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209 lines
8.2 KiB

5 months ago
"": "fontree",
5 months ago
"start.title": "Generating a blockchain identity⋯",
"seriesData.detail": "Gift package details",
"seriesData.recive": "Claim all",
"seriesData.success": "Claimed successfully!",
"usa.adress": "Address",
"usa.remember": "Mnemonic words",
"usa.check": "Check",
"usa.hasGet": "Items received",
"usa.popTitle": "Check Mnemonic words",
"usa.inputPassword": "Enter a 6-digit password",
"usa.warningPwd": "Please enter a 6-digit password",
"usa.copySuccess": "Copy successful!",
"usa.back": "Back",
"usa.backAndCopy": "Copy and back",
5 months ago
"": "Play Collections Detail Video",
5 months ago
"usa.cancel": "Cancel",
"usa.confirm": "Confirm",
"usa.Password": "Password",
5 months ago
"tabbar.home": "Home",
"tabbar.mine": "Mine",
"index.title": "Home",
"": "System",
"locale.en": "English",
"locale.zh-hans": "简体中文",
"locale.zh-hant": "繁体中文",
"api-header": "en",
"index.language-change-confirm": "Applying this setting will restart the app",
"navbar.back": "Back",
"login.title": "Login Registration",
"login.input": "Enter your phone number",
"login.agree": "Have read and agreed",
"login.service": "《Service Agreements》",
"login.privacy": "《Privacy Policy》",
"login.registration": "《Registration Protocol》",
"login.btn": "Send Verification Code",
"login.mess": "Please read and tick the agreement",
"authentication.title": "Security Verification",
"authentication.content": "Drag the slider to fill the puzzle",
"sendCode.title": "Enter Verification Code",
"sendCode.send": "Already sent to",
"sendCode.login": "Login",
"sendCode.update": "Update",
"sendCode.loading": "Getting verification code",
"sendCode.toast": "Send after the countdown",
"login.success": "Login successful",
"login.error": "Login failed",
"sendCode.updateSuccess": "Update successfully,please login again",
"sendCode.updateError": "Update failed",
"sendCode": "Verification code has been sent",
"welcome.toHome": "Jumping to Home",
"welcome.title": "Verification success Welcome to",
"": "Colletion Information",
"": "Buy",
"": "Collection Name",
"collection.type": "Collection Type",
"collection.size": "Collection Size ",
"collection.specs": "Collection Specification",
"collection.address": "Collection Origin",
"collection.intro": "Collection Introduction",
"collection.detail": "Collection Details",
"collection.sell": "Collection Selling Point",
"collection.sellDec": "Collection Details",
"": "Technology Introduction ",
"collection.copyight": "Copyright Notice",
"collection.blockchain": "Blockchain Description",
"buyVerfy.title": "Real name verification is required to purchase goods",
"buyVerfy.username": "Real Name",
"buyVerfy.idNum": "ID Number",
"buyVerfy.suss": "Authenticates effectively",
"buyVerfy.error": "Invalid authentication",
"buyVerfy.done": "Complete",
"buyVerfy.noGift": "Sell Out",
"buyVerfy.cancel": "Cancel",
"login.pls": "Please login first",
"alipay.payment": "Alipay Payment",
"comfirm.num1": "",
"comfirm.num2": "piece",
"": "Total",
"": "Confirm Payment",
"comfirm.copy": "Copy order verification code",
"payment.back": "Back to home",
"payment.cancel": "Cancel Payment",
"payment.check": "View Details",
"payment.success": "Payment Successful",
"payment.cancelSuccess": "Payment Cancelled",
"payment.failed": "Payment Failed",
"payInfo.title": "Check order",
"payInfo.subtxt1": "Verifying the user",
"payInfo.subtxt2": "order information",
"payInfo.confirmDate": "verification date",
"payInfo.buyerName": "Buyer Nickname",
"payInfo.artworkName": "product name",
"payInfo.orderPrice": "order amount",
"payInfo.payTypeName": "payment method",
"payInfo.payImages": "payment voucher",
"payInfo.typePrice": "enter payment method",
"payInfo.salesperson": "Please contact the salesperson to verify the consumption information offline",
"payInfo.waitConfirm": "Wait for the salesperson to confirm",
"payInfo.copyCode": "Enter order verification code",
"mine.language": "language",
"mine.message": "news",
"mine.setting": "seting",
"mine.scan": "Scanning code",
"mine.blockchain": "blockchain",
"mine.artwork": "My Collection",
"mine.noData": "No collection",
"mine.updateLang": "Change Language",
"updateLang.done": "Used",
"updateLang.change": "Change",
"password.title": "Unlock more functions with operation password",
"password.set": "set operation password ",
"": "user",
"password.input": "Enter the password",
"": "Confirm the password",
"password.get": "Use the password",
"password.step": "Next",
"password": "Operation Password",
"password.vername": "Information on user",
"password.username": "'s identity being verified",
"comfrim": "Confirm",
"password.inputPass": "Please enter the password",
"password.messError": "Please confirm two passwords are consistent",
"password.setSucc": "Set successfully",
"password.setError": "Set failed",
"password.verSucc": "Validation successful",
"password.verError": "Validation failed",
"avatar.def": "Restore default avatar",
"avatar.update": "Change the avator",
"": "Nickname",
"userInfo.updateName": "Change",
"userInfo.createTime": "Registration Date",
"userInfo.idNum": "ID Number",
"": "Contact Number",
"phone.update": "Change",
"phone.verInfo": "After certification you can change binding",
"user.realName": "Real Name",
"user.verfy": "Real Name Authentication",
"user.username": "Name",
"user.verDone": "Authenticated",
"user.idNum": "ID card",
"account.logout": "Account Cancellation",
"account.signOut": "Log Out",
"": "Set Nickname",
"set.input": "Please enter content",
"": "Problem Feedback",
"": "Are you sure you want to cancel the account?",
"logout.btn": "deregister",
"": "Are you sure to log out?",
"realname.conduct": "Carry On The Certification",
"save.update": "Save Change",
"airdrop": "Airdrop",
"announcement": "Announcement",
"read": "Read",
"to.accept": "Accept",
"close": "Close",
"": "Basic Information",
"": "Series Name",
"series.issuer": "Issuer",
"series.time": "Transaction Date",
"series.price": "Transaction Price",
"series.hash": "HASH",
"series.No": "Number",
"phone.old": "Original phone number",
"phone.code": "Verification code",
"": "Change of mobile number requires verification of original mobile number",
"": "New phone number",
"input.phoneCode": "Please fill in the verification code and new phone number",
"apply.logistics": "Apply For Logistics",
"": "Logistics Information ",
"telephone": "Enquiries",
"": "Consignee Name",
"consignee.address": "Consignee Address",
"": "Contact Number",
"": "Release Information",
"release.time": "Release Date",
"brand.side": "Brand Side",
"": "Circulation Information",
"possessor": "Holder",
"collection.status": "Collection Status",
"in.library": "In our warehouse",
"been.applied": "Logistics has been applied",
"circulation.type": "Circulation Type",
"on.line": "On line",
"circulation.time": "Circulation Time",
"transaction.hash": "Transaction Hash",
"": "Please consider carefully once the aapplication is irrevocable!",
"input.address": "Please Fill In The Address",
"input.pla": "Please enter",
"apply.btn": "Apply",
"": "Please enter the name of the consignee",
"": "Please enter the phone number ",
"error.consignee.address": "Please enter the consignee address",
"apply.succes": "Successful