diff --git a/config/index.js b/config/index.js index c0ba6df..ae5879e 100644 --- a/config/index.js +++ b/config/index.js @@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ const env = 'dev'; const configs = { dev: { apiBaseUrl: 'https://warehouse.szjixun.cn/oa_backend', - h5Url:'' + h5Url:'' }, test: { apiBaseUrl: 'https://warehouse.szjixun.cn/oa_backend', h5Url:'' }, prod: { - apiBaseUrl: 'https://oa.szjixun.cn/api', - h5Url:'https://oa.szjixun.cn/#/' + apiBaseUrl: 'https://oa-a.szjixun.cn/api', + h5Url:'https://oa-a.szjixun.cn/#/' }, }; diff --git a/pages/index/index.nvue b/pages/index/index.nvue index 400c45c..d28216c 100644 --- a/pages/index/index.nvue +++ b/pages/index/index.nvue @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import {sendWebWiew,receiveWebView} from "@/utils/communicate"; const webViewRef=ref(null) const systemInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync(); // #ifdef APP-ANDROID -const permissionListener = uni.createRequestPermissionListener(); +/*const permissionListener = uni.createRequestPermissionListener(); permissionListener.onRequest((e)=>{ }) permissionListener.onConfirm((e) => { @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ permissionListener.onConfirm((e) => { }); permissionListener.onComplete((e) => { sendWebWiew(webViewRef.value,{auth:e,open:false}) -}); +});*/ // #endif const webLoad=(e)=>{ const m=receiveWebView(e) diff --git a/unpackage/dist/dev/.nvue/pages/index/index.js b/unpackage/dist/dev/.nvue/pages/index/index.js index 315f7cd..0d7dee4 100644 --- a/unpackage/dist/dev/.nvue/pages/index/index.js +++ b/unpackage/dist/dev/.nvue/pages/index/index.js @@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ const env = "dev"; const configs = { dev: { apiBaseUrl: "https://warehouse.szjixun.cn/oa_backend", - h5Url: "" + h5Url: "" }, test: { apiBaseUrl: "https://warehouse.szjixun.cn/oa_backend", h5Url: "" }, prod: { - apiBaseUrl: "https://oa.szjixun.cn/api", - h5Url: "https://oa.szjixun.cn/#/" + apiBaseUrl: "https://oa-a.szjixun.cn/api", + h5Url: "https://oa-a.szjixun.cn/#/" } }; const config = configs[env]; diff --git a/unpackage/dist/dev/app-plus/__uniappautomator.js b/unpackage/dist/dev/app-plus/__uniappautomator.js index 81157f7..2471e2e 100644 --- a/unpackage/dist/dev/app-plus/__uniappautomator.js +++ b/unpackage/dist/dev/app-plus/__uniappautomator.js @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +var n; /*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. @@ -12,4 +13,4 @@ LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ -function __spreadArrays(){for(var s=0,i=0,il=arguments.length;i]*>)(]*>[^<]*<\/span>)(.*?<\/uni-text>)/g,"$1$3").replace(/<\/?[^>]*>/g,(function(replacement){return-1":""===replacement?"":0!==replacement.indexOf("n;n++)r(e,e._deferreds[n]);e._deferreds=null}function c(e,n){var t=!1;try{e((function(e){t||(t=!0,i(n,e))}),(function(e){t||(t=!0,f(n,e))}))}catch(o){if(t)return;t=!0,f(n,o)}}var a=setTimeout;o.prototype.catch=function(e){return this.then(null,e)},o.prototype.then=function(e,n){var o=new this.constructor(t);return r(this,new function(e,n,t){this.onFulfilled="function"==typeof e?e:null,this.onRejected="function"==typeof n?n:null,this.promise=t}(e,n,o)),o},o.prototype.finally=e,o.all=function(e){return new o((function(t,o){function r(e,n){try{if(n&&("object"==typeof n||"function"==typeof n)){var u=n.then;if("function"==typeof u)return void u.call(n,(function(n){r(e,n)}),o)}i[e]=n,0==--f&&t(i)}catch(c){o(c)}}if(!n(e))return o(new TypeError("Promise.all accepts an array"));var i=Array.prototype.slice.call(e);if(0===i.length)return t([]);for(var f=i.length,u=0;i.length>u;u++)r(u,i[u])}))},o.resolve=function(e){return e&&"object"==typeof e&&e.constructor===o?e:new o((function(n){n(e)}))},o.reject=function(e){return new o((function(n,t){t(e)}))},o.race=function(e){return new o((function(t,r){if(!n(e))return r(new TypeError("Promise.race accepts an array"));for(var i=0,f=e.length;f>i;i++)o.resolve(e[i]).then(t,r)}))},o._immediateFn="function"==typeof setImmediate&&function(e){setImmediate(e)}||function(e){a(e,0)},o._unhandledRejectionFn=function(e){void 0!==console&&console&&console.warn("Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection:",e)};var l=function(){if("undefined"!=typeof self)return self;if("undefined"!=typeof window)return window;if("undefined"!=typeof global)return global;throw Error("unable to locate global object")}();"Promise"in l?l.Promise.prototype.finally||(l.Promise.prototype.finally=e):l.Promise=o},"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?n():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(n):n();var getRandomValues="undefined"!=typeof crypto&&crypto.getRandomValues&&crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto)||"undefined"!=typeof msCrypto&&"function"==typeof msCrypto.getRandomValues&&msCrypto.getRandomValues.bind(msCrypto),rnds8=new Uint8Array(16);function rng(){if(!getRandomValues)throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#getrandomvalues-not-supported");return getRandomValues(rnds8)}for(var byteToHex=[],i=0;i<256;++i)byteToHex[i]=(i+256).toString(16).substr(1);function v4(options,buf,offset){var i=buf&&offset||0;"string"==typeof options&&(buf="binary"===options?new Array(16):null,options=null);var rnds=(options=options||{}).random||(options.rng||rng)();if(rnds[6]=15&rnds[6]|64,rnds[8]=63&rnds[8]|128,buf)for(var ii=0;ii<16;++ii)buf[i+ii]=rnds[ii];return buf||function(buf,offset){var i=offset||0,bth=byteToHex;return[bth[buf[i++]],bth[buf[i++]],bth[buf[i++]],bth[buf[i++]],"-",bth[buf[i++]],bth[buf[i++]],"-",bth[buf[i++]],bth[buf[i++]],"-",bth[buf[i++]],bth[buf[i++]],"-",bth[buf[i++]],bth[buf[i++]],bth[buf[i++]],bth[buf[i++]],bth[buf[i++]],bth[buf[i++]]].join("")}(rnds)}var hasOwnProperty=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,isArray=Array.isArray,PATH_RE=/[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g;function 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navigationBarBackgroundColor: "#F8F8F8", + backgroundColor: "#F8F8F8" + }; + const uniIdRouter = {}; + const e = { + pages, + globalStyle, + uniIdRouter + }; + var define_process_env_UNI_SECURE_NETWORK_CONFIG_default = []; + function t(e2) { + return e2 && e2.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e2, "default") ? e2.default : e2; + } + function n(e2, t2, n2) { + return e2(n2 = { path: t2, exports: {}, require: function(e3, t3) { + return function() { + throw new Error("Dynamic requires are not currently supported by @rollup/plugin-commonjs"); + }(null == t3 && n2.path); + } }, n2.exports), n2.exports; + } + var s = n(function(e2, t2) { + var n2; + e2.exports = (n2 = n2 || function(e3, t3) { + var n3 = Object.create || /* @__PURE__ */ function() { + function e4() { + } + return function(t4) { + var n4; + return e4.prototype = t4, n4 = new e4(), e4.prototype = null, n4; + }; + }(), s2 = {}, r2 = s2.lib = {}, i2 = r2.Base = { extend: function(e4) { + var t4 = n3(this); + return e4 && t4.mixIn(e4), t4.hasOwnProperty("init") && this.init !== t4.init || (t4.init = function() { + t4.$super.init.apply(this, arguments); + }), t4.init.prototype = t4, t4.$super = this, t4; + }, create: function() { + var e4 = this.extend(); + return e4.init.apply(e4, arguments), e4; + }, init: function() { + }, mixIn: function(e4) { + for (var t4 in e4) + e4.hasOwnProperty(t4) && (this[t4] = e4[t4]); + e4.hasOwnProperty("toString") && (this.toString = e4.toString); + }, clone: function() { + return this.init.prototype.extend(this); + } }, o2 = r2.WordArray = i2.extend({ init: function(e4, n4) { + e4 = this.words = e4 || [], this.sigBytes = n4 != t3 ? n4 : 4 * e4.length; + }, toString: function(e4) { + return (e4 || c2).stringify(this); + }, concat: function(e4) { + var t4 = this.words, n4 = e4.words, s3 = this.sigBytes, r3 = e4.sigBytes; + if (this.clamp(), s3 % 4) + for (var i3 = 0; i3 < r3; i3++) { + var o3 = n4[i3 >>> 2] >>> 24 - i3 % 4 * 8 & 255; + t4[s3 + i3 >>> 2] |= o3 << 24 - (s3 + i3) % 4 * 8; + } + else + for (i3 = 0; i3 < r3; i3 += 4) + t4[s3 + i3 >>> 2] = n4[i3 >>> 2]; + return this.sigBytes += r3, this; + }, clamp: function() { + var t4 = this.words, n4 = this.sigBytes; + t4[n4 >>> 2] &= 4294967295 << 32 - n4 % 4 * 8, t4.length = e3.ceil(n4 / 4); + }, clone: function() { + var e4 = i2.clone.call(this); + return e4.words = this.words.slice(0), e4; + }, random: function(t4) { + for (var n4, s3 = [], r3 = function(t5) { + t5 = t5; + var n5 = 987654321, s4 = 4294967295; + return function() { + var r4 = ((n5 = 36969 * (65535 & n5) + (n5 >> 16) & s4) << 16) + (t5 = 18e3 * (65535 & t5) + (t5 >> 16) & s4) & s4; + return r4 /= 4294967296, (r4 += 0.5) * (e3.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1); + }; + }, i3 = 0; i3 < t4; i3 += 4) { + var a3 = r3(4294967296 * (n4 || e3.random())); + n4 = 987654071 * a3(), s3.push(4294967296 * a3() | 0); + } + return new o2.init(s3, t4); + } }), a2 = s2.enc = {}, c2 = a2.Hex = { stringify: function(e4) { + for (var t4 = e4.words, n4 = e4.sigBytes, s3 = [], r3 = 0; r3 < n4; r3++) { + var i3 = t4[r3 >>> 2] >>> 24 - r3 % 4 * 8 & 255; + s3.push((i3 >>> 4).toString(16)), s3.push((15 & i3).toString(16)); + } + return s3.join(""); + }, parse: function(e4) { + for (var t4 = e4.length, n4 = [], s3 = 0; s3 < t4; s3 += 2) + n4[s3 >>> 3] |= parseInt(e4.substr(s3, 2), 16) << 24 - s3 % 8 * 4; + return new o2.init(n4, t4 / 2); + } }, u2 = a2.Latin1 = { stringify: function(e4) { + for (var t4 = e4.words, n4 = e4.sigBytes, s3 = [], r3 = 0; r3 < n4; r3++) { + var i3 = t4[r3 >>> 2] >>> 24 - r3 % 4 * 8 & 255; + s3.push(String.fromCharCode(i3)); + } + return s3.join(""); + }, parse: function(e4) { + for (var t4 = e4.length, n4 = [], s3 = 0; s3 < t4; s3++) + n4[s3 >>> 2] |= (255 & e4.charCodeAt(s3)) << 24 - s3 % 4 * 8; + return new o2.init(n4, t4); + } }, h2 = a2.Utf8 = { stringify: function(e4) { + try { + return decodeURIComponent(escape(u2.stringify(e4))); + } catch (e5) { + throw new Error("Malformed UTF-8 data"); + } + }, parse: function(e4) { + return u2.parse(unescape(encodeURIComponent(e4))); + } }, l2 = r2.BufferedBlockAlgorithm = i2.extend({ reset: function() { + this._data = new o2.init(), this._nDataBytes = 0; + }, _append: function(e4) { + "string" == typeof e4 && (e4 = h2.parse(e4)), this._data.concat(e4), this._nDataBytes += e4.sigBytes; + }, _process: function(t4) { + var n4 = this._data, s3 = n4.words, r3 = n4.sigBytes, i3 = this.blockSize, a3 = r3 / (4 * i3), c3 = (a3 = t4 ? e3.ceil(a3) : e3.max((0 | a3) - this._minBufferSize, 0)) * i3, u3 = e3.min(4 * c3, r3); + if (c3) { + for (var h3 = 0; h3 < c3; h3 += i3) + this._doProcessBlock(s3, h3); + var l3 = s3.splice(0, c3); + n4.sigBytes -= u3; + } + return new o2.init(l3, u3); + }, clone: function() { + var e4 = i2.clone.call(this); + return e4._data = this._data.clone(), e4; + }, _minBufferSize: 0 }); + r2.Hasher = l2.extend({ cfg: i2.extend(), init: function(e4) { + this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(e4), this.reset(); + }, reset: function() { + l2.reset.call(this), this._doReset(); + }, update: function(e4) { + return this._append(e4), this._process(), this; + }, finalize: function(e4) { + return e4 && this._append(e4), this._doFinalize(); + }, blockSize: 16, _createHelper: function(e4) { + return function(t4, n4) { + return new e4.init(n4).finalize(t4); + }; + }, _createHmacHelper: function(e4) { + return function(t4, n4) { + return new d2.HMAC.init(e4, n4).finalize(t4); + }; + } }); + var d2 = s2.algo = {}; + return s2; + }(Math), n2); + }), r = s, i = (n(function(e2, t2) { + var n2; + e2.exports = (n2 = r, function(e3) { + var t3 = n2, s2 = t3.lib, r2 = s2.WordArray, i2 = s2.Hasher, o2 = t3.algo, a2 = []; + !function() { + for (var t4 = 0; t4 < 64; t4++) + a2[t4] = 4294967296 * e3.abs(e3.sin(t4 + 1)) | 0; + }(); + var c2 = o2.MD5 = i2.extend({ _doReset: function() { + this._hash = new r2.init([1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878]); + }, _doProcessBlock: function(e4, t4) { + for (var n3 = 0; n3 < 16; n3++) { + var s3 = t4 + n3, r3 = e4[s3]; + e4[s3] = 16711935 & (r3 << 8 | r3 >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (r3 << 24 | r3 >>> 8); + } + var i3 = this._hash.words, o3 = e4[t4 + 0], c3 = e4[t4 + 1], p2 = e4[t4 + 2], f2 = e4[t4 + 3], g2 = e4[t4 + 4], m2 = e4[t4 + 5], y2 = e4[t4 + 6], _2 = e4[t4 + 7], w2 = e4[t4 + 8], v2 = e4[t4 + 9], I2 = e4[t4 + 10], S2 = e4[t4 + 11], b2 = e4[t4 + 12], k2 = e4[t4 + 13], A2 = e4[t4 + 14], P2 = e4[t4 + 15], T2 = i3[0], C2 = i3[1], x2 = i3[2], O2 = i3[3]; + T2 = u2(T2, C2, x2, O2, o3, 7, a2[0]), O2 = u2(O2, T2, C2, x2, c3, 12, a2[1]), x2 = u2(x2, O2, T2, C2, p2, 17, a2[2]), C2 = u2(C2, x2, O2, T2, f2, 22, a2[3]), T2 = u2(T2, C2, x2, O2, g2, 7, a2[4]), O2 = u2(O2, T2, C2, x2, m2, 12, a2[5]), x2 = u2(x2, O2, T2, C2, y2, 17, a2[6]), C2 = u2(C2, x2, O2, T2, _2, 22, a2[7]), T2 = u2(T2, C2, x2, O2, w2, 7, a2[8]), O2 = u2(O2, T2, C2, x2, v2, 12, a2[9]), x2 = u2(x2, O2, T2, C2, I2, 17, a2[10]), C2 = u2(C2, x2, O2, T2, S2, 22, a2[11]), T2 = u2(T2, C2, x2, O2, b2, 7, a2[12]), O2 = u2(O2, T2, C2, x2, k2, 12, a2[13]), x2 = u2(x2, O2, T2, C2, A2, 17, a2[14]), T2 = h2(T2, C2 = u2(C2, x2, O2, T2, P2, 22, a2[15]), x2, O2, c3, 5, a2[16]), O2 = h2(O2, T2, C2, x2, y2, 9, a2[17]), x2 = h2(x2, O2, T2, C2, S2, 14, a2[18]), C2 = h2(C2, x2, O2, T2, o3, 20, a2[19]), T2 = h2(T2, C2, x2, O2, m2, 5, a2[20]), O2 = h2(O2, T2, C2, x2, I2, 9, a2[21]), x2 = h2(x2, O2, T2, C2, P2, 14, a2[22]), C2 = h2(C2, x2, O2, T2, g2, 20, a2[23]), T2 = h2(T2, C2, x2, O2, v2, 5, a2[24]), O2 = h2(O2, T2, C2, x2, A2, 9, a2[25]), x2 = h2(x2, O2, T2, C2, f2, 14, a2[26]), C2 = h2(C2, x2, O2, T2, w2, 20, a2[27]), T2 = h2(T2, C2, x2, O2, k2, 5, a2[28]), O2 = h2(O2, T2, C2, x2, p2, 9, a2[29]), x2 = h2(x2, O2, T2, C2, _2, 14, a2[30]), T2 = l2(T2, C2 = h2(C2, x2, O2, T2, b2, 20, a2[31]), x2, O2, m2, 4, a2[32]), O2 = l2(O2, T2, C2, x2, w2, 11, a2[33]), x2 = l2(x2, O2, T2, C2, S2, 16, a2[34]), C2 = l2(C2, x2, O2, T2, A2, 23, a2[35]), T2 = l2(T2, C2, x2, O2, c3, 4, a2[36]), O2 = l2(O2, T2, C2, x2, g2, 11, a2[37]), x2 = l2(x2, O2, T2, C2, _2, 16, a2[38]), C2 = l2(C2, x2, O2, T2, I2, 23, a2[39]), T2 = l2(T2, C2, x2, O2, k2, 4, a2[40]), O2 = l2(O2, T2, C2, x2, o3, 11, a2[41]), x2 = l2(x2, O2, T2, C2, f2, 16, a2[42]), C2 = l2(C2, x2, O2, T2, y2, 23, a2[43]), T2 = l2(T2, C2, x2, O2, v2, 4, a2[44]), O2 = l2(O2, T2, C2, x2, b2, 11, a2[45]), x2 = l2(x2, O2, T2, C2, P2, 16, a2[46]), T2 = d2(T2, C2 = l2(C2, x2, O2, T2, p2, 23, a2[47]), x2, O2, o3, 6, a2[48]), O2 = d2(O2, T2, C2, x2, _2, 10, a2[49]), x2 = d2(x2, O2, T2, C2, A2, 15, a2[50]), C2 = d2(C2, x2, O2, T2, m2, 21, a2[51]), T2 = d2(T2, C2, x2, O2, b2, 6, a2[52]), O2 = d2(O2, T2, C2, x2, f2, 10, a2[53]), x2 = d2(x2, O2, T2, C2, I2, 15, a2[54]), C2 = d2(C2, x2, O2, T2, c3, 21, a2[55]), T2 = d2(T2, C2, x2, O2, w2, 6, a2[56]), O2 = d2(O2, T2, C2, x2, P2, 10, a2[57]), x2 = d2(x2, O2, T2, C2, y2, 15, a2[58]), C2 = d2(C2, x2, O2, T2, k2, 21, a2[59]), T2 = d2(T2, C2, x2, O2, g2, 6, a2[60]), O2 = d2(O2, T2, C2, x2, S2, 10, a2[61]), x2 = d2(x2, O2, T2, C2, p2, 15, a2[62]), C2 = d2(C2, x2, O2, T2, v2, 21, a2[63]), i3[0] = i3[0] + T2 | 0, i3[1] = i3[1] + C2 | 0, i3[2] = i3[2] + x2 | 0, i3[3] = i3[3] + O2 | 0; + }, _doFinalize: function() { + var