[0];
var _style_0 = { "content": { "": { "display": "flex", "flex": 1 } } };
var _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
for (const [key, val] of props) {
target[key] = val;
return target;
var _sfc_main = {
__name: "index",
setup(__props) {
const webViewRef = (0, import_vue.ref)(null);
const systemInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
const webLoad = (e) => {
const m = receiveWebView(e);
switch (m.action) {
case "load-complete": {
const systemInfo2 = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
type: "gcj02",
geocode: false,
isHighAccuracy: false,
success: (res) => __async(this, null, function* () {
sendWebWiew(webViewRef.value, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, res), { systemInfo: systemInfo2 }));
fail: (e2) => {
formatAppLog("log", "at pages/index/index.nvue:38", e2);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return (0, import_vue.openBlock)(), (0, import_vue.createElementBlock)("scroll-view", {
scrollY: true,
showScrollbar: true,
enableBackToTop: true,
bubble: "true",
style: { flexDirection: "column" }
}, [
(0, import_vue.createElementVNode)("div", { class: "content" }, [
(0, import_vue.createElementVNode)("u-web-view", {
class: "webview",
"on:onPostMessage": webLoad,
style: (0, import_vue.normalizeStyle)({ height: `${(0, import_vue.unref)(systemInfo).windowHeight}px`, width: `${(0, import_vue.unref)(systemInfo).windowWidth}` }),
ref_key: "webViewRef",
ref: webViewRef,
src: (0, import_vue.unref)(config).h5Url
}, null, 44, ["src"])
var index = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["styles", [_style_0]], ["__file", "D:/WebstormProjects/oa-base/pages/index/index.nvue"]]);
// <stdin>
var webview = plus.webview.currentWebview();
if (webview) {
const __pageId = parseInt(webview.id);
const __pagePath = "pages/index/index";
let __pageQuery = {};
try {
__pageQuery = JSON.parse(webview.__query__);
} catch (e) {
index.mpType = "page";
const app = Vue.createPageApp(index, { $store: getApp({ allowDefault: true }).$store, __pageId, __pagePath, __pageQuery });
app.provide("__globalStyles", Vue.useCssStyles([...__uniConfig.styles, ...index.styles || []]));

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long