version: '3' services: app: container_name: chatgpt-web image: chenzhaoyu94/chatgpt-web # Always use latest, just pull the tag image again when updating ports: - 3002:3002 environment: # pick one of two OPENAI_API_KEY: # pick one of two OPENAI_ACCESS_TOKEN: # API interface address, optional, available when OPENAI_API_KEY is set OPENAI_API_BASE_URL: # API model, optional, available when OPENAI_API_KEY is set OPENAI_API_MODEL: # reverse proxy, optional API_REVERSE_PROXY: # Access permission key, optional AUTH_SECRET_KEY: # The maximum number of requests per hour, optional, default unlimited MAX_REQUEST_PER_HOUR: 0 # timeout in milliseconds, optional TIMEOUT_MS: 60000 # Socks proxy, optional, works with SOCKS_PROXY_PORT SOCKS_PROXY_HOST: # Socks proxy port, optional, effective when combined with SOCKS_PROXY_HOST SOCKS_PROXY_PORT: # Socks proxy username, optional, effective when combined with SOCKS_PROXY_HOST & SOCKS_PROXY_PORT SOCKS_PROXY_USERNAME: # Socks proxy password, optional, effective when combined with SOCKS_PROXY_HOST & SOCKS_PROXY_PORT SOCKS_PROXY_PASSWORD: # HTTPS_PROXY proxy, optional HTTPS_PROXY: nginx: container_name: nginx image: nginx:alpine ports: - '80:80' expose: - '80' volumes: - ./nginx/html:/usr/share/nginx/html - ./nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf links: - app