t4 = this._data, n3 = t4.words, s3 = 8 * this._nDataBytes, r3 = 8 * t4.sigBytes; + n3[r3 >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - r3 % 32; + var i3 = e3.floor(s3 / 4294967296), o3 = s3; + n3[15 + (r3 + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = 16711935 & (i3 << 8 | i3 >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (i3 << 24 | i3 >>> 8), n3[14 + (r3 + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = 16711935 & (o3 << 8 | o3 >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (o3 << 24 | o3 >>> 8), t4.sigBytes = 4 * (n3.length + 1), this._process(); + for (var a3 = this._hash, c3 = a3.words, u3 = 0; u3 < 4; u3++) { + var h3 = c3[u3]; + c3[u3] = 16711935 & (h3 << 8 | h3 >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (h3 << 24 | h3 >>> 8); + } + return a3; + }, clone: function() { + var e4 = i2.clone.call(this); + return e4._hash = this._hash.clone(), e4; + } }); + function u2(e4, t4, n3, s3, r3, i3, o3) { + var a3 = e4 + (t4 & n3 | ~t4 & s3) + r3 + o3; + return (a3 << i3 | a3 >>> 32 - i3) + t4; + } + function h2(e4, t4, n3, s3, r3, i3, o3) { + var a3 = e4 + (t4 & s3 | n3 & ~s3) + r3 + o3; + return (a3 << i3 | a3 >>> 32 - i3) + t4; + } + function l2(e4, t4, n3, s3, r3, i3, o3) { + var a3 = e4 + (t4 ^ n3 ^ s3) + r3 + o3; + return (a3 << i3 | a3 >>> 32 - i3) + t4; + } + function d2(e4, t4, n3, s3, r3, i3, o3) { + var a3 = e4 + (n3 ^ (t4 | ~s3)) + r3 + o3; + return (a3 << i3 | a3 >>> 32 - i3) + t4; + } + t3.MD5 = i2._createHelper(c2), t3.HmacMD5 = i2._createHmacHelper(c2); + }(Math), n2.MD5); + }), n(function(e2, t2) { + var n2; + e2.exports = (n2 = r, void function() { + var e3 = n2, t3 = e3.lib.Base, s2 = e3.enc.Utf8; + e3.algo.HMAC = t3.extend({ init: function(e4, t4) { + e4 = this._hasher = new e4.init(), "string" == typeof t4 && (t4 = s2.parse(t4)); + var n3 = e4.blockSize, r2 = 4 * n3; + t4.sigBytes > r2 && (t4 = e4.finalize(t4)), t4.clamp(); + for (var i2 = this._oKey = t4.clone(), o2 = this._iKey = t4.clone(), a2 = i2.words, c2 = o2.words, u2 = 0; u2 < n3; u2++) + a2[u2] ^= 1549556828, c2[u2] ^= 909522486; + i2.sigBytes = o2.sigBytes = r2, this.reset(); + }, reset: function() { + var e4 = this._hasher; + e4.reset(), e4.update(this._iKey); + }, update: function(e4) { + return this._hasher.update(e4), this; + }, finalize: function(e4) { + var t4 = this._hasher, n3 = t4.finalize(e4); + return t4.reset(), t4.finalize(this._oKey.clone().concat(n3)); + } }); + }()); + }), n(function(e2, t2) { + e2.exports = r.HmacMD5; + })), o = n(function(e2, t2) { + e2.exports = r.enc.Utf8; + }), a = n(function(e2, t2) { + var n2; + e2.exports = (n2 = r, function() { + var e3 = n2, t3 = e3.lib.WordArray; + function s2(e4, n3, s3) { + for (var r2 = [], i2 = 0, o2 = 0; o2 < n3; o2++) + if (o2 % 4) { + var a2 = s3[e4.charCodeAt(o2 - 1)] << o2 % 4 * 2, c2 = s3[e4.charCodeAt(o2)] >>> 6 - o2 % 4 * 2; + r2[i2 >>> 2] |= (a2 | c2) << 24 - i2 % 4 * 8, i2++; + } + return t3.create(r2, i2); + } + e3.enc.Base64 = { stringify: function(e4) { + var t4 = e4.words, n3 = e4.sigBytes, s3 = this._map; + e4.clamp(); + for (var r2 = [], i2 = 0; i2 < n3; i2 += 3) + for (var o2 = (t4[i2 >>> 2] >>> 24 - i2 % 4 * 8 & 255) << 16 | (t4[i2 + 1 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (i2 + 1) % 4 * 8 & 255) << 8 | t4[i2 + 2 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (i2 + 2) % 4 * 8 & 255, a2 = 0; a2 < 4 && i2 + 0.75 * a2 < n3; a2++) + r2.push(s3.charAt(o2 >>> 6 * (3 - a2) & 63)); + var c2 = s3.charAt(64); + if (c2) + for (; r2.length % 4; ) + r2.push(c2); + return r2.join(""); + }, parse: function(e4) { + var t4 = e4.length, n3 = this._map, r2 = this._reverseMap; + if (!r2) { + r2 = this._reverseMap = []; + for (var i2 = 0; i2 < n3.length; i2++) + r2[n3.charCodeAt(i2)] = i2; + } + var o2 = n3.charAt(64); + if (o2) { + var a2 = e4.indexOf(o2); + -1 !== a2 && (t4 = a2); + } + return s2(e4, t4, r2); + }, _map: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" }; + }(), n2.enc.Base64); + }); + const c = "FUNCTION", u = "OBJECT", h = "CLIENT_DB", l = "pending", d = "fulfilled", p = "rejected"; + function f(e2) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(e2).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase(); + } + function g(e2) { + return "object" === f(e2); + } + function m(e2) { + return "function" == typeof e2; + } + function y(e2) { + return function() { + try { + return e2.apply(e2, arguments); + } catch (e3) { + console.error(e3); + } + }; + } + const _ = "REJECTED", w = "NOT_PENDING"; + class v { + constructor({ createPromise: e2, retryRule: t2 = _ } = {}) { + this.createPromise = e2, this.status = null, this.promise = null, this.retryRule = t2; + } + get needRetry() { + if (!this.status) + return true; + switch (this.retryRule) { + case _: + return this.status === p; + case w: + return this.status !== l; + } + } + exec() { + return this.needRetry ? (this.status = l, this.promise = this.createPromise().then((e2) => (this.status = d, Promise.resolve(e2)), (e2) => (this.status = p, Promise.reject(e2))), this.promise) : this.promise; + } + } + function I(e2) { + return e2 && "string" == typeof e2 ? JSON.parse(e2) : e2; + } + const S = true, b = "app", A = I(define_process_env_UNI_SECURE_NETWORK_CONFIG_default), P = b, T = I('{\n "address": [\n "",\n "",\n ""\n ],\n "debugPort": 9000,\n "initialLaunchType": "local",\n "servePort": 7000,\n "skipFiles": [\n "/**",\n "C:/Users/37363/Downloads/HBuilderX.4.08.2024040127/HBuilderX/plugins/unicloud/**/*.js"\n ]\n}\n'), C = I('[{"provider":"aliyun","spaceName":"oabase","spaceId":"mp-edf38b0d-bc9a-4e81-9a15-f55995ccca70","clientSecret":"ty1X79FB2pMuAQUzaQBKXA==","endpoint":"https://api.next.bspapp.com"}]') || []; + let O = ""; + try { + O = "__UNI__70C49A3"; + } catch (e2) { + } + let E = {}; + function L(e2, t2 = {}) { + var n2, s2; + return n2 = E, s2 = e2, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n2, s2) || (E[e2] = t2), E[e2]; + } + E = uni._globalUniCloudObj ? uni._globalUniCloudObj : uni._globalUniCloudObj = {}; + const R = ["invoke", "success", "fail", "complete"], U = L("_globalUniCloudInterceptor"); + function N(e2, t2) { + U[e2] || (U[e2] = {}), g(t2) && Object.keys(t2).forEach((n2) => { + R.indexOf(n2) > -1 && function(e3, t3, n3) { + let s2 = U[e3][t3]; + s2 || (s2 = U[e3][t3] = []), -1 === s2.indexOf(n3) && m(n3) && s2.push(n3); + }(e2, n2, t2[n2]); + }); + } + function D(e2, t2) { + U[e2] || (U[e2] = {}), g(t2) ? Object.keys(t2).forEach((n2) => { + R.indexOf(n2) > -1 && function(e3, t3, n3) { + const s2 = U[e3][t3]; + if (!s2) + return; + const r2 = s2.indexOf(n3); + r2 > -1 && s2.splice(r2, 1); + }(e2, n2, t2[n2]); + }) : delete U[e2]; + } + function M(e2, t2) { + return e2 && 0 !== e2.length ? e2.reduce((e3, n2) => e3.then(() => n2(t2)), Promise.resolve()) : Promise.resolve(); + } + function q(e2, t2) { + return U[e2] && U[e2][t2] || []; + } + function F(e2) { + N("callObject", e2); + } + const K = L("_globalUniCloudListener"), j = "response", $ = "needLogin", B = "refreshToken", W = "clientdb", H = "cloudfunction", z = "cloudobject"; + function J(e2) { + return K[e2] || (K[e2] = []), K[e2]; + } + function G(e2, t2) { + const n2 = J(e2); + n2.includes(t2) || n2.push(t2); + } + function V(e2, t2) { + const n2 = J(e2), s2 = n2.indexOf(t2); + -1 !== s2 && n2.splice(s2, 1); + } + function Y(e2, t2) { + const n2 = J(e2); + for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2.length; e3++) { + (0, n2[e3])(t2); + } + } + let Q, X = false; + function Z() { + return Q || (Q = new Promise((e2) => { + X && e2(), function t2() { + if ("function" == typeof getCurrentPages) { + const t3 = getCurrentPages(); + t3 && t3[0] && (X = true, e2()); + } + X || setTimeout(() => { + t2(); + }, 30); + }(); + }), Q); + } + function ee(e2) { + const t2 = {}; + for (const n2 in e2) { + const s2 = e2[n2]; + m(s2) && (t2[n2] = y(s2)); + } + return t2; + } + class te extends Error { + constructor(e2) { + super(e2.message), this.errMsg = e2.message || e2.errMsg || "unknown system error", this.code = this.errCode = e2.code || e2.errCode || "SYSTEM_ERROR", this.errSubject = this.subject = e2.subject || e2.errSubject, this.cause = e2.cause, this.requestId = e2.requestId; + } + toJson(e2 = 0) { + if (!(e2 >= 10)) + return e2++, { errCode: this.errCode, errMsg: this.errMsg, errSubject: this.errSubject, cause: this.cause && this.cause.toJson ? this.cause.toJson(e2) : this.cause }; + } + } + var ne = { request: (e2) => uni.request(e2), uploadFile: (e2) => uni.uploadFile(e2), setStorageSync: (e2, t2) => uni.setStorageSync(e2, t2), getStorageSync: (e2) => uni.getStorageSync(e2), removeStorageSync: (e2) => uni.removeStorageSync(e2), clearStorageSync: () => uni.clearStorageSync() }; + function se(e2) { + return e2 && se(e2.__v_raw) || e2; + } + function re() { + return { token: ne.getStorageSync("uni_id_token") || ne.getStorageSync("uniIdToken"), tokenExpired: ne.getStorageSync("uni_id_token_expired") }; + } + function ie({ token: e2, tokenExpired: t2 } = {}) { + e2 && ne.setStorageSync("uni_id_token", e2), t2 && ne.setStorageSync("uni_id_token_expired", t2); + } + let oe, ae; + function ce() { + return oe || (oe = uni.getSystemInfoSync()), oe; + } + function ue() { + let e2, t2; + try { + if (uni.getLaunchOptionsSync) { + if (uni.getLaunchOptionsSync.toString().indexOf("not yet implemented") > -1) + return; + const { scene: n2, channel: s2 } = uni.getLaunchOptionsSync(); + e2 = s2, t2 = n2; + } + } catch (e3) { + } + return { channel: e2, scene: t2 }; + } + function he() { + const e2 = uni.getLocale && uni.getLocale() || "en"; + if (ae) + return { ...ae, locale: e2, LOCALE: e2 }; + const t2 = ce(), { deviceId: n2, osName: s2, uniPlatform: r2, appId: i2 } = t2, o2 = ["pixelRatio", "brand", "model", "system", "language", "version", "platform", "host", "SDKVersion", "swanNativeVersion", "app", "AppPlatform", "fontSizeSetting"]; + for (let e3 = 0; e3 < o2.length; e3++) { + delete t2[o2[e3]]; + } + return ae = { PLATFORM: r2, OS: s2, APPID: i2, DEVICEID: n2, ...ue(), ...t2 }, { ...ae, locale: e2, LOCALE: e2 }; + } + var le = { sign: function(e2, t2) { + let n2 = ""; + return Object.keys(e2).sort().forEach(function(t3) { + e2[t3] && (n2 = n2 + "&" + t3 + "=" + e2[t3]); + }), n2 = n2.slice(1), i(n2, t2).toString(); + }, wrappedRequest: function(e2, t2) { + return new Promise((n2, s2) => { + t2(Object.assign(e2, { complete(e3) { + e3 || (e3 = {}); + const t3 = e3.data && e3.data.header && e3.data.header["x-serverless-request-id"] || e3.header && e3.header["request-id"]; + if (!e3.statusCode || e3.statusCode >= 400) { + const n3 = e3.data && e3.data.error && e3.data.error.code || "SYS_ERR", r3 = e3.data && e3.data.error && e3.data.error.message || e3.errMsg || "request:fail"; + return s2(new te({ code: n3, message: r3, requestId: t3 })); + } + const r2 = e3.data; + if (r2.error) + return s2(new te({ code: r2.error.code, message: r2.error.message, requestId: t3 })); + r2.result = r2.data, r2.requestId = t3, delete r2.data, n2(r2); + } })); + }); + }, toBase64: function(e2) { + return a.stringify(o.parse(e2)); + } }; + var de = class { + constructor(e2) { + ["spaceId", "clientSecret"].forEach((t2) => { + if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e2, t2)) + throw new Error(`${t2} required`); + }), this.config = Object.assign({}, { endpoint: 0 === e2.spaceId.indexOf("mp-") ? "https://api.next.bspapp.com" : "https://api.bspapp.com" }, e2), this.config.provider = "aliyun", this.config.requestUrl = this.config.endpoint + "/client", this.config.envType = this.config.envType || "public", this.config.accessTokenKey = "access_token_" + this.config.spaceId, this.adapter = ne, this._getAccessTokenPromiseHub = new v({ createPromise: () => this.requestAuth(this.setupRequest({ method: "serverless.auth.user.anonymousAuthorize", params: "{}" }, "auth")).then((e3) => { + if (!e3.result || !e3.result.accessToken) + throw new te({ code: "AUTH_FAILED", message: "获取accessToken失败" }); + this.setAccessToken(e3.result.accessToken); + }), retryRule: w }); + } + get hasAccessToken() { + return !!this.accessToken; + } + setAccessToken(e2) { + this.accessToken = e2; + } + requestWrapped(e2) { + return le.wrappedRequest(e2, this.adapter.request); + } + requestAuth(e2) { + return this.requestWrapped(e2); + } + request(e2, t2) { + return Promise.resolve().then(() => this.hasAccessToken ? t2 ? this.requestWrapped(e2) : this.requestWrapped(e2).catch((t3) => new Promise((e3, n2) => { + !t3 || "GATEWAY_INVALID_TOKEN" !== t3.code && "InvalidParameter.InvalidToken" !== t3.code ? n2(t3) : e3(); + }).then(() => this.getAccessToken()).then(() => { + const t4 = this.rebuildRequest(e2); + return this.request(t4, true); + })) : this.getAccessToken().then(() => { + const t3 = this.rebuildRequest(e2); + return this.request(t3, true); + })); + } + rebuildRequest(e2) { + const t2 = Object.assign({}, e2); + return t2.data.token = this.accessToken, t2.header["x-basement-token"] = this.accessToken, t2.header["x-serverless-sign"] = le.sign(t2.data, this.config.clientSecret), t2; + } + setupRequest(e2, t2) { + const n2 = Object.assign({}, e2, { spaceId: this.config.spaceId, timestamp: Date.now() }), s2 = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; + return "auth" !== t2 && (n2.token = this.accessToken, s2["x-basement-token"] = this.accessToken), s2["x-serverless-sign"] = le.sign(n2, this.config.clientSecret), { url: this.config.requestUrl, method: "POST", data: n2, dataType: "json", header: s2 }; + } + getAccessToken() { + return this._getAccessTokenPromiseHub.exec(); + } + async authorize() { + await this.getAccessToken(); + } + callFunction(e2) { + const t2 = { method: "serverless.function.runtime.invoke", params: JSON.stringify({ functionTarget: e2.name, functionArgs: e2.data || {} }) }; + return this.request(this.setupRequest(t2)); + } + getOSSUploadOptionsFromPath(e2) { + const t2 = { method: "serverless.file.resource.generateProximalSign", params: JSON.stringify(e2) }; + return this.request(this.setupRequest(t2)); + } + uploadFileToOSS({ url: e2, formData: t2, name: n2, filePath: s2, fileType: r2, onUploadProgress: i2 }) { + return new Promise((o2, a2) => { + const c2 = this.adapter.uploadFile({ url: e2, formData: t2, name: n2, filePath: s2, fileType: r2, header: { "X-OSS-server-side-encrpytion": "AES256" }, success(e3) { + e3 && e3.statusCode < 400 ? o2(e3) : a2(new te({ code: "UPLOAD_FAILED", message: "文件上传失败" })); + }, fail(e3) { + a2(new te({ code: e3.code || "UPLOAD_FAILED", message: e3.message || e3.errMsg || "文件上传失败" })); + } }); + "function" == typeof i2 && c2 && "function" == typeof c2.onProgressUpdate && c2.onProgressUpdate((e3) => { + i2({ loaded: e3.totalBytesSent, total: e3.totalBytesExpectedToSend }); + }); + }); + } + reportOSSUpload(e2) { + const t2 = { method: "serverless.file.resource.report", params: JSON.stringify(e2) }; + return this.request(this.setupRequest(t2)); + } + async uploadFile({ filePath: e2, cloudPath: t2, fileType: n2 = "image", cloudPathAsRealPath: s2 = false, onUploadProgress: r2, config: i2 }) { + if ("string" !== f(t2)) + throw new te({ code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "cloudPath必须为字符串类型" }); + if (!(t2 = t2.trim())) + throw new te({ code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "cloudPath不可为空" }); + if (/:\/\//.test(t2)) + throw new te({ code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "cloudPath不合法" }); + const o2 = i2 && i2.envType || this.config.envType; + if (s2 && ("/" !== t2[0] && (t2 = "/" + t2), t2.indexOf("\\") > -1)) + throw new te({ code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "使用cloudPath作为路径时,cloudPath不可包含“\\”" }); + const a2 = (await this.getOSSUploadOptionsFromPath({ env: o2, filename: s2 ? t2.split("/").pop() : t2, fileId: s2 ? t2 : void 0 })).result, c2 = "https://" + a2.cdnDomain + "/" + a2.ossPath, { securityToken: u2, accessKeyId: h2, signature: l2, host: d2, ossPath: p2, id: g2, policy: m2, ossCallbackUrl: y2 } = a2, _2 = { "Cache-Control": "max-age=2592000", "Content-Disposition": "attachment", OSSAccessKeyId: h2, Signature: l2, host: d2, id: g2, key: p2, policy: m2, success_action_status: 200 }; + if (u2 && (_2["x-oss-security-token"] = u2), y2) { + const e3 = JSON.stringify({ callbackUrl: y2, callbackBody: JSON.stringify({ fileId: g2, spaceId: this.config.spaceId }), callbackBodyType: "application/json" }); + _2.callback = le.toBase64(e3); + } + const w2 = { url: "https://" + a2.host, formData: _2, fileName: "file", name: "file", filePath: e2, fileType: n2 }; + if (await this.uploadFileToOSS(Object.assign({}, w2, { onUploadProgress: r2 })), y2) + return { success: true, filePath: e2, fileID: c2 }; + if ((await this.reportOSSUpload({ id: g2 })).success) + return { success: true, filePath: e2, fileID: c2 }; + throw new te({ code: "UPLOAD_FAILED", message: "文件上传失败" }); + } + getTempFileURL({ fileList: e2 } = {}) { + return new Promise((t2, n2) => { + Array.isArray(e2) && 0 !== e2.length || n2(new te({ code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "fileList的元素必须是非空的字符串" })), t2({ fileList: e2.map((e3) => ({ fileID: e3, tempFileURL: e3 })) }); + }); + } + async getFileInfo({ fileList: e2 } = {}) { + if (!Array.isArray(e2) || 0 === e2.length) + throw new te({ code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "fileList的元素必须是非空的字符串" }); + const t2 = { method: "serverless.file.resource.info", params: JSON.stringify({ id: e2.map((e3) => e3.split("?")[0]).join(",") }) }; + return { fileList: (await this.request(this.setupRequest(t2))).result }; + } + }; + var pe = { init(e2) { + const t2 = new de(e2), n2 = { signInAnonymously: function() { + return t2.authorize(); + }, getLoginState: function() { + return Promise.resolve(false); + } }; + return t2.auth = function() { + return n2; + }, t2.customAuth = t2.auth, t2; + } }; + const fe = "undefined" != typeof location && "http:" === location.protocol ? "http:" : "https:"; + var ge; + !function(e2) { + e2.local = "local", e2.none = "none", e2.session = "session"; + }(ge || (ge = {})); + var me = function() { + }, ye = n(function(e2, t2) { + var n2; + e2.exports = (n2 = r, function(e3) { + var t3 = n2, s2 = t3.lib, r2 = s2.WordArray, i2 = s2.Hasher, o2 = t3.algo, a2 = [], c2 = []; + !function() { + function t4(t5) { + for (var n4 = e3.sqrt(t5), s4 = 2; s4 <= n4; s4++) + if (!(t5 % s4)) + return false; + return true; + } + function n3(e4) { + return 4294967296 * (e4 - (0 | e4)) | 0; + } + for (var s3 = 2, r3 = 0; r3 < 64; ) + t4(s3) && (r3 < 8 && (a2[r3] = n3(e3.pow(s3, 0.5))), c2[r3] = n3(e3.pow(s3, 1 / 3)), r3++), s3++; + }(); + var u2 = [], h2 = o2.SHA256 = i2.extend({ _doReset: function() { + this._hash = new r2.init(a2.slice(0)); + }, _doProcessBlock: function(e4, t4) { + for (var n3 = this._hash.words, s3 = n3[0], r3 = n3[1], i3 = n3[2], o3 = n3[3], a3 = n3[4], h3 = n3[5], l2 = n3[6], d2 = n3[7], p2 = 0; p2 < 64; p2++) { + if (p2 < 16) + u2[p2] = 0 | e4[t4 + p2]; + else { + var f2 = u2[p2 - 15], g2 = (f2 << 25 | f2 >>> 7) ^ (f2 << 14 | f2 >>> 18) ^ f2 >>> 3, m2 = u2[p2 - 2], y2 = (m2 << 15 | m2 >>> 17) ^ (m2 << 13 | m2 >>> 19) ^ m2 >>> 10; + u2[p2] = g2 + u2[p2 - 7] + y2 + u2[p2 - 16]; + } + var _2 = s3 & r3 ^ s3 & i3 ^ r3 & i3, w2 = (s3 << 30 | s3 >>> 2) ^ (s3 << 19 | s3 >>> 13) ^ (s3 << 10 | s3 >>> 22), v2 = d2 + ((a3 << 26 | a3 >>> 6) ^ (a3 << 21 | a3 >>> 11) ^ (a3 << 7 | a3 >>> 25)) + (a3 & h3 ^ ~a3 & l2) + c2[p2] + u2[p2]; + d2 = l2, l2 = h3, h3 = a3, a3 = o3 + v2 | 0, o3 = i3, i3 = r3, r3 = s3, s3 = v2 + (w2 + _2) | 0; + } + n3[0] = n3[0] + s3 | 0, n3[1] = n3[1] + r3 | 0, n3[2] = n3[2] + i3 | 0, n3[3] = n3[3] + o3 | 0, n3[4] = n3[4] + a3 | 0, n3[5] = n3[5] + h3 | 0, n3[6] = n3[6] + l2 | 0, n3[7] = n3[7] + d2 | 0; + }, _doFinalize: function() { + var t4 = this._data, n3 = t4.words, s3 = 8 * this._nDataBytes, r3 = 8 * t4.sigBytes; + return n3[r3 >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - r3 % 32, n3[14 + (r3 + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = e3.floor(s3 / 4294967296), n3[15 + (r3 + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = s3, t4.sigBytes = 4 * n3.length, this._process(), this._hash; + }, clone: function() { + var e4 = i2.clone.call(this); + return e4._hash = this._hash.clone(), e4; + } }); + t3.SHA256 = i2._createHelper(h2), t3.HmacSHA256 = i2._createHmacHelper(h2); + }(Math), n2.SHA256); + }), _e = ye, we = n(function(e2, t2) { + e2.exports = r.HmacSHA256; + }); + const ve = () => { + let e2; + if (!Promise) { + e2 = () => { + }, e2.promise = {}; + const t3 = () => { + throw new te({ message: 'Your Node runtime does support ES6 Promises. Set "global.Promise" to your preferred implementation of promises.' }); + }; + return Object.defineProperty(e2.promise, "then", { get: t3 }), Object.defineProperty(e2.promise, "catch", { get: t3 }), e2; + } + const t2 = new Promise((t3, n2) => { + e2 = (e3, s2) => e3 ? n2(e3) : t3(s2); + }); + return e2.promise = t2, e2; + }; + function Ie(e2) { + return void 0 === e2; + } + function Se(e2) { + return "[object Null]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e2); + } + var be; + function ke(e2) { + const t2 = (n2 = e2, "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(n2) ? e2 : [e2]); + var n2; + for (const e3 of t2) { + const { isMatch: t3, genAdapter: n3, runtime: s2 } = e3; + if (t3()) + return { adapter: n3(), runtime: s2 }; + } + } + !function(e2) { + e2.WEB = "web", e2.WX_MP = "wx_mp"; + }(be || (be = {})); + const Ae = { adapter: null, runtime: void 0 }, Pe = ["anonymousUuidKey"]; + class Te extends me { + constructor() { + super(), Ae.adapter.root.tcbObject || (Ae.adapter.root.tcbObject = {}); + } + setItem(e2, t2) { + Ae.adapter.root.tcbObject[e2] = t2; + } + getItem(e2) { + return Ae.adapter.root.tcbObject[e2]; + } + removeItem(e2) { + delete Ae.adapter.root.tcbObject[e2]; + } + clear() { + delete Ae.adapter.root.tcbObject; + } + } + function Ce(e2, t2) { + switch (e2) { + case "local": + return t2.localStorage || new Te(); + case "none": + return new Te(); + default: + return t2.sessionStorage || new Te(); + } + } + class xe { + constructor(e2) { + if (!this._storage) { + this._persistence = Ae.adapter.primaryStorage || e2.persistence, this._storage = Ce(this._persistence, Ae.adapter); + const t2 = `access_token_${e2.env}`, n2 = `access_token_expire_${e2.env}`, s2 = `refresh_token_${e2.env}`, r2 = `anonymous_uuid_${e2.env}`, i2 = `login_type_${e2.env}`, o2 = `user_info_${e2.env}`; + this.keys = { accessTokenKey: t2, accessTokenExpireKey: n2, refreshTokenKey: s2, anonymousUuidKey: r2, loginTypeKey: i2, userInfoKey: o2 }; + } + } + updatePersistence(e2) { + if (e2 === this._persistence) + return; + const t2 = "local" === this._persistence; + this._persistence = e2; + const n2 = Ce(e2, Ae.adapter); + for (const e3 in this.keys) { + const s2 = this.keys[e3]; + if (t2 && Pe.includes(e3)) + continue; + const r2 = this._storage.getItem(s2); + Ie(r2) || Se(r2) || (n2.setItem(s2, r2), this._storage.removeItem(s2)); + } + this._storage = n2; + } + setStore(e2, t2, n2) { + if (!this._storage) + return; + const s2 = { version: n2 || "localCachev1", content: t2 }, r2 = JSON.stringify(s2); + try { + this._storage.setItem(e2, r2); + } catch (e3) { + throw e3; + } + } + getStore(e2, t2) { + try { + if (!this._storage) + return; + } catch (e3) { + return ""; + } + t2 = t2 || "localCachev1"; + const n2 = this._storage.getItem(e2); + if (!n2) + return ""; + if (n2.indexOf(t2) >= 0) { + return JSON.parse(n2).content; + } + return ""; + } + removeStore(e2) { + this._storage.removeItem(e2); + } + } + const Oe = {}, Ee = {}; + function Le(e2) { + return Oe[e2]; + } + class Re { + constructor(e2, t2) { + this.data = t2 || null, this.name = e2; + } + } + class Ue extends Re { + constructor(e2, t2) { + super("error", { error: e2, data: t2 }), this.error = e2; + } + } + const Ne = new class { + constructor() { + this._listeners = {}; + } + on(e2, t2) { + return function(e3, t3, n2) { + n2[e3] = n2[e3] || [], n2[e3].push(t3); + }(e2, t2, this._listeners), this; + } + off(e2, t2) { + return function(e3, t3, n2) { + if (n2 && n2[e3]) { + const s2 = n2[e3].indexOf(t3); + -1 !== s2 && n2[e3].splice(s2, 1); + } + }(e2, t2, this._listeners), this; + } + fire(e2, t2) { + if (e2 instanceof Ue) + return console.error(e2.error), this; + const n2 = "string" == typeof e2 ? new Re(e2, t2 || {}) : e2; + const s2 = n2.name; + if (this._listens(s2)) { + n2.target = this; + const e3 = this._listeners[s2] ? [...this._listeners[s2]] : []; + for (const t3 of e3) + t3.call(this, n2); + } + return this; + } + _listens(e2) { + return this._listeners[e2] && this._listeners[e2].length > 0; + } + }(); + function De(e2, t2) { + Ne.on(e2, t2); + } + function Me(e2, t2 = {}) { + Ne.fire(e2, t2); + } + function qe(e2, t2) { + Ne.off(e2, t2); + } + const Fe = "loginStateChanged", Ke = "loginStateExpire", je = "loginTypeChanged", $e = "anonymousConverted", Be = "refreshAccessToken"; + var We; + !function(e2) { + e2.ANONYMOUS = "ANONYMOUS", e2.WECHAT = "WECHAT", e2.WECHAT_PUBLIC = "WECHAT-PUBLIC", e2.WECHAT_OPEN = "WECHAT-OPEN", e2.CUSTOM = "CUSTOM", e2.EMAIL = "EMAIL", e2.USERNAME = "USERNAME", e2.NULL = "NULL"; + }(We || (We = {})); + const He = ["auth.getJwt", "auth.logout", "auth.signInWithTicket", "auth.signInAnonymously", "auth.signIn", "auth.fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken", "auth.signUpWithEmailAndPassword", "auth.activateEndUserMail", "auth.sendPasswordResetEmail", "auth.resetPasswordWithToken", "auth.isUsernameRegistered"], ze = { "X-SDK-Version": "1.3.5" }; + function Je(e2, t2, n2) { + const s2 = e2[t2]; + e2[t2] = function(t3) { + const r2 = {}, i2 = {}; + n2.forEach((n3) => { + const { data: s3, headers: o3 } = n3.call(e2, t3); + Object.assign(r2, s3), Object.assign(i2, o3); + }); + const o2 = t3.data; + return o2 && (() => { + var e3; + if (e3 = o2, "[object FormData]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(e3)) + t3.data = { ...o2, ...r2 }; + else + for (const e4 in r2) + o2.append(e4, r2[e4]); + })(), t3.headers = { ...t3.headers || {}, ...i2 }, s2.call(e2, t3); + }; + } + function Ge() { + const e2 = Math.random().toString(16).slice(2); + return { data: { seqId: e2 }, headers: { ...ze, "x-seqid": e2 } }; + } + class Ve { + constructor(e2 = {}) { + var t2; + this.config = e2, this._reqClass = new Ae.adapter.reqClass({ timeout: this.config.timeout, timeoutMsg: `请求在${this.config.timeout / 1e3}s内未完成,已中断`, restrictedMethods: ["post"] }), this._cache = Le(this.config.env), this._localCache = (t2 = this.config.env, Ee[t2]), Je(this._reqClass, "post", [Ge]), Je(this._reqClass, "upload", [Ge]), Je(this._reqClass, "download", [Ge]); + } + async post(e2) { + return await this._reqClass.post(e2); + } + async upload(e2) { + return await this._reqClass.upload(e2); + } + async download(e2) { + return await this._reqClass.download(e2); + } + async refreshAccessToken() { + let e2, t2; + this._refreshAccessTokenPromise || (this._refreshAccessTokenPromise = this._refreshAccessToken()); + try { + e2 = await this._refreshAccessTokenPromise; + } catch (e3) { + t2 = e3; + } + if (this._refreshAccessTokenPromise = null, this._shouldRefreshAccessTokenHook = null, t2) + throw t2; + return e2; + } + async _refreshAccessToken() { + const { accessTokenKey: e2, accessTokenExpireKey: t2, refreshTokenKey: n2, loginTypeKey: s2, anonymousUuidKey: r2 } = this._cache.keys; + this._cache.removeStore(e2), this._cache.removeStore(t2); + let i2 = this._cache.getStore(n2); + if (!i2) + throw new te({ message: "未登录CloudBase" }); + const o2 = { refresh_token: i2 }, a2 = await this.request("auth.fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken", o2); + if (a2.data.code) { + const { code: e3 } = a2.data; + if ("SIGN_PARAM_INVALID" === e3 || "REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRED" === e3 || "INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN" === e3) { + if (this._cache.getStore(s2) === We.ANONYMOUS && "INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN" === e3) { + const e4 = this._cache.getStore(r2), t3 = this._cache.getStore(n2), s3 = await this.send("auth.signInAnonymously", { anonymous_uuid: e4, refresh_token: t3 }); + return this.setRefreshToken(s3.refresh_token), this._refreshAccessToken(); + } + Me(Ke), this._cache.removeStore(n2); + } + throw new te({ code: a2.data.code, message: `刷新access token失败:${a2.data.code}` }); + } + if (a2.data.access_token) + return Me(Be), this._cache.setStore(e2, a2.data.access_token), this._cache.setStore(t2, a2.data.access_token_expire + Date.now()), { accessToken: a2.data.access_token, accessTokenExpire: a2.data.access_token_expire }; + a2.data.refresh_token && (this._cache.removeStore(n2), this._cache.setStore(n2, a2.data.refresh_token), this._refreshAccessToken()); + } + async getAccessToken() { + const { accessTokenKey: e2, accessTokenExpireKey: t2, refreshTokenKey: n2 } = this._cache.keys; + if (!this._cache.getStore(n2)) + throw new te({ message: "refresh token不存在,登录状态异常" }); + let s2 = this._cache.getStore(e2), r2 = this._cache.getStore(t2), i2 = true; + return this._shouldRefreshAccessTokenHook && !await this._shouldRefreshAccessTokenHook(s2, r2) && (i2 = false), (!s2 || !r2 || r2 < Date.now()) && i2 ? this.refreshAccessToken() : { accessToken: s2, accessTokenExpire: r2 }; + } + async request(e2, t2, n2) { + const s2 = `x-tcb-trace_${this.config.env}`; + let r2 = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; + const i2 = { action: e2, env: this.config.env, dataVersion: "2019-08-16", ...t2 }; + if (-1 === He.indexOf(e2)) { + const { refreshTokenKey: e3 } = this._cache.keys; + this._cache.getStore(e3) && (i2.access_token = (await this.getAccessToken()).accessToken); + } + let o2; + if ("storage.uploadFile" === e2) { + o2 = new FormData(); + for (let e3 in o2) + o2.hasOwnProperty(e3) && void 0 !== o2[e3] && o2.append(e3, i2[e3]); + r2 = "multipart/form-data"; + } else { + r2 = "application/json", o2 = {}; + for (let e3 in i2) + void 0 !== i2[e3] && (o2[e3] = i2[e3]); + } + let a2 = { headers: { "content-type": r2 } }; + n2 && n2.onUploadProgress && (a2.onUploadProgress = n2.onUploadProgress); + const c2 = this._localCache.getStore(s2); + c2 && (a2.headers["X-TCB-Trace"] = c2); + const { parse: u2, inQuery: h2, search: l2 } = t2; + let d2 = { env: this.config.env }; + u2 && (d2.parse = true), h2 && (d2 = { ...h2, ...d2 }); + let p2 = function(e3, t3, n3 = {}) { + const s3 = /\?/.test(t3); + let r3 = ""; + for (let e4 in n3) + "" === r3 ? !s3 && (t3 += "?") : r3 += "&", r3 += `${e4}=${encodeURIComponent(n3[e4])}`; + return /^http(s)?\:\/\//.test(t3 += r3) ? t3 : `${e3}${t3}`; + }(fe, "//tcb-api.tencentcloudapi.com/web", d2); + l2 && (p2 += l2); + const f2 = await this.post({ url: p2, data: o2, ...a2 }), g2 = f2.header && f2.header["x-tcb-trace"]; + if (g2 && this._localCache.setStore(s2, g2), 200 !== Number(f2.status) && 200 !== Number(f2.statusCode) || !f2.data) + throw new te({ code: "NETWORK_ERROR", message: "network request error" }); + return f2; + } + async send(e2, t2 = {}) { + const n2 = await this.request(e2, t2, { onUploadProgress: t2.onUploadProgress }); + if ("ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED" === n2.data.code && -1 === He.indexOf(e2)) { + await this.refreshAccessToken(); + const n3 = await this.request(e2, t2, { onUploadProgress: t2.onUploadProgress }); + if (n3.data.code) + throw new te({ code: n3.data.code, message: n3.data.message }); + return n3.data; + } + if (n2.data.code) + throw new te({ code: n2.data.code, message: n2.data.message }); + return n2.data; + } + setRefreshToken(e2) { + const { accessTokenKey: t2, accessTokenExpireKey: n2, refreshTokenKey: s2 } = this._cache.keys; + this._cache.removeStore(t2), this._cache.removeStore(n2), this._cache.setStore(s2, e2); + } + } + const Ye = {}; + function Qe(e2) { + return Ye[e2]; + } + class Xe { + constructor(e2) { + this.config = e2, this._cache = Le(e2.env), this._request = Qe(e2.env); + } + setRefreshToken(e2) { + const { accessTokenKey: t2, accessTokenExpireKey: n2, refreshTokenKey: s2 } = this._cache.keys; + this._cache.removeStore(t2), this._cache.removeStore(n2), this._cache.setStore(s2, e2); + } + setAccessToken(e2, t2) { + const { accessTokenKey: n2, accessTokenExpireKey: s2 } = this._cache.keys; + this._cache.setStore(n2, e2), this._cache.setStore(s2, t2); + } + async refreshUserInfo() { + const { data: e2 } = await this._request.send("auth.getUserInfo", {}); + return this.setLocalUserInfo(e2), e2; + } + setLocalUserInfo(e2) { + const { userInfoKey: t2 } = this._cache.keys; + this._cache.setStore(t2, e2); + } + } + class Ze { + constructor(e2) { + if (!e2) + throw new te({ code: "PARAM_ERROR", message: "envId is not defined" }); + this._envId = e2, this._cache = Le(this._envId), this._request = Qe(this._envId), this.setUserInfo(); + } + linkWithTicket(e2) { + if ("string" != typeof e2) + throw new te({ code: "PARAM_ERROR", message: "ticket must be string" }); + return this._request.send("auth.linkWithTicket", { ticket: e2 }); + } + linkWithRedirect(e2) { + e2.signInWithRedirect(); + } + updatePassword(e2, t2) { + return this._request.send("auth.updatePassword", { oldPassword: t2, newPassword: e2 }); + } + updateEmail(e2) { + return this._request.send("auth.updateEmail", { newEmail: e2 }); + } + updateUsername(e2) { + if ("string" != typeof e2) + throw new te({ code: "PARAM_ERROR", message: "username must be a string" }); + return this._request.send("auth.updateUsername", { username: e2 }); + } + async getLinkedUidList() { + const { data: e2 } = await this._request.send("auth.getLinkedUidList", {}); + let t2 = false; + const { users: n2 } = e2; + return n2.forEach((e3) => { + e3.wxOpenId && e3.wxPublicId && (t2 = true); + }), { users: n2, hasPrimaryUid: t2 }; + } + setPrimaryUid(e2) { + return this._request.send("auth.setPrimaryUid", { uid: e2 }); + } + unlink(e2) { + return this._request.send("auth.unlink", { platform: e2 }); + } + async update(e2) { + const { nickName: t2, gender: n2, avatarUrl: s2, province: r2, country: i2, city: o2 } = e2, { data: a2 } = await this._request.send("auth.updateUserInfo", { nickName: t2, gender: n2, avatarUrl: s2, province: r2, country: i2, city: o2 }); + this.setLocalUserInfo(a2); + } + async refresh() { + const { data: e2 } = await this._request.send("auth.getUserInfo", {}); + return this.setLocalUserInfo(e2), e2; + } + setUserInfo() { + const { userInfoKey: e2 } = this._cache.keys, t2 = this._cache.getStore(e2); + ["uid", "loginType", "openid", "wxOpenId", "wxPublicId", "unionId", "qqMiniOpenId", "email", "hasPassword", "customUserId", "nickName", "gender", "avatarUrl"].forEach((e3) => { + this[e3] = t2[e3]; + }), this.location = { country: t2.country, province: t2.province, city: t2.city }; + } + setLocalUserInfo(e2) { + const { userInfoKey: t2 } = this._cache.keys; + this._cache.setStore(t2, e2), this.setUserInfo(); + } + } + class et { + constructor(e2) { + if (!e2) + throw new te({ code: "PARAM_ERROR", message: "envId is not defined" }); + this._cache = Le(e2); + const { refreshTokenKey: t2, accessTokenKey: n2, accessTokenExpireKey: s2 } = this._cache.keys, r2 = this._cache.getStore(t2), i2 = this._cache.getStore(n2), o2 = this._cache.getStore(s2); + this.credential = { refreshToken: r2, accessToken: i2, accessTokenExpire: o2 }, this.user = new Ze(e2); + } + get isAnonymousAuth() { + return this.loginType === We.ANONYMOUS; + } + get isCustomAuth() { + return this.loginType === We.CUSTOM; + } + get isWeixinAuth() { + return this.loginType === We.WECHAT || this.loginType === We.WECHAT_OPEN || this.loginType === We.WECHAT_PUBLIC; + } + get loginType() { + return this._cache.getStore(this._cache.keys.loginTypeKey); + } + } + class tt extends Xe { + async signIn() { + this._cache.updatePersistence("local"); + const { anonymousUuidKey: e2, refreshTokenKey: t2 } = this._cache.keys, n2 = this._cache.getStore(e2) || void 0, s2 = this._cache.getStore(t2) || void 0, r2 = await this._request.send("auth.signInAnonymously", { anonymous_uuid: n2, refresh_token: s2 }); + if (r2.uuid && r2.refresh_token) { + this._setAnonymousUUID(r2.uuid), this.setRefreshToken(r2.refresh_token), await this._request.refreshAccessToken(), Me(Fe), Me(je, { env: this.config.env, loginType: We.ANONYMOUS, persistence: "local" }); + const e3 = new et(this.config.env); + return await e3.user.refresh(), e3; + } + throw new te({ message: "匿名登录失败" }); + } + async linkAndRetrieveDataWithTicket(e2) { + const { anonymousUuidKey: t2, refreshTokenKey: n2 } = this._cache.keys, s2 = this._cache.getStore(t2), r2 = this._cache.getStore(n2), i2 = await this._request.send("auth.linkAndRetrieveDataWithTicket", { anonymous_uuid: s2, refresh_token: r2, ticket: e2 }); + if (i2.refresh_token) + return this._clearAnonymousUUID(), this.setRefreshToken(i2.refresh_token), await this._request.refreshAccessToken(), Me($e, { env: this.config.env }), Me(je, { loginType: We.CUSTOM, persistence: "local" }), { credential: { refreshToken: i2.refresh_token } }; + throw new te({ message: "匿名转化失败" }); + } + _setAnonymousUUID(e2) { + const { anonymousUuidKey: t2, loginTypeKey: n2 } = this._cache.keys; + this._cache.removeStore(t2), this._cache.setStore(t2, e2), this._cache.setStore(n2, We.ANONYMOUS); + } + _clearAnonymousUUID() { + this._cache.removeStore(this._cache.keys.anonymousUuidKey); + } + } + class nt extends Xe { + async signIn(e2) { + if ("string" != typeof e2) + throw new te({ code: "PARAM_ERROR", message: "ticket must be a string" }); + const { refreshTokenKey: t2 } = this._cache.keys, n2 = await this._request.send("auth.signInWithTicket", { ticket: e2, refresh_token: this._cache.getStore(t2) || "" }); + if (n2.refresh_token) + return this.setRefreshToken(n2.refresh_token), await this._request.refreshAccessToken(), Me(Fe), Me(je, { env: this.config.env, loginType: We.CUSTOM, persistence: this.config.persistence }), await this.refreshUserInfo(), new et(this.config.env); + throw new te({ message: "自定义登录失败" }); + } + } + class st extends Xe { + async signIn(e2, t2) { + if ("string" != typeof e2) + throw new te({ code: "PARAM_ERROR", message: "email must be a string" }); + const { refreshTokenKey: n2 } = this._cache.keys, s2 = await this._request.send("auth.signIn", { loginType: "EMAIL", email: e2, password: t2, refresh_token: this._cache.getStore(n2) || "" }), { refresh_token: r2, access_token: i2, access_token_expire: o2 } = s2; + if (r2) + return this.setRefreshToken(r2), i2 && o2 ? this.setAccessToken(i2, o2) : await this._request.refreshAccessToken(), await this.refreshUserInfo(), Me(Fe), Me(je, { env: this.config.env, loginType: We.EMAIL, persistence: this.config.persistence }), new et(this.config.env); + throw s2.code ? new te({ code: s2.code, message: `邮箱登录失败: ${s2.message}` }) : new te({ message: "邮箱登录失败" }); + } + async activate(e2) { + return this._request.send("auth.activateEndUserMail", { token: e2 }); + } + async resetPasswordWithToken(e2, t2) { + return this._request.send("auth.resetPasswordWithToken", { token: e2, newPassword: t2 }); + } + } + class rt extends Xe { + async signIn(e2, t2) { + if ("string" != typeof e2) + throw new te({ code: "PARAM_ERROR", message: "username must be a string" }); + "string" != typeof t2 && (t2 = "", console.warn("password is empty")); + const { refreshTokenKey: n2 } = this._cache.keys, s2 = await this._request.send("auth.signIn", { loginType: We.USERNAME, username: e2, password: t2, refresh_token: this._cache.getStore(n2) || "" }), { refresh_token: r2, access_token_expire: i2, access_token: o2 } = s2; + if (r2) + return this.setRefreshToken(r2), o2 && i2 ? this.setAccessToken(o2, i2) : await this._request.refreshAccessToken(), await this.refreshUserInfo(), Me(Fe), Me(je, { env: this.config.env, loginType: We.USERNAME, persistence: this.config.persistence }), new et(this.config.env); + throw s2.code ? new te({ code: s2.code, message: `用户名密码登录失败: ${s2.message}` }) : new te({ message: "用户名密码登录失败" }); + } + } + class it { + constructor(e2) { + this.config = e2, this._cache = Le(e2.env), this._request = Qe(e2.env), this._onAnonymousConverted = this._onAnonymousConverted.bind(this), this._onLoginTypeChanged = this._onLoginTypeChanged.bind(this), De(je, this._onLoginTypeChanged); + } + get currentUser() { + const e2 = this.hasLoginState(); + return e2 && e2.user || null; + } + get loginType() { + return this._cache.getStore(this._cache.keys.loginTypeKey); + } + anonymousAuthProvider() { + return new tt(this.config); + } + customAuthProvider() { + return new nt(this.config); + } + emailAuthProvider() { + return new st(this.config); + } + usernameAuthProvider() { + return new rt(this.config); + } + async signInAnonymously() { + return new tt(this.config).signIn(); + } + async signInWithEmailAndPassword(e2, t2) { + return new st(this.config).signIn(e2, t2); + } + signInWithUsernameAndPassword(e2, t2) { + return new rt(this.config).signIn(e2, t2); + } + async linkAndRetrieveDataWithTicket(e2) { + this._anonymousAuthProvider || (this._anonymousAuthProvider = new tt(this.config)), De($e, this._onAnonymousConverted); + return await this._anonymousAuthProvider.linkAndRetrieveDataWithTicket(e2); + } + async signOut() { + if (this.loginType === We.ANONYMOUS) + throw new te({ message: "匿名用户不支持登出操作" }); + const { refreshTokenKey: e2, accessTokenKey: t2, accessTokenExpireKey: n2 } = this._cache.keys, s2 = this._cache.getStore(e2); + if (!s2) + return; + const r2 = await this._request.send("auth.logout", { refresh_token: s2 }); + return this._cache.removeStore(e2), this._cache.removeStore(t2), this._cache.removeStore(n2), Me(Fe), Me(je, { env: this.config.env, loginType: We.NULL, persistence: this.config.persistence }), r2; + } + async signUpWithEmailAndPassword(e2, t2) { + return this._request.send("auth.signUpWithEmailAndPassword", { email: e2, password: t2 }); + } + async sendPasswordResetEmail(e2) { + return this._request.send("auth.sendPasswordResetEmail", { email: e2 }); + } + onLoginStateChanged(e2) { + De(Fe, () => { + const t3 = this.hasLoginState(); + e2.call(this, t3); + }); + const t2 = this.hasLoginState(); + e2.call(this, t2); + } + onLoginStateExpired(e2) { + De(Ke, e2.bind(this)); + } + onAccessTokenRefreshed(e2) { + De(Be, e2.bind(this)); + } + onAnonymousConverted(e2) { + De($e, e2.bind(this)); + } + onLoginTypeChanged(e2) { + De(je, () => { + const t2 = this.hasLoginState(); + e2.call(this, t2); + }); + } + async getAccessToken() { + return { accessToken: (await this._request.getAccessToken()).accessToken, env: this.config.env }; + } + hasLoginState() { + const { refreshTokenKey: e2 } = this._cache.keys; + return this._cache.getStore(e2) ? new et(this.config.env) : null; + } + async isUsernameRegistered(e2) { + if ("string" != typeof e2) + throw new te({ code: "PARAM_ERROR", message: "username must be a string" }); + const { data: t2 } = await this._request.send("auth.isUsernameRegistered", { username: e2 }); + return t2 && t2.isRegistered; + } + getLoginState() { + return Promise.resolve(this.hasLoginState()); + } + async signInWithTicket(e2) { + return new nt(this.config).signIn(e2); + } + shouldRefreshAccessToken(e2) { + this._request._shouldRefreshAccessTokenHook = e2.bind(this); + } + getUserInfo() { + return this._request.send("auth.getUserInfo", {}).then((e2) => e2.code ? e2 : { ...e2.data, requestId: e2.seqId }); + } + getAuthHeader() { + const { refreshTokenKey: e2, accessTokenKey: t2 } = this._cache.keys, n2 = this._cache.getStore(e2); + return { "x-cloudbase-credentials": this._cache.getStore(t2) + "/@@/" + n2 }; + } + _onAnonymousConverted(e2) { + const { env: t2 } = e2.data; + t2 === this.config.env && this._cache.updatePersistence(this.config.persistence); + } + _onLoginTypeChanged(e2) { + const { loginType: t2, persistence: n2, env: s2 } = e2.data; + s2 === this.config.env && (this._cache.updatePersistence(n2), this._cache.setStore(this._cache.keys.loginTypeKey, t2)); + } + } + const ot = function(e2, t2) { + t2 = t2 || ve(); + const n2 = Qe(this.config.env), { cloudPath: s2, filePath: r2, onUploadProgress: i2, fileType: o2 = "image" } = e2; + return n2.send("storage.getUploadMetadata", { path: s2 }).then((e3) => { + const { data: { url: a2, authorization: c2, token: u2, fileId: h2, cosFileId: l2 }, requestId: d2 } = e3, p2 = { key: s2, signature: c2, "x-cos-meta-fileid": l2, success_action_status: "201", "x-cos-security-token": u2 }; + n2.upload({ url: a2, data: p2, file: r2, name: s2, fileType: o2, onUploadProgress: i2 }).then((e4) => { + 201 === e4.statusCode ? t2(null, { fileID: h2, requestId: d2 }) : t2(new te({ code: "STORAGE_REQUEST_FAIL", message: `STORAGE_REQUEST_FAIL: ${e4.data}` })); + }).catch((e4) => { + t2(e4); + }); + }).catch((e3) => { + t2(e3); + }), t2.promise; + }, at = function(e2, t2) { + t2 = t2 || ve(); + const n2 = Qe(this.config.env), { cloudPath: s2 } = e2; + return n2.send("storage.getUploadMetadata", { path: s2 }).then((e3) => { + t2(null, e3); + }).catch((e3) => { + t2(e3); + }), t2.promise; + }, ct = function({ fileList: e2 }, t2) { + if (t2 = t2 || ve(), !e2 || !Array.isArray(e2)) + return { code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "fileList必须是非空的数组" }; + for (let t3 of e2) + if (!t3 || "string" != typeof t3) + return { code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "fileList的元素必须是非空的字符串" }; + const n2 = { fileid_list: e2 }; + return Qe(this.config.env).send("storage.batchDeleteFile", n2).then((e3) => { + e3.code ? t2(null, e3) : t2(null, { fileList: e3.data.delete_list, requestId: e3.requestId }); + }).catch((e3) => { + t2(e3); + }), t2.promise; + }, ut = function({ fileList: e2 }, t2) { + t2 = t2 || ve(), e2 && Array.isArray(e2) || t2(null, { code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "fileList必须是非空的数组" }); + let n2 = []; + for (let s3 of e2) + "object" == typeof s3 ? (s3.hasOwnProperty("fileID") && s3.hasOwnProperty("maxAge") || t2(null, { code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "fileList的元素必须是包含fileID和maxAge的对象" }), n2.push({ fileid: s3.fileID, max_age: s3.maxAge })) : "string" == typeof s3 ? n2.push({ fileid: s3 }) : t2(null, { code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "fileList的元素必须是字符串" }); + const s2 = { file_list: n2 }; + return Qe(this.config.env).send("storage.batchGetDownloadUrl", s2).then((e3) => { + e3.code ? t2(null, e3) : t2(null, { fileList: e3.data.download_list, requestId: e3.requestId }); + }).catch((e3) => { + t2(e3); + }), t2.promise; + }, ht = async function({ fileID: e2 }, t2) { + const n2 = (await ut.call(this, { fileList: [{ fileID: e2, maxAge: 600 }] })).fileList[0]; + if ("SUCCESS" !== n2.code) + return t2 ? t2(n2) : new Promise((e3) => { + e3(n2); + }); + const s2 = Qe(this.config.env); + let r2 = n2.download_url; + if (r2 = encodeURI(r2), !t2) + return s2.download({ url: r2 }); + t2(await s2.download({ url: r2 })); + }, lt = function({ name: e2, data: t2, query: n2, parse: s2, search: r2 }, i2) { + const o2 = i2 || ve(); + let a2; + try { + a2 = t2 ? JSON.stringify(t2) : ""; + } catch (e3) { + return Promise.reject(e3); + } + if (!e2) + return Promise.reject(new te({ code: "PARAM_ERROR", message: "函数名不能为空" })); + const c2 = { inQuery: n2, parse: s2, search: r2, function_name: e2, request_data: a2 }; + return Qe(this.config.env).send("functions.invokeFunction", c2).then((e3) => { + if (e3.code) + o2(null, e3); + else { + let t3 = e3.data.response_data; + if (s2) + o2(null, { result: t3, requestId: e3.requestId }); + else + try { + t3 = JSON.parse(e3.data.response_data), o2(null, { result: t3, requestId: e3.requestId }); + } catch (e4) { + o2(new te({ message: "response data must be json" })); + } + } + return o2.promise; + }).catch((e3) => { + o2(e3); + }), o2.promise; + }, dt = { timeout: 15e3, persistence: "session" }, pt = {}; + class ft { + constructor(e2) { + this.config = e2 || this.config, this.authObj = void 0; + } + init(e2) { + switch (Ae.adapter || (this.requestClient = new Ae.adapter.reqClass({ timeout: e2.timeout || 5e3, timeoutMsg: `请求在${(e2.timeout || 5e3) / 1e3}s内未完成,已中断` })), this.config = { ...dt, ...e2 }, true) { + case this.config.timeout > 6e5: + console.warn("timeout大于可配置上限[10分钟],已重置为上限数值"), this.config.timeout = 6e5; + break; + case this.config.timeout < 100: + console.warn("timeout小于可配置下限[100ms],已重置为下限数值"), this.config.timeout = 100; + } + return new ft(this.config); + } + auth({ persistence: e2 } = {}) { + if (this.authObj) + return this.authObj; + const t2 = e2 || Ae.adapter.primaryStorage || dt.persistence; + var n2; + return t2 !== this.config.persistence && (this.config.persistence = t2), function(e3) { + const { env: t3 } = e3; + Oe[t3] = new xe(e3), Ee[t3] = new xe({ ...e3, persistence: "local" }); + }(this.config), n2 = this.config, Ye[n2.env] = new Ve(n2), this.authObj = new it(this.config), this.authObj; + } + on(e2, t2) { + return De.apply(this, [e2, t2]); + } + off(e2, t2) { + return qe.apply(this, [e2, t2]); + } + callFunction(e2, t2) { + return lt.apply(this, [e2, t2]); + } + deleteFile(e2, t2) { + return ct.apply(this, [e2, t2]); + } + getTempFileURL(e2, t2) { + return ut.apply(this, [e2, t2]); + } + downloadFile(e2, t2) { + return ht.apply(this, [e2, t2]); + } + uploadFile(e2, t2) { + return ot.apply(this, [e2, t2]); + } + getUploadMetadata(e2, t2) { + return at.apply(this, [e2, t2]); + } + registerExtension(e2) { + pt[e2.name] = e2; + } + async invokeExtension(e2, t2) { + const n2 = pt[e2]; + if (!n2) + throw new te({ message: `扩展${e2} 必须先注册` }); + return await n2.invoke(t2, this); + } + useAdapters(e2) { + const { adapter: t2, runtime: n2 } = ke(e2) || {}; + t2 && (Ae.adapter = t2), n2 && (Ae.runtime = n2); + } + } + var gt = new ft(); + function mt(e2, t2, n2) { + void 0 === n2 && (n2 = {}); + var s2 = /\?/.test(t2), r2 = ""; + for (var i2 in n2) + "" === r2 ? !s2 && (t2 += "?") : r2 += "&", r2 += i2 + "=" + encodeURIComponent(n2[i2]); + return /^http(s)?:\/\//.test(t2 += r2) ? t2 : "" + e2 + t2; + } + class yt { + post(e2) { + const { url: t2, data: n2, headers: s2 } = e2; + return new Promise((e3, r2) => { + ne.request({ url: mt("https:", t2), data: n2, method: "POST", header: s2, success(t3) { + e3(t3); + }, fail(e4) { + r2(e4); + } }); + }); + } + upload(e2) { + return new Promise((t2, n2) => { + const { url: s2, file: r2, data: i2, headers: o2, fileType: a2 } = e2, c2 = ne.uploadFile({ url: mt("https:", s2), name: "file", formData: Object.assign({}, i2), filePath: r2, fileType: a2, header: o2, success(e3) { + const n3 = { statusCode: e3.statusCode, data: e3.data || {} }; + 200 === e3.statusCode && i2.success_action_status && (n3.statusCode = parseInt(i2.success_action_status, 10)), t2(n3); + }, fail(e3) { + n2(new Error(e3.errMsg || "uploadFile:fail")); + } }); + "function" == typeof e2.onUploadProgress && c2 && "function" == typeof c2.onProgressUpdate && c2.onProgressUpdate((t3) => { + e2.onUploadProgress({ loaded: t3.totalBytesSent, total: t3.totalBytesExpectedToSend }); + }); + }); + } + } + const _t = { setItem(e2, t2) { + ne.setStorageSync(e2, t2); + }, getItem: (e2) => ne.getStorageSync(e2), removeItem(e2) { + ne.removeStorageSync(e2); + }, clear() { + ne.clearStorageSync(); + } }; + var wt = { genAdapter: function() { + return { root: {}, reqClass: yt, localStorage: _t, primaryStorage: "local" }; + }, isMatch: function() { + return true; + }, runtime: "uni_app" }; + gt.useAdapters(wt); + const vt = gt, It = vt.init; + vt.init = function(e2) { + e2.env = e2.spaceId; + const t2 = It.call(this, e2); + t2.config.provider = "tencent", t2.config.spaceId = e2.spaceId; + const n2 = t2.auth; + return t2.auth = function(e3) { + const t3 = n2.call(this, e3); + return ["linkAndRetrieveDataWithTicket", "signInAnonymously", "signOut", "getAccessToken", "getLoginState", "signInWithTicket", "getUserInfo"].forEach((e4) => { + var n3; + t3[e4] = (n3 = t3[e4], function(e5) { + e5 = e5 || {}; + const { success: t4, fail: s2, complete: r2 } = ee(e5); + if (!(t4 || s2 || r2)) + return n3.call(this, e5); + n3.call(this, e5).then((e6) => { + t4 && t4(e6), r2 && r2(e6); + }, (e6) => { + s2 && s2(e6), r2 && r2(e6); + }); + }).bind(t3); + }), t3; + }, t2.customAuth = t2.auth, t2; + }; + var St = vt; + var bt = class extends de { + getAccessToken() { + return new Promise((e2, t2) => { + const n2 = "Anonymous_Access_token"; + this.setAccessToken(n2), e2(n2); + }); + } + setupRequest(e2, t2) { + const n2 = Object.assign({}, e2, { spaceId: this.config.spaceId, timestamp: Date.now() }), s2 = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; + "auth" !== t2 && (n2.token = this.accessToken, s2["x-basement-token"] = this.accessToken), s2["x-serverless-sign"] = le.sign(n2, this.config.clientSecret); + const r2 = he(); + s2["x-client-info"] = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(r2)); + const { token: i2 } = re(); + return s2["x-client-token"] = i2, { url: this.config.requestUrl, method: "POST", data: n2, dataType: "json", header: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(s2)) }; + } + uploadFileToOSS({ url: e2, formData: t2, name: n2, filePath: s2, fileType: r2, onUploadProgress: i2 }) { + return new Promise((o2, a2) => { + const c2 = this.adapter.uploadFile({ url: e2, formData: t2, name: n2, filePath: s2, fileType: r2, success(e3) { + e3 && e3.statusCode < 400 ? o2(e3) : a2(new te({ code: "UPLOAD_FAILED", message: "文件上传失败" })); + }, fail(e3) { + a2(new te({ code: e3.code || "UPLOAD_FAILED", message: e3.message || e3.errMsg || "文件上传失败" })); + } }); + "function" == typeof i2 && c2 && "function" == typeof c2.onProgressUpdate && c2.onProgressUpdate((e3) => { + i2({ loaded: e3.totalBytesSent, total: e3.totalBytesExpectedToSend }); + }); + }); + } + uploadFile({ filePath: e2, cloudPath: t2, fileType: n2 = "image", onUploadProgress: s2 }) { + if (!t2) + throw new te({ code: "CLOUDPATH_REQUIRED", message: "cloudPath不可为空" }); + let r2; + return this.getOSSUploadOptionsFromPath({ cloudPath: t2 }).then((t3) => { + const { url: i2, formData: o2, name: a2 } = t3.result; + r2 = t3.result.fileUrl; + const c2 = { url: i2, formData: o2, name: a2, filePath: e2, fileType: n2 }; + return this.uploadFileToOSS(Object.assign({}, c2, { onUploadProgress: s2 })); + }).then(() => this.reportOSSUpload({ cloudPath: t2 })).then((t3) => new Promise((n3, s3) => { + t3.success ? n3({ success: true, filePath: e2, fileID: r2 }) : s3(new te({ code: "UPLOAD_FAILED", message: "文件上传失败" })); + })); + } + deleteFile({ fileList: e2 }) { + const t2 = { method: "serverless.file.resource.delete", params: JSON.stringify({ fileList: e2 }) }; + return this.request(this.setupRequest(t2)).then((e3) => { + if (e3.success) + return e3.result; + throw new te({ code: "DELETE_FILE_FAILED", message: "删除文件失败" }); + }); + } + getTempFileURL({ fileList: e2, maxAge: t2 } = {}) { + if (!Array.isArray(e2) || 0 === e2.length) + throw new te({ code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "fileList的元素必须是非空的字符串" }); + const n2 = { method: "serverless.file.resource.getTempFileURL", params: JSON.stringify({ fileList: e2, maxAge: t2 }) }; + return this.request(this.setupRequest(n2)).then((e3) => { + if (e3.success) + return { fileList: e3.result.fileList.map((e4) => ({ fileID: e4.fileID, tempFileURL: e4.tempFileURL })) }; + throw new te({ code: "GET_TEMP_FILE_URL_FAILED", message: "获取临时文件链接失败" }); + }); + } + }; + var kt = { init(e2) { + const t2 = new bt(e2), n2 = { signInAnonymously: function() { + return t2.authorize(); + }, getLoginState: function() { + return Promise.resolve(false); + } }; + return t2.auth = function() { + return n2; + }, t2.customAuth = t2.auth, t2; + } }, At = n(function(e2, t2) { + e2.exports = r.enc.Hex; + }); + function Pt(e2 = "", t2 = {}) { + const { data: n2, functionName: s2, method: r2, headers: i2, signHeaderKeys: o2 = [], config: a2 } = t2, c2 = Date.now(), u2 = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(e3) { + var t3 = 16 * Math.random() | 0; + return ("x" === e3 ? t3 : 3 & t3 | 8).toString(16); + }), h2 = Object.assign({}, i2, { "x-from-app-id": a2.spaceAppId, "x-from-env-id": a2.spaceId, "x-to-env-id": a2.spaceId, "x-from-instance-id": c2, "x-from-function-name": s2, "x-client-timestamp": c2, "x-alipay-source": "client", "x-request-id": u2, "x-alipay-callid": u2, "x-trace-id": u2 }), l2 = ["x-from-app-id", "x-from-env-id", "x-to-env-id", "x-from-instance-id", "x-from-function-name", "x-client-timestamp"].concat(o2), [d2 = "", p2 = ""] = e2.split("?") || [], f2 = function(e3) { + const t3 = e3.signedHeaders.join(";"), n3 = e3.signedHeaders.map((t4) => `${t4.toLowerCase()}:${e3.headers[t4]} +`).join(""), s3 = _e(e3.body).toString(At), r3 = `${e3.method.toUpperCase()} +${e3.path} +${e3.query} +${n3} +${t3} +${s3} +`, i3 = _e(r3).toString(At), o3 = `HMAC-SHA256 +${e3.timestamp} +${i3} +`, a3 = we(o3, e3.secretKey).toString(At); + return `HMAC-SHA256 Credential=${e3.secretId}, SignedHeaders=${t3}, Signature=${a3}`; + }({ path: d2, query: p2, method: r2, headers: h2, timestamp: c2, body: JSON.stringify(n2), secretId: a2.accessKey, secretKey: a2.secretKey, signedHeaders: l2.sort() }); + return { url: `${a2.endpoint}${e2}`, headers: Object.assign({}, h2, { Authorization: f2 }) }; + } + function Tt({ url: e2, data: t2, method: n2 = "POST", headers: s2 = {} }) { + return new Promise((r2, i2) => { + ne.request({ url: e2, method: n2, data: t2, header: s2, dataType: "json", complete: (e3 = {}) => { + const t3 = s2["x-trace-id"] || ""; + if (!e3.statusCode || e3.statusCode >= 400) { + const { message: n3, errMsg: s3, trace_id: r3 } = e3.data || {}; + return i2(new te({ code: "SYS_ERR", message: n3 || s3 || "request:fail", requestId: r3 || t3 })); + } + r2({ status: e3.statusCode, data: e3.data, headers: e3.header, requestId: t3 }); + } }); + }); + } + function Ct(e2, t2) { + const { path: n2, data: s2, method: r2 = "GET" } = e2, { url: i2, headers: o2 } = Pt(n2, { functionName: "", data: s2, method: r2, headers: { "x-alipay-cloud-mode": "oss", "x-data-api-type": "oss", "x-expire-timestamp": Date.now() + 6e4 }, signHeaderKeys: ["x-data-api-type", "x-expire-timestamp"], config: t2 }); + return Tt({ url: i2, data: s2, method: r2, headers: o2 }).then((e3) => { + const t3 = e3.data || {}; + if (!t3.success) + throw new te({ code: e3.errCode, message: e3.errMsg, requestId: e3.requestId }); + return t3.data || {}; + }).catch((e3) => { + throw new te({ code: e3.errCode, message: e3.errMsg, requestId: e3.requestId }); + }); + } + function xt(e2 = "") { + const t2 = e2.trim().replace(/^cloud:\/\//, ""), n2 = t2.indexOf("/"); + if (n2 <= 0) + throw new te({ code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "fileID不合法" }); + const s2 = t2.substring(0, n2), r2 = t2.substring(n2 + 1); + return s2 !== this.config.spaceId && console.warn("file ".concat(e2, " does not belong to env ").concat(this.config.spaceId)), r2; + } + function Ot(e2 = "") { + return "cloud://".concat(this.config.spaceId, "/").concat(e2.replace(/^\/+/, "")); + } + var Et = class { + constructor(e2) { + if (["spaceId", "spaceAppId", "accessKey", "secretKey"].forEach((t2) => { + if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e2, t2)) + throw new Error(`${t2} required`); + }), e2.endpoint) { + if ("string" != typeof e2.endpoint) + throw new Error("endpoint must be string"); + if (!/^https:\/\//.test(e2.endpoint)) + throw new Error("endpoint must start with https://"); + e2.endpoint = e2.endpoint.replace(/\/$/, ""); + } + this.config = Object.assign({}, e2, { endpoint: e2.endpoint || `https://${e2.spaceId}.api-hz.cloudbasefunction.cn` }); + } + callFunction(e2) { + return function(e3, t2) { + const { name: n2, data: s2 } = e3, r2 = "POST", { url: i2, headers: o2 } = Pt("/functions/invokeFunction", { functionName: n2, data: s2, method: r2, headers: { "x-to-function-name": n2 }, signHeaderKeys: ["x-to-function-name"], config: t2 }); + return Tt({ url: i2, data: s2, method: r2, headers: o2 }).then((e4) => ({ errCode: 0, success: true, requestId: e4.requestId, result: e4.data })).catch((e4) => { + throw new te({ code: e4.errCode, message: e4.errMsg, requestId: e4.requestId }); + }); + }(e2, this.config); + } + uploadFileToOSS({ url: e2, filePath: t2, fileType: n2, formData: s2, onUploadProgress: r2 }) { + return new Promise((i2, o2) => { + const a2 = ne.uploadFile({ url: e2, filePath: t2, fileType: n2, formData: s2, name: "file", success(e3) { + e3 && e3.statusCode < 400 ? i2(e3) : o2(new te({ code: "UPLOAD_FAILED", message: "文件上传失败" })); + }, fail(e3) { + o2(new te({ code: e3.code || "UPLOAD_FAILED", message: e3.message || e3.errMsg || "文件上传失败" })); + } }); + "function" == typeof r2 && a2 && "function" == typeof a2.onProgressUpdate && a2.onProgressUpdate((e3) => { + r2({ loaded: e3.totalBytesSent, total: e3.totalBytesExpectedToSend }); + }); + }); + } + async uploadFile({ filePath: e2, cloudPath: t2 = "", fileType: n2 = "image", onUploadProgress: s2 }) { + if ("string" !== f(t2)) + throw new te({ code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "cloudPath必须为字符串类型" }); + if (!(t2 = t2.trim())) + throw new te({ code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "cloudPath不可为空" }); + if (/:\/\//.test(t2)) + throw new te({ code: "INVALID_PARAM", message: "cloudPath不合法" }); + const r2 = await Ct({ path: "/".concat(t2.replace(/^\//, ""), "?post_url") }, this.config), { file_id: i2, upload_url: o2, form_data: a2 } = r2, c2 = a2 && a2.reduce((e3, t3) => (e3[t3.key] = t3.value, e3), {}); + return this.uploadFileToOSS({ url: o2, filePath: e2, fileType: n2, formData: c2, onUploadProgress: s2 }).then(() => ({ fileID: i2 })); + } + async getTempFileURL({ fileList: e2 }) { + return new Promise((t2, n2) => { + (!e2 || e2.length < 0) && n2(new te({ errCode: "INVALID_PARAM", errMsg: "fileList不能为空数组" })), e2.length > 50 && n2(new te({ errCode: "INVALID_PARAM", errMsg: "fileList数组长度不能超过50" })); + const s2 = []; + for (const t3 of e2) { + "string" !== f(t3) && n2(new te({ errCode: "INVALID_PARAM", errMsg: "fileList的元素必须是非空的字符串" })); + const e3 = xt.call(this, t3); + s2.push({ file_id: e3, expire: 600 }); + } + Ct({ path: "/?download_url", data: { file_list: s2 }, method: "POST" }, this.config).then((e3) => { + const { file_list: n3 = [] } = e3; + t2({ fileList: n3.map((e4) => ({ fileID: Ot.call(this, e4.file_id), tempFileURL: e4.download_url })) }); + }).catch((e3) => n2(e3)); + }); + } + }; + var Lt = { init: (e2) => { + e2.provider = "alipay"; + const t2 = new Et(e2); + return t2.auth = function() { + return { signInAnonymously: function() { + return Promise.resolve(); + }, getLoginState: function() { + return Promise.resolve(true); + } }; + }, t2; + } }; + function Rt({ data: e2 }) { + let t2; + t2 = he(); + const n2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e2 || {})); + if (Object.assign(n2, { clientInfo: t2 }), !n2.uniIdToken) { + const { token: e3 } = re(); + e3 && (n2.uniIdToken = e3); + } + return n2; + } + async function Ut({ name: e2, data: t2 } = {}) { + await this.__dev__.initLocalNetwork(); + const { localAddress: n2, localPort: s2 } = this.__dev__, r2 = { aliyun: "aliyun", tencent: "tcb", alipay: "alipay" }[this.config.provider], i2 = this.config.spaceId, o2 = `http://${n2}:${s2}/system/check-function`, a2 = `http://${n2}:${s2}/cloudfunctions/${e2}`; + return new Promise((t3, n3) => { + ne.request({ method: "POST", url: o2, data: { name: e2, platform: P, provider: r2, spaceId: i2 }, timeout: 3e3, success(e3) { + t3(e3); + }, fail() { + t3({ data: { code: "NETWORK_ERROR", message: "连接本地调试服务失败,请检查客户端是否和主机在同一局域网下,自动切换为已部署的云函数。" } }); + } }); + }).then(({ data: e3 } = {}) => { + const { code: t3, message: n3 } = e3 || {}; + return { code: 0 === t3 ? 0 : t3 || "SYS_ERR", message: n3 || "SYS_ERR" }; + }).then(({ code: n3, message: s3 }) => { + if (0 !== n3) { + switch (n3) { + case "MODULE_ENCRYPTED": + console.error(`此云函数(${e2})依赖加密公共模块不可本地调试,自动切换为云端已部署的云函数`); + break; + case "FUNCTION_ENCRYPTED": + console.error(`此云函数(${e2})已加密不可本地调试,自动切换为云端已部署的云函数`); + break; + case "ACTION_ENCRYPTED": + console.error(s3 || "需要访问加密的uni-clientDB-action,自动切换为云端环境"); + break; + case "NETWORK_ERROR": { + const e3 = "连接本地调试服务失败,请检查客户端是否和主机在同一局域网下"; + throw console.error(e3), new Error(e3); + } + case "SWITCH_TO_CLOUD": + break; + default: { + const e3 = `检测本地调试服务出现错误:${s3},请检查网络环境或重启客户端再试`; + throw console.error(e3), new Error(e3); + } + } + return this._callCloudFunction({ name: e2, data: t2 }); + } + return new Promise((e3, n4) => { + const s4 = Rt.call(this, { data: t2 }); + ne.request({ method: "POST", url: a2, data: { provider: r2, platform: P, param: s4 }, success: ({ statusCode: t3, data: s5 } = {}) => !t3 || t3 >= 400 ? n4(new te({ code: s5.code || "SYS_ERR", message: s5.message || "request:fail" })) : e3({ result: s5 }), fail(e4) { + n4(new te({ code: e4.code || e4.errCode || "SYS_ERR", message: e4.message || e4.errMsg || "request:fail" })); + } }); + }); + }); + } + const Nt = [{ rule: /fc_function_not_found|FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND/, content: ",云函数[{functionName}]在云端不存在,请检查此云函数名称是否正确以及该云函数是否已上传到服务空间", mode: "append" }]; + var Dt = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, Mt = RegExp(Dt.source); + function qt(e2, t2, n2) { + return e2.replace(new RegExp((s2 = t2) && Mt.test(s2) ? s2.replace(Dt, "\\$&") : s2, "g"), n2); + var s2; + } + const Kt = "request", jt = "response", $t = "both"; + const An = { code: 2e4, message: "System error" }, Pn = { code: 20101, message: "Invalid client" }; + function xn(e2) { + const { errSubject: t2, subject: n2, errCode: s2, errMsg: r2, code: i2, message: o2, cause: a2 } = e2 || {}; + return new te({ subject: t2 || n2 || "uni-secure-network", code: s2 || i2 || An.code, message: r2 || o2, cause: a2 }); + } + let En; + function Dn({ secretType: e2 } = {}) { + return e2 === Kt || e2 === jt || e2 === $t; + } + function Mn({ name: e2, data: t2 = {} } = {}) { + return "DCloud-clientDB" === e2 && "encryption" === t2.redirectTo && "getAppClientKey" === t2.action; + } + function qn({ provider: e2, spaceId: t2, functionName: n2 } = {}) { + const { appId: s2, uniPlatform: r2, osName: i2 } = ce(); + let o2 = r2; + "app" === r2 && (o2 = i2); + const a2 = function({ provider: e3, spaceId: t3 } = {}) { + const n3 = A; + if (!n3) + return {}; + e3 = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e4) { + return "tencent" === e4 ? "tcb" : e4; + }(e3); + const s3 = n3.find((n4) => n4.provider === e3 && n4.spaceId === t3); + return s3 && s3.config; + }({ provider: e2, spaceId: t2 }); + if (!a2 || !a2.accessControl || !a2.accessControl.enable) + return false; + const c2 = a2.accessControl.function || {}, u2 = Object.keys(c2); + if (0 === u2.length) + return true; + const h2 = function(e3, t3) { + let n3, s3, r3; + for (let i3 = 0; i3 < e3.length; i3++) { + const o3 = e3[i3]; + o3 !== t3 ? "*" !== o3 ? o3.split(",").map((e4) => e4.trim()).indexOf(t3) > -1 && (s3 = o3) : r3 = o3 : n3 = o3; + } + return n3 || s3 || r3; + }(u2, n2); + if (!h2) + return false; + if ((c2[h2] || []).find((e3 = {}) => e3.appId === s2 && (e3.platform || "").toLowerCase() === o2.toLowerCase())) + return true; + throw console.error(`此应用[appId: ${s2}, platform: ${o2}]不在云端配置的允许访问的应用列表内,参考:https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/uniCloud/secure-network.html#verify-client`), xn(Pn); + } + function Fn({ functionName: e2, result: t2, logPvd: n2 }) { + if (this.__dev__.debugLog && t2 && t2.requestId) { + const s2 = JSON.stringify({ spaceId: this.config.spaceId, functionName: e2, requestId: t2.requestId }); + console.log(`[${n2}-request]${s2}[/${n2}-request]`); + } + } + function Kn(e2) { + const t2 = e2.callFunction, n2 = function(n3) { + const s2 = n3.name; + n3.data = Rt.call(e2, { data: n3.data }); + const r2 = { aliyun: "aliyun", tencent: "tcb", tcb: "tcb", alipay: "alipay" }[this.config.provider], i2 = Dn(n3), o2 = Mn(n3), a2 = i2 || o2; + return t2.call(this, n3).then((e3) => (e3.errCode = 0, !a2 && Fn.call(this, { functionName: s2, result: e3, logPvd: r2 }), Promise.resolve(e3)), (e3) => (!a2 && Fn.call(this, { functionName: s2, result: e3, logPvd: r2 }), e3 && e3.message && (e3.message = function({ message: e4 = "", extraInfo: t3 = {}, formatter: n4 = [] } = {}) { + for (let s3 = 0; s3 < n4.length; s3++) { + const { rule: r3, content: i3, mode: o3 } = n4[s3], a3 = e4.match(r3); + if (!a3) + continue; + let c2 = i3; + for (let e5 = 1; e5 < a3.length; e5++) + c2 = qt(c2, `{$${e5}}`, a3[e5]); + for (const e5 in t3) + c2 = qt(c2, `{${e5}}`, t3[e5]); + return "replace" === o3 ? c2 : e4 + c2; + } + return e4; + }({ message: `[${n3.name}]: ${e3.message}`, formatter: Nt, extraInfo: { functionName: s2 } })), Promise.reject(e3))); + }; + e2.callFunction = function(t3) { + const { provider: s2, spaceId: r2 } = e2.config, i2 = t3.name; + let o2, a2; + if (t3.data = t3.data || {}, e2.__dev__.debugInfo && !e2.__dev__.debugInfo.forceRemote && C ? (e2._callCloudFunction || (e2._callCloudFunction = n2, e2._callLocalFunction = Ut), o2 = Ut) : o2 = n2, o2 = o2.bind(e2), Mn(t3)) + a2 = n2.call(e2, t3); + else if (Dn(t3)) { + a2 = new En({ secretType: t3.secretType, uniCloudIns: e2 }).wrapEncryptDataCallFunction(n2.bind(e2))(t3); + } else if (qn({ provider: s2, spaceId: r2, functionName: i2 })) { + a2 = new En({ secretType: t3.secretType, uniCloudIns: e2 }).wrapVerifyClientCallFunction(n2.bind(e2))(t3); + } else + a2 = o2(t3); + return Object.defineProperty(a2, "result", { get: () => (console.warn("当前返回结果为Promise类型,不可直接访问其result属性,详情请参考:https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/uniCloud/faq?id=promise"), {}) }), a2.then((e3) => ("undefined" != typeof UTSJSONObject && (e3.result = new UTSJSONObject(e3.result)), e3)); + }; + } + En = class { + constructor() { + throw xn({ message: `Platform ${P} is not enabled, please check whether secure network module is enabled in your manifest.json` }); + } + }; + const jn = Symbol("CLIENT_DB_INTERNAL"); + function $n(e2, t2) { + return e2.then = "DoNotReturnProxyWithAFunctionNamedThen", e2._internalType = jn, e2.inspect = null, e2.__v_raw = void 0, new Proxy(e2, { get(e3, n2, s2) { + if ("_uniClient" === n2) + return null; + if ("symbol" == typeof n2) + return e3[n2]; + if (n2 in e3 || "string" != typeof n2) { + const t3 = e3[n2]; + return "function" == typeof t3 ? t3.bind(e3) : t3; + } + return t2.get(e3, n2, s2); + } }); + } + function Bn(e2) { + return { on: (t2, n2) => { + e2[t2] = e2[t2] || [], e2[t2].indexOf(n2) > -1 || e2[t2].push(n2); + }, off: (t2, n2) => { + e2[t2] = e2[t2] || []; + const s2 = e2[t2].indexOf(n2); + -1 !== s2 && e2[t2].splice(s2, 1); + } }; + } + const Wn = ["db.Geo", "db.command", "command.aggregate"]; + function Hn(e2, t2) { + return Wn.indexOf(`${e2}.${t2}`) > -1; + } + function zn(e2) { + switch (f(e2 = se(e2))) { + case "array": + return e2.map((e3) => zn(e3)); + case "object": + return e2._internalType === jn || Object.keys(e2).forEach((t2) => { + e2[t2] = zn(e2[t2]); + }), e2; + case "regexp": + return { $regexp: { source: e2.source, flags: e2.flags } }; + case "date": + return { $date: e2.toISOString() }; + default: + return e2; + } + } + function Jn(e2) { + return e2 && e2.content && e2.content.$method; + } + class Gn { + constructor(e2, t2, n2) { + this.content = e2, this.prevStage = t2 || null, this.udb = null, this._database = n2; + } + toJSON() { + let e2 = this; + const t2 = [e2.content]; + for (; e2.prevStage; ) + e2 = e2.prevStage, t2.push(e2.content); + return { $db: t2.reverse().map((e3) => ({ $method: e3.$method, $param: zn(e3.$param) })) }; + } + toString() { + return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON()); + } + getAction() { + const e2 = this.toJSON().$db.find((e3) => "action" === e3.$method); + return e2 && e2.$param && e2.$param[0]; + } + getCommand() { + return { $db: this.toJSON().$db.filter((e2) => "action" !== e2.$method) }; + } + get isAggregate() { + let e2 = this; + for (; e2; ) { + const t2 = Jn(e2), n2 = Jn(e2.prevStage); + if ("aggregate" === t2 && "collection" === n2 || "pipeline" === t2) + return true; + e2 = e2.prevStage; + } + return false; + } + get isCommand() { + let e2 = this; + for (; e2; ) { + if ("command" === Jn(e2)) + return true; + e2 = e2.prevStage; + } + return false; + } + get isAggregateCommand() { + let e2 = this; + for (; e2; ) { + const t2 = Jn(e2), n2 = Jn(e2.prevStage); + if ("aggregate" === t2 && "command" === n2) + return true; + e2 = e2.prevStage; + } + return false; + } + getNextStageFn(e2) { + const t2 = this; + return function() { + return Vn({ $method: e2, $param: zn(Array.from(arguments)) }, t2, t2._database); + }; + } + get count() { + return this.isAggregate ? this.getNextStageFn("count") : function() { + return this._send("count", Array.from(arguments)); + }; + } + get remove() { + return this.isCommand ? this.getNextStageFn("remove") : function() { + return this._send("remove", Array.from(arguments)); + }; + } + get() { + return this._send("get", Array.from(arguments)); + } + get add() { + return this.isCommand ? this.getNextStageFn("add") : function() { + return this._send("add", Array.from(arguments)); + }; + } + update() { + return this._send("update", Array.from(arguments)); + } + end() { + return this._send("end", Array.from(arguments)); + } + get set() { + return this.isCommand ? this.getNextStageFn("set") : function() { + throw new Error("JQL禁止使用set方法"); + }; + } + _send(e2, t2) { + const n2 = this.getAction(), s2 = this.getCommand(); + if (s2.$db.push({ $method: e2, $param: zn(t2) }), S) { + const e3 = s2.$db.find((e4) => "collection" === e4.$method), t3 = e3 && e3.$param; + t3 && 1 === t3.length && "string" == typeof e3.$param[0] && e3.$param[0].indexOf(",") > -1 && console.warn("检测到使用JQL语法联表查询时,未使用getTemp先过滤主表数据,在主表数据量大的情况下可能会查询缓慢。\n- 如何优化请参考此文档:https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/uniCloud/jql?id=lookup-with-temp \n- 如果主表数据量很小请忽略此信息,项目发行时不会出现此提示。"); + } + return this._database._callCloudFunction({ action: n2, command: s2 }); + } + } + function Vn(e2, t2, n2) { + return $n(new Gn(e2, t2, n2), { get(e3, t3) { + let s2 = "db"; + return e3 && e3.content && (s2 = e3.content.$method), Hn(s2, t3) ? Vn({ $method: t3 }, e3, n2) : function() { + return Vn({ $method: t3, $param: zn(Array.from(arguments)) }, e3, n2); + }; + } }); + } + function Yn({ path: e2, method: t2 }) { + return class { + constructor() { + this.param = Array.from(arguments); + } + toJSON() { + return { $newDb: [...e2.map((e3) => ({ $method: e3 })), { $method: t2, $param: this.param }] }; + } + toString() { + return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON()); + } + }; + } + function Qn(e2, t2 = {}) { + return $n(new e2(t2), { get: (e3, t3) => Hn("db", t3) ? Vn({ $method: t3 }, null, e3) : function() { + return Vn({ $method: t3, $param: zn(Array.from(arguments)) }, null, e3); + } }); + } + class Xn extends class { + constructor({ uniClient: e2 = {}, isJQL: t2 = false } = {}) { + this._uniClient = e2, this._authCallBacks = {}, this._dbCallBacks = {}, e2._isDefault && (this._dbCallBacks = L("_globalUniCloudDatabaseCallback")), t2 || (this.auth = Bn(this._authCallBacks)), this._isJQL = t2, Object.assign(this, Bn(this._dbCallBacks)), this.env = $n({}, { get: (e3, t3) => ({ $env: t3 }) }), this.Geo = $n({}, { get: (e3, t3) => Yn({ path: ["Geo"], method: t3 }) }), this.serverDate = Yn({ path: [], method: "serverDate" }), this.RegExp = Yn({ path: [], method: "RegExp" }); + } + getCloudEnv(e2) { + if ("string" != typeof e2 || !e2.trim()) + throw new Error("getCloudEnv参数错误"); + return { $env: e2.replace("$cloudEnv_", "") }; + } + _callback(e2, t2) { + const n2 = this._dbCallBacks; + n2[e2] && n2[e2].forEach((e3) => { + e3(...t2); + }); + } + _callbackAuth(e2, t2) { + const n2 = this._authCallBacks; + n2[e2] && n2[e2].forEach((e3) => { + e3(...t2); + }); + } + multiSend() { + const e2 = Array.from(arguments), t2 = e2.map((e3) => { + const t3 = e3.getAction(), n2 = e3.getCommand(); + if ("getTemp" !== n2.$db[n2.$db.length - 1].$method) + throw new Error("multiSend只支持子命令内使用getTemp"); + return { action: t3, command: n2 }; + }); + return this._callCloudFunction({ multiCommand: t2, queryList: e2 }); + } + } { + _parseResult(e2) { + return this._isJQL ? e2.result : e2; + } + _callCloudFunction({ action: e2, command: t2, multiCommand: n2, queryList: s2 }) { + function r2(e3, t3) { + if (n2 && s2) + for (let n3 = 0; n3 < s2.length; n3++) { + const r3 = s2[n3]; + r3.udb && "function" == typeof r3.udb.setResult && (t3 ? r3.udb.setResult(t3) : r3.udb.setResult(e3.result.dataList[n3])); + } + } + const i2 = this, o2 = this._isJQL ? "databaseForJQL" : "database"; + function a2(e3) { + return i2._callback("error", [e3]), M(q(o2, "fail"), e3).then(() => M(q(o2, "complete"), e3)).then(() => (r2(null, e3), Y(j, { type: W, content: e3 }), Promise.reject(e3))); + } + const c2 = M(q(o2, "invoke")), u2 = this._uniClient; + return c2.then(() => u2.callFunction({ name: "DCloud-clientDB", type: h, data: { action: e2, command: t2, multiCommand: n2 } })).then((e3) => { + const { code: t3, message: n3, token: s3, tokenExpired: c3, systemInfo: u3 = [] } = e3.result; + if (u3) + for (let e4 = 0; e4 < u3.length; e4++) { + const { level: t4, message: n4, detail: s4 } = u3[e4], r3 = console["warn" === t4 ? "error" : t4] || console.log; + let i3 = "[System Info]" + n4; + s4 && (i3 = `${i3} +详细信息:${s4}`), r3(i3); + } + if (t3) { + return a2(new te({ code: t3, message: n3, requestId: e3.requestId })); + } + e3.result.errCode = e3.result.errCode || e3.result.code, e3.result.errMsg = e3.result.errMsg || e3.result.message, s3 && c3 && (ie({ token: s3, tokenExpired: c3 }), this._callbackAuth("refreshToken", [{ token: s3, tokenExpired: c3 }]), this._callback("refreshToken", [{ token: s3, tokenExpired: c3 }]), Y(B, { token: s3, tokenExpired: c3 })); + const h2 = [{ prop: "affectedDocs", tips: "affectedDocs不再推荐使用,请使用inserted/deleted/updated/data.length替代" }, { prop: "code", tips: "code不再推荐使用,请使用errCode替代" }, { prop: "message", tips: "message不再推荐使用,请使用errMsg替代" }]; + for (let t4 = 0; t4 < h2.length; t4++) { + const { prop: n4, tips: s4 } = h2[t4]; + if (n4 in e3.result) { + const t5 = e3.result[n4]; + Object.defineProperty(e3.result, n4, { get: () => (console.warn(s4), t5) }); + } + } + return function(e4) { + return M(q(o2, "success"), e4).then(() => M(q(o2, "complete"), e4)).then(() => { + r2(e4, null); + const t4 = i2._parseResult(e4); + return Y(j, { type: W, content: t4 }), Promise.resolve(t4); + }); + }(e3); + }, (e3) => { + /fc_function_not_found|FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND/g.test(e3.message) && console.warn("clientDB未初始化,请在web控制台保存一次schema以开启clientDB"); + return a2(new te({ code: e3.code || "SYSTEM_ERROR", message: e3.message, requestId: e3.requestId })); + }); + } + } + const Zn = "token无效,跳转登录页面", es = "token过期,跳转登录页面", ts = { TOKEN_INVALID_TOKEN_EXPIRED: es, TOKEN_INVALID_INVALID_CLIENTID: Zn, TOKEN_INVALID: Zn, TOKEN_INVALID_WRONG_TOKEN: Zn, TOKEN_INVALID_ANONYMOUS_USER: Zn }, ns = { "uni-id-token-expired": es, "uni-id-check-token-failed": Zn, "uni-id-token-not-exist": Zn, "uni-id-check-device-feature-failed": Zn }; + function ss(e2, t2) { + let n2 = ""; + return n2 = e2 ? `${e2}/${t2}` : t2, n2.replace(/^\//, ""); + } + function rs(e2 = [], t2 = "") { + const n2 = [], s2 = []; + return e2.forEach((e3) => { + true === e3.needLogin ? n2.push(ss(t2, e3.path)) : false === e3.needLogin && s2.push(ss(t2, e3.path)); + }), { needLoginPage: n2, notNeedLoginPage: s2 }; + } + function is(e2) { + return e2.split("?")[0].replace(/^\//, ""); + } + function os() { + return function(e2) { + let t2 = e2 && e2.$page && e2.$page.fullPath || ""; + return t2 ? ("/" !== t2.charAt(0) && (t2 = "/" + t2), t2) : t2; + }(function() { + const e2 = getCurrentPages(); + return e2[e2.length - 1]; + }()); + } + function as() { + return is(os()); + } + function cs(e2 = "", t2 = {}) { + if (!e2) + return false; + if (!(t2 && t2.list && t2.list.length)) + return false; + const n2 = t2.list, s2 = is(e2); + return n2.some((e3) => e3.pagePath === s2); + } + const us = !!e.uniIdRouter; + const { loginPage: hs, routerNeedLogin: ls, resToLogin: ds, needLoginPage: ps, notNeedLoginPage: fs, loginPageInTabBar: gs } = function({ pages: t2 = [], subPackages: n2 = [], uniIdRouter: s2 = {}, tabBar: r2 = {} } = e) { + const { loginPage: i2, needLogin: o2 = [], resToLogin: a2 = true } = s2, { needLoginPage: c2, notNeedLoginPage: u2 } = rs(t2), { needLoginPage: h2, notNeedLoginPage: l2 } = function(e2 = []) { + const t3 = [], n3 = []; + return e2.forEach((e3) => { + const { root: s3, pages: r3 = [] } = e3, { needLoginPage: i3, notNeedLoginPage: o3 } = rs(r3, s3); + t3.push(...i3), n3.push(...o3); + }), { needLoginPage: t3, notNeedLoginPage: n3 }; + }(n2); + return { loginPage: i2, routerNeedLogin: o2, resToLogin: a2, needLoginPage: [...c2, ...h2], notNeedLoginPage: [...u2, ...l2], loginPageInTabBar: cs(i2, r2) }; + }(); + if (ps.indexOf(hs) > -1) + throw new Error(`Login page [${hs}] should not be "needLogin", please check your pages.json`); + function ms(e2) { + const t2 = as(); + if ("/" === e2.charAt(0)) + return e2; + const [n2, s2] = e2.split("?"), r2 = n2.replace(/^\//, "").split("/"), i2 = t2.split("/"); + i2.pop(); + for (let e3 = 0; e3 < r2.length; e3++) { + const t3 = r2[e3]; + ".." === t3 ? i2.pop() : "." !== t3 && i2.push(t3); + } + return "" === i2[0] && i2.shift(), "/" + i2.join("/") + (s2 ? "?" + s2 : ""); + } + function ys(e2) { + const t2 = is(ms(e2)); + return !(fs.indexOf(t2) > -1) && (ps.indexOf(t2) > -1 || ls.some((t3) => function(e3, t4) { + return new RegExp(t4).test(e3); + }(e2, t3))); + } + function _s({ redirect: e2 }) { + const t2 = is(e2), n2 = is(hs); + return as() !== n2 && t2 !== n2; + } + function ws({ api: e2, redirect: t2 } = {}) { + if (!t2 || !_s({ redirect: t2 })) + return; + const n2 = function(e3, t3) { + return "/" !== e3.charAt(0) && (e3 = "/" + e3), t3 ? e3.indexOf("?") > -1 ? e3 + `&uniIdRedirectUrl=${encodeURIComponent(t3)}` : e3 + `?uniIdRedirectUrl=${encodeURIComponent(t3)}` : e3; + }(hs, t2); + gs ? "navigateTo" !== e2 && "redirectTo" !== e2 || (e2 = "switchTab") : "switchTab" === e2 && (e2 = "navigateTo"); + const s2 = { navigateTo: uni.navigateTo, redirectTo: uni.redirectTo, switchTab: uni.switchTab, reLaunch: uni.reLaunch }; + setTimeout(() => { + s2[e2]({ url: n2 }); + }, 0); + } + function vs({ url: e2 } = {}) { + const t2 = { abortLoginPageJump: false, autoToLoginPage: false }, n2 = function() { + const { token: e3, tokenExpired: t3 } = re(); + let n3; + if (e3) { + if (t3 < Date.now()) { + const e4 = "uni-id-token-expired"; + n3 = { errCode: e4, errMsg: ns[e4] }; + } + } else { + const e4 = "uni-id-check-token-failed"; + n3 = { errCode: e4, errMsg: ns[e4] }; + } + return n3; + }(); + if (ys(e2) && n2) { + n2.uniIdRedirectUrl = e2; + if (J($).length > 0) + return setTimeout(() => { + Y($, n2); + }, 0), t2.abortLoginPageJump = true, t2; + t2.autoToLoginPage = true; + } + return t2; + } + function Is() { + !function() { + const e3 = os(), { abortLoginPageJump: t2, autoToLoginPage: n2 } = vs({ url: e3 }); + t2 || n2 && ws({ api: "redirectTo", redirect: e3 }); + }(); + const e2 = ["navigateTo", "redirectTo", "reLaunch", "switchTab"]; + for (let t2 = 0; t2 < e2.length; t2++) { + const n2 = e2[t2]; + uni.addInterceptor(n2, { invoke(e3) { + const { abortLoginPageJump: t3, autoToLoginPage: s2 } = vs({ url: e3.url }); + return t3 ? e3 : s2 ? (ws({ api: n2, redirect: ms(e3.url) }), false) : e3; + } }); + } + } + function Ss() { + this.onResponse((e2) => { + const { type: t2, content: n2 } = e2; + let s2 = false; + switch (t2) { + case "cloudobject": + s2 = function(e3) { + if ("object" != typeof e3) + return false; + const { errCode: t3 } = e3 || {}; + return t3 in ns; + }(n2); + break; + case "clientdb": + s2 = function(e3) { + if ("object" != typeof e3) + return false; + const { errCode: t3 } = e3 || {}; + return t3 in ts; + }(n2); + } + s2 && function(e3 = {}) { + const t3 = J($); + Z().then(() => { + const n3 = os(); + if (n3 && _s({ redirect: n3 })) + return t3.length > 0 ? Y($, Object.assign({ uniIdRedirectUrl: n3 }, e3)) : void (hs && ws({ api: "navigateTo", redirect: n3 })); + }); + }(n2); + }); + } + function bs(e2) { + !function(e3) { + e3.onResponse = function(e4) { + G(j, e4); + }, e3.offResponse = function(e4) { + V(j, e4); + }; + }(e2), function(e3) { + e3.onNeedLogin = function(e4) { + G($, e4); + }, e3.offNeedLogin = function(e4) { + V($, e4); + }, us && (L("_globalUniCloudStatus").needLoginInit || (L("_globalUniCloudStatus").needLoginInit = true, Z().then(() => { + Is.call(e3); + }), ds && Ss.call(e3))); + }(e2), function(e3) { + e3.onRefreshToken = function(e4) { + G(B, e4); + }, e3.offRefreshToken = function(e4) { + V(B, e4); + }; + }(e2); + } + let ks; + const As = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", Ps = /^(?:[A-Za-z\d+/]{4})*?(?:[A-Za-z\d+/]{2}(?:==)?|[A-Za-z\d+/]{3}=?)?$/; + function Ts() { + const e2 = re().token || "", t2 = e2.split("."); + if (!e2 || 3 !== t2.length) + return { uid: null, role: [], permission: [], tokenExpired: 0 }; + let n2; + try { + n2 = JSON.parse((s2 = t2[1], decodeURIComponent(ks(s2).split("").map(function(e3) { + return "%" + ("00" + e3.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2); + }).join("")))); + } catch (e3) { + throw new Error("获取当前用户信息出错,详细错误信息为:" + e3.message); + } + var s2; + return n2.tokenExpired = 1e3 * n2.exp, delete n2.exp, delete n2.iat, n2; + } + ks = "function" != typeof atob ? function(e2) { + if (e2 = String(e2).replace(/[\t\n\f\r ]+/g, ""), !Ps.test(e2)) + throw new Error("Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded."); + var t2; + e2 += "==".slice(2 - (3 & e2.length)); + for (var n2, s2, r2 = "", i2 = 0; i2 < e2.length; ) + t2 = As.indexOf(e2.charAt(i2++)) << 18 | As.indexOf(e2.charAt(i2++)) << 12 | (n2 = As.indexOf(e2.charAt(i2++))) << 6 | (s2 = As.indexOf(e2.charAt(i2++))), r2 += 64 === n2 ? String.fromCharCode(t2 >> 16 & 255) : 64 === s2 ? String.fromCharCode(t2 >> 16 & 255, t2 >> 8 & 255) : String.fromCharCode(t2 >> 16 & 255, t2 >> 8 & 255, 255 & t2); + return r2; + } : atob; + var Cs = n(function(e2, t2) { + Object.defineProperty(t2, "__esModule", { value: true }); + const n2 = "chooseAndUploadFile:ok", s2 = "chooseAndUploadFile:fail"; + function r2(e3, t3) { + return e3.tempFiles.forEach((e4, n3) => { + e4.name || (e4.name = e4.path.substring(e4.path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)), t3 && (e4.fileType = t3), e4.cloudPath = Date.now() + "_" + n3 + e4.name.substring(e4.name.lastIndexOf(".")); + }), e3.tempFilePaths || (e3.tempFilePaths = e3.tempFiles.map((e4) => e4.path)), e3; + } + function i2(e3, t3, { onChooseFile: s3, onUploadProgress: r3 }) { + return t3.then((e4) => { + if (s3) { + const t4 = s3(e4); + if (void 0 !== t4) + return Promise.resolve(t4).then((t5) => void 0 === t5 ? e4 : t5); + } + return e4; + }).then((t4) => false === t4 ? { errMsg: n2, tempFilePaths: [], tempFiles: [] } : function(e4, t5, s4 = 5, r4) { + (t5 = Object.assign({}, t5)).errMsg = n2; + const i3 = t5.tempFiles, o2 = i3.length; + let a2 = 0; + return new Promise((n3) => { + for (; a2 < s4; ) + c2(); + function c2() { + const s5 = a2++; + if (s5 >= o2) + return void (!i3.find((e5) => !e5.url && !e5.errMsg) && n3(t5)); + const u2 = i3[s5]; + e4.uploadFile({ provider: u2.provider, filePath: u2.path, cloudPath: u2.cloudPath, fileType: u2.fileType, cloudPathAsRealPath: u2.cloudPathAsRealPath, onUploadProgress(e5) { + e5.index = s5, e5.tempFile = u2, e5.tempFilePath = u2.path, r4 && r4(e5); + } }).then((e5) => { + u2.url = e5.fileID, s5 < o2 && c2(); + }).catch((e5) => { + u2.errMsg = e5.errMsg || e5.message, s5 < o2 && c2(); + }); + } + }); + }(e3, t4, 5, r3)); + } + t2.initChooseAndUploadFile = function(e3) { + return function(t3 = { type: "all" }) { + return "image" === t3.type ? i2(e3, function(e4) { + const { count: t4, sizeType: n3, sourceType: i3 = ["album", "camera"], extension: o2 } = e4; + return new Promise((e5, a2) => { + uni.chooseImage({ count: t4, sizeType: n3, sourceType: i3, extension: o2, success(t5) { + e5(r2(t5, "image")); + }, fail(e6) { + a2({ errMsg: e6.errMsg.replace("chooseImage:fail", s2) }); + } }); + }); + }(t3), t3) : "video" === t3.type ? i2(e3, function(e4) { + const { camera: t4, compressed: n3, maxDuration: i3, sourceType: o2 = ["album", "camera"], extension: a2 } = e4; + return new Promise((e5, c2) => { + uni.chooseVideo({ camera: t4, compressed: n3, maxDuration: i3, sourceType: o2, extension: a2, success(t5) { + const { tempFilePath: n4, duration: s3, size: i4, height: o3, width: a3 } = t5; + e5(r2({ errMsg: "chooseVideo:ok", tempFilePaths: [n4], tempFiles: [{ name: t5.tempFile && t5.tempFile.name || "", path: n4, size: i4, type: t5.tempFile && t5.tempFile.type || "", width: a3, height: o3, duration: s3, fileType: "video", cloudPath: "" }] }, "video")); + }, fail(e6) { + c2({ errMsg: e6.errMsg.replace("chooseVideo:fail", s2) }); + } }); + }); + }(t3), t3) : i2(e3, function(e4) { + const { count: t4, extension: n3 } = e4; + return new Promise((e5, i3) => { + let o2 = uni.chooseFile; + if ("undefined" != typeof wx && "function" == typeof wx.chooseMessageFile && (o2 = wx.chooseMessageFile), "function" != typeof o2) + return i3({ errMsg: s2 + " 请指定 type 类型,该平台仅支持选择 image 或 video。" }); + o2({ type: "all", count: t4, extension: n3, success(t5) { + e5(r2(t5)); + }, fail(e6) { + i3({ errMsg: e6.errMsg.replace("chooseFile:fail", s2) }); + } }); + }); + }(t3), t3); + }; + }; + }), xs = t(Cs); + const Os = "manual"; + function Es(e2) { + return { props: { localdata: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, options: { type: [Object, Array], default: () => ({}) }, spaceInfo: { type: Object, default: () => ({}) }, collection: { type: [String, Array], default: "" }, action: { type: String, default: "" }, field: { type: String, default: "" }, orderby: { type: String, default: "" }, where: { type: [String, Object], default: "" }, pageData: { type: String, default: "add" }, pageCurrent: { type: Number, default: 1 }, pageSize: { type: Number, default: 20 }, getcount: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, gettree: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, gettreepath: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, startwith: { type: String, default: "" }, limitlevel: { type: Number, default: 10 }, groupby: { type: String, default: "" }, groupField: { type: String, default: "" }, distinct: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, foreignKey: { type: String, default: "" }, loadtime: { type: String, default: "auto" }, manual: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, data: () => ({ mixinDatacomLoading: false, mixinDatacomHasMore: false, mixinDatacomResData: [], mixinDatacomErrorMessage: "", mixinDatacomPage: {}, mixinDatacomError: null }), created() { + this.mixinDatacomPage = { current: this.pageCurrent, size: this.pageSize, count: 0 }, this.$watch(() => { + var e3 = []; + return ["pageCurrent", "pageSize", "localdata", "collection", "action", "field", "orderby", "where", "getont", "getcount", "gettree", "groupby", "groupField", "distinct"].forEach((t2) => { + e3.push(this[t2]); + }), e3; + }, (e3, t2) => { + if (this.loadtime === Os) + return; + let n2 = false; + const s2 = []; + for (let r2 = 2; r2 < e3.length; r2++) + e3[r2] !== t2[r2] && (s2.push(e3[r2]), n2 = true); + e3[0] !== t2[0] && (this.mixinDatacomPage.current = this.pageCurrent), this.mixinDatacomPage.size = this.pageSize, this.onMixinDatacomPropsChange(n2, s2); + }); + }, methods: { onMixinDatacomPropsChange(e3, t2) { + }, mixinDatacomEasyGet({ getone: e3 = false, success: t2, fail: n2 } = {}) { + this.mixinDatacomLoading || (this.mixinDatacomLoading = true, this.mixinDatacomErrorMessage = "", this.mixinDatacomError = null, this.mixinDatacomGet().then((n3) => { + this.mixinDatacomLoading = false; + const { data: s2, count: r2 } = n3.result; + this.getcount && (this.mixinDatacomPage.count = r2), this.mixinDatacomHasMore = s2.length < this.pageSize; + const i2 = e3 ? s2.length ? s2[0] : void 0 : s2; + this.mixinDatacomResData = i2, t2 && t2(i2); + }).catch((e4) => { + this.mixinDatacomLoading = false, this.mixinDatacomErrorMessage = e4, this.mixinDatacomError = e4, n2 && n2(e4); + })); + }, mixinDatacomGet(t2 = {}) { + let n2; + t2 = t2 || {}, n2 = "undefined" != typeof __uniX && __uniX ? e2.databaseForJQL(this.spaceInfo) : e2.database(this.spaceInfo); + const s2 = t2.action || this.action; + s2 && (n2 = n2.action(s2)); + const r2 = t2.collection || this.collection; + n2 = Array.isArray(r2) ? n2.collection(...r2) : n2.collection(r2); + const i2 = t2.where || this.where; + i2 && Object.keys(i2).length && (n2 = n2.where(i2)); + const o2 = t2.field || this.field; + o2 && (n2 = n2.field(o2)); + const a2 = t2.foreignKey || this.foreignKey; + a2 && (n2 = n2.foreignKey(a2)); + const c2 = t2.groupby || this.groupby; + c2 && (n2 = n2.groupBy(c2)); + const u2 = t2.groupField || this.groupField; + u2 && (n2 = n2.groupField(u2)); + true === (void 0 !== t2.distinct ? t2.distinct : this.distinct) && (n2 = n2.distinct()); + const h2 = t2.orderby || this.orderby; + h2 && (n2 = n2.orderBy(h2)); + const l2 = void 0 !== t2.pageCurrent ? t2.pageCurrent : this.mixinDatacomPage.current, d2 = void 0 !== t2.pageSize ? t2.pageSize : this.mixinDatacomPage.size, p2 = void 0 !== t2.getcount ? t2.getcount : this.getcount, f2 = void 0 !== t2.gettree ? t2.gettree : this.gettree, g2 = void 0 !== t2.gettreepath ? t2.gettreepath : this.gettreepath, m2 = { getCount: p2 }, y2 = { limitLevel: void 0 !== t2.limitlevel ? t2.limitlevel : this.limitlevel, startWith: void 0 !== t2.startwith ? t2.startwith : this.startwith }; + return f2 && (m2.getTree = y2), g2 && (m2.getTreePath = y2), n2 = n2.skip(d2 * (l2 - 1)).limit(d2).get(m2), n2; + } } }; + } + function Ls(e2) { + return function(t2, n2 = {}) { + n2 = function(e3, t3 = {}) { + return e3.customUI = t3.customUI || e3.customUI, e3.parseSystemError = t3.parseSystemError || e3.parseSystemError, Object.assign(e3.loadingOptions, t3.loadingOptions), Object.assign(e3.errorOptions, t3.errorOptions), "object" == typeof t3.secretMethods && (e3.secretMethods = t3.secretMethods), e3; + }({ customUI: false, loadingOptions: { title: "加载中...", mask: true }, errorOptions: { type: "modal", retry: false } }, n2); + const { customUI: s2, loadingOptions: r2, errorOptions: i2, parseSystemError: o2 } = n2, a2 = !s2; + return new Proxy({}, { get(s3, c2) { + switch (c2) { + case "toString": + return "[object UniCloudObject]"; + case "toJSON": + return {}; + } + return function({ fn: e3, interceptorName: t3, getCallbackArgs: n3 } = {}) { + return async function(...s4) { + const r3 = n3 ? n3({ params: s4 }) : {}; + let i3, o3; + try { + return await M(q(t3, "invoke"), { ...r3 }), i3 = await e3(...s4), await M(q(t3, "success"), { ...r3, result: i3 }), i3; + } catch (e4) { + throw o3 = e4, await M(q(t3, "fail"), { ...r3, error: o3 }), o3; + } finally { + await M(q(t3, "complete"), o3 ? { ...r3, error: o3 } : { ...r3, result: i3 }); + } + }; + }({ fn: async function s4(...h2) { + let l2; + a2 && uni.showLoading({ title: r2.title, mask: r2.mask }); + const d2 = { name: t2, type: u, data: { method: c2, params: h2 } }; + "object" == typeof n2.secretMethods && function(e3, t3) { + const n3 = t3.data.method, s5 = e3.secretMethods || {}, r3 = s5[n3] || s5["*"]; + r3 && (t3.secretType = r3); + }(n2, d2); + let p2 = false; + try { + l2 = await e2.callFunction(d2); + } catch (e3) { + p2 = true, l2 = { result: new te(e3) }; + } + const { errSubject: f2, errCode: g2, errMsg: m2, newToken: y2 } = l2.result || {}; + if (a2 && uni.hideLoading(), y2 && y2.token && y2.tokenExpired && (ie(y2), Y(B, { ...y2 })), g2) { + let e3 = m2; + if (p2 && o2) { + e3 = (await o2({ objectName: t2, methodName: c2, params: h2, errSubject: f2, errCode: g2, errMsg: m2 })).errMsg || m2; + } + if (a2) + if ("toast" === i2.type) + uni.showToast({ title: e3, icon: "none" }); + else { + if ("modal" !== i2.type) + throw new Error(`Invalid errorOptions.type: ${i2.type}`); + { + const { confirm: t3 } = await async function({ title: e4, content: t4, showCancel: n4, cancelText: s5, confirmText: r3 } = {}) { + return new Promise((i3, o3) => { + uni.showModal({ title: e4, content: t4, showCancel: n4, cancelText: s5, confirmText: r3, success(e5) { + i3(e5); + }, fail() { + i3({ confirm: false, cancel: true }); + } }); + }); + }({ title: "提示", content: e3, showCancel: i2.retry, cancelText: "取消", confirmText: i2.retry ? "重试" : "确定" }); + if (i2.retry && t3) + return s4(...h2); + } + } + const n3 = new te({ subject: f2, code: g2, message: m2, requestId: l2.requestId }); + throw n3.detail = l2.result, Y(j, { type: z, content: n3 }), n3; + } + return Y(j, { type: z, content: l2.result }), l2.result; + }, interceptorName: "callObject", getCallbackArgs: function({ params: e3 } = {}) { + return { objectName: t2, methodName: c2, params: e3 }; + } }); + } }); + }; + } + function Rs(e2) { + return L("_globalUniCloudSecureNetworkCache__{spaceId}".replace("{spaceId}", e2.config.spaceId)); + } + async function Us({ openid: e2, callLoginByWeixin: t2 = false } = {}) { + Rs(this); + throw new Error(`[SecureNetwork] API \`initSecureNetworkByWeixin\` is not supported on platform \`${P}\``); + } + async function Ns(e2) { + const t2 = Rs(this); + return t2.initPromise || (t2.initPromise = Us.call(this, e2).then((e3) => e3).catch((e3) => { + throw delete t2.initPromise, e3; + })), t2.initPromise; + } + function Ds(e2) { + return function({ openid: t2, callLoginByWeixin: n2 = false } = {}) { + return Ns.call(e2, { openid: t2, callLoginByWeixin: n2 }); + }; + } + function Ms(e2) { + const t2 = { getSystemInfo: uni.getSystemInfo, getPushClientId: uni.getPushClientId }; + return function(n2) { + return new Promise((s2, r2) => { + t2[e2]({ ...n2, success(e3) { + s2(e3); + }, fail(e3) { + r2(e3); + } }); + }); + }; + } + class qs extends class { + constructor() { + this._callback = {}; + } + addListener(e2, t2) { + this._callback[e2] || (this._callback[e2] = []), this._callback[e2].push(t2); + } + on(e2, t2) { + return this.addListener(e2, t2); + } + removeListener(e2, t2) { + if (!t2) + throw new Error('The "listener" argument must be of type function. Received undefined'); + const n2 = this._callback[e2]; + if (!n2) + return; + const s2 = function(e3, t3) { + for (let n3 = e3.length - 1; n3 >= 0; n3--) + if (e3[n3] === t3) + return n3; + return -1; + }(n2, t2); + n2.splice(s2, 1); + } + off(e2, t2) { + return this.removeListener(e2, t2); + } + removeAllListener(e2) { + delete this._callback[e2]; + } + emit(e2, ...t2) { + const n2 = this._callback[e2]; + if (n2) + for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2.length; e3++) + n2[e3](...t2); + } + } { + constructor() { + super(), this._uniPushMessageCallback = this._receivePushMessage.bind(this), this._currentMessageId = -1, this._payloadQueue = []; + } + init() { + return Promise.all([Ms("getSystemInfo")(), Ms("getPushClientId")()]).then(([{ appId: e2 } = {}, { cid: t2 } = {}] = []) => { + if (!e2) + throw new Error("Invalid appId, please check the manifest.json file"); + if (!t2) + throw new Error("Invalid push client id"); + this._appId = e2, this._pushClientId = t2, this._seqId = Date.now() + "-" + Math.floor(9e5 * Math.random() + 1e5), this.emit("open"), this._initMessageListener(); + }, (e2) => { + throw this.emit("error", e2), this.close(), e2; + }); + } + async open() { + return this.init(); + } + _isUniCloudSSE(e2) { + if ("receive" !== e2.type) + return false; + const t2 = e2 && e2.data && e2.data.payload; + return !(!t2 || "UNI_CLOUD_SSE" !== t2.channel || t2.seqId !== this._seqId); + } + _receivePushMessage(e2) { + if (!this._isUniCloudSSE(e2)) + return; + const t2 = e2 && e2.data && e2.data.payload, { action: n2, messageId: s2, message: r2 } = t2; + this._payloadQueue.push({ action: n2, messageId: s2, message: r2 }), this._consumMessage(); + } + _consumMessage() { + for (; ; ) { + const e2 = this._payloadQueue.find((e3) => e3.messageId === this._currentMessageId + 1); + if (!e2) + break; + this._currentMessageId++, this._parseMessagePayload(e2); + } + } + _parseMessagePayload(e2) { + const { action: t2, messageId: n2, message: s2 } = e2; + "end" === t2 ? this._end({ messageId: n2, message: s2 }) : "message" === t2 && this._appendMessage({ messageId: n2, message: s2 }); + } + _appendMessage({ messageId: e2, message: t2 } = {}) { + this.emit("message", t2); + } + _end({ messageId: e2, message: t2 } = {}) { + this.emit("end", t2), this.close(); + } + _initMessageListener() { + uni.onPushMessage(this._uniPushMessageCallback); + } + _destroy() { + uni.offPushMessage(this._uniPushMessageCallback); + } + toJSON() { + return { appId: this._appId, pushClientId: this._pushClientId, seqId: this._seqId }; + } + close() { + this._destroy(), this.emit("close"); + } + } + async function Fs(e2, t2) { + const n2 = `http://${e2}:${t2}/system/ping`; + try { + const e3 = await (s2 = { url: n2, timeout: 500 }, new Promise((e4, t3) => { + ne.request({ ...s2, success(t4) { + e4(t4); + }, fail(e5) { + t3(e5); + } }); + })); + return !(!e3.data || 0 !== e3.data.code); + } catch (e3) { + return false; + } + var s2; + } + async function Ks(e2) { + { + const { osName: e3, osVersion: t3 } = ce(); + "ios" === e3 && function(e4) { + if (!e4 || "string" != typeof e4) + return 0; + const t4 = e4.match(/^(\d+)./); + return t4 && t4[1] ? parseInt(t4[1]) : 0; + }(t3) >= 14 && console.warn("iOS 14及以上版本连接uniCloud本地调试服务需要允许客户端查找并连接到本地网络上的设备(仅开发期间需要,发行后不需要)"); + } + const t2 = e2.__dev__; + if (!t2.debugInfo) + return; + const { address: n2, servePort: s2 } = t2.debugInfo, { address: r2 } = await async function(e3, t3) { + let n3; + for (let s3 = 0; s3 < e3.length; s3++) { + const r3 = e3[s3]; + if (await Fs(r3, t3)) { + n3 = r3; + break; + } + } + return { address: n3, port: t3 }; + }(n2, s2); + if (r2) + return t2.localAddress = r2, void (t2.localPort = s2); + const i2 = console["error"]; + let o2 = ""; + if ("remote" === t2.debugInfo.initialLaunchType ? (t2.debugInfo.forceRemote = true, o2 = "当前客户端和HBuilderX不在同一局域网下(或其他网络原因无法连接HBuilderX),uniCloud本地调试服务不对当前客户端生效。\n- 如果不使用uniCloud本地调试服务,请直接忽略此信息。\n- 如需使用uniCloud本地调试服务,请将客户端与主机连接到同一局域网下并重新运行到客户端。") : o2 = "无法连接uniCloud本地调试服务,请检查当前客户端是否与主机在同一局域网下。\n- 如需使用uniCloud本地调试服务,请将客户端与主机连接到同一局域网下并重新运行到客户端。", o2 += "\n- 如果在HBuilderX开启的状态下切换过网络环境,请重启HBuilderX后再试\n- 检查系统防火墙是否拦截了HBuilderX自带的nodejs\n- 检查是否错误的使用拦截器修改uni.request方法的参数", 0 === P.indexOf("mp-") && (o2 += "\n- 小程序中如何使用uniCloud,请参考:https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/uniCloud/publish.html#useinmp"), !t2.debugInfo.forceRemote) + throw new Error(o2); + i2(o2); + } + function js(e2) { + e2._initPromiseHub || (e2._initPromiseHub = new v({ createPromise: function() { + let t2 = Promise.resolve(); + var n2; + n2 = 1, t2 = new Promise((e3) => { + setTimeout(() => { + e3(); + }, n2); + }); + const s2 = e2.auth(); + return t2.then(() => s2.getLoginState()).then((e3) => e3 ? Promise.resolve() : s2.signInAnonymously()); + } })); + } + const $s = { tcb: St, tencent: St, aliyun: pe, private: kt, alipay: Lt }; + let Bs = new class { + init(e2) { + let t2 = {}; + const n2 = $s[e2.provider]; + if (!n2) + throw new Error("未提供正确的provider参数"); + t2 = n2.init(e2), function(e3) { + const t3 = {}; + e3.__dev__ = t3, t3.debugLog = "app" === P; + const n3 = T; + n3 && !n3.code && (t3.debugInfo = n3); + const s2 = new v({ createPromise: function() { + return Ks(e3); + } }); + t3.initLocalNetwork = function() { + return s2.exec(); + }; + }(t2), js(t2), Kn(t2), function(e3) { + const t3 = e3.uploadFile; + e3.uploadFile = function(e4) { + return t3.call(this, e4); + }; + }(t2), function(e3) { + e3.database = function(t3) { + if (t3 && Object.keys(t3).length > 0) + return e3.init(t3).database(); + if (this._database) + return this._database; + const n3 = Qn(Xn, { uniClient: e3 }); + return this._database = n3, n3; + }, e3.databaseForJQL = function(t3) { + if (t3 && Object.keys(t3).length > 0) + return e3.init(t3).databaseForJQL(); + if (this._databaseForJQL) + return this._databaseForJQL; + const n3 = Qn(Xn, { uniClient: e3, isJQL: true }); + return this._databaseForJQL = n3, n3; + }; + }(t2), function(e3) { + e3.getCurrentUserInfo = Ts, e3.chooseAndUploadFile = xs.initChooseAndUploadFile(e3), Object.assign(e3, { get mixinDatacom() { + return Es(e3); + } }), e3.SSEChannel = qs, e3.initSecureNetworkByWeixin = Ds(e3), e3.importObject = Ls(e3); + }(t2); + return ["callFunction", "uploadFile", "deleteFile", "getTempFileURL", "downloadFile", "chooseAndUploadFile"].forEach((e3) => { + if (!t2[e3]) + return; + const n3 = t2[e3]; + t2[e3] = function() { + return n3.apply(t2, Array.from(arguments)); + }, t2[e3] = (/* @__PURE__ */ function(e4, t3) { + return function(n4) { + let s2 = false; + if ("callFunction" === t3) { + const e5 = n4 && n4.type || c; + s2 = e5 !== c; + } + const r2 = "callFunction" === t3 && !s2, i2 = this._initPromiseHub.exec(); + n4 = n4 || {}; + const { success: o2, fail: a2, complete: u2 } = ee(n4), h2 = i2.then(() => s2 ? Promise.resolve() : M(q(t3, "invoke"), n4)).then(() => e4.call(this, n4)).then((e5) => s2 ? Promise.resolve(e5) : M(q(t3, "success"), e5).then(() => M(q(t3, "complete"), e5)).then(() => (r2 && Y(j, { type: H, content: e5 }), Promise.resolve(e5))), (e5) => s2 ? Promise.reject(e5) : M(q(t3, "fail"), e5).then(() => M(q(t3, "complete"), e5)).then(() => (Y(j, { type: H, content: e5 }), Promise.reject(e5)))); + if (!(o2 || a2 || u2)) + return h2; + h2.then((e5) => { + o2 && o2(e5), u2 && u2(e5), r2 && Y(j, { type: H, content: e5 }); + }, (e5) => { + a2 && a2(e5), u2 && u2(e5), r2 && Y(j, { type: H, content: e5 }); + }); + }; + }(t2[e3], e3)).bind(t2); + }), t2.init = this.init, t2; + } + }(); + (() => { + const e2 = C; + let t2 = {}; + if (e2 && 1 === e2.length) + t2 = e2[0], Bs = Bs.init(t2), Bs._isDefault = true; + else { + const t3 = ["auth", "callFunction", "uploadFile", "deleteFile", "getTempFileURL", "downloadFile", "database", "getCurrentUSerInfo", "importObject"]; + let n2; + n2 = e2 && e2.length > 0 ? "应用有多个服务空间,请通过uniCloud.init方法指定要使用的服务空间" : "应用未关联服务空间,请在uniCloud目录右键关联服务空间", t3.forEach((e3) => { + Bs[e3] = function() { + return console.error(n2), Promise.reject(new te({ code: "SYS_ERR", message: n2 })); + }; + }); + } + Object.assign(Bs, { get mixinDatacom() { + return Es(Bs); + } }), bs(Bs), Bs.addInterceptor = N, Bs.removeInterceptor = D, Bs.interceptObject = F; + })(); function createApp() { const app = vue.createVueApp(App); return { diff --git a/unpackage/dist/dev/app-plus/app.css b/unpackage/dist/dev/app-plus/app.css index 4140545..1d0d21c 100644 --- a/unpackage/dist/dev/app-plus/app.css +++ b/unpackage/dist/dev/app-plus/app.css @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 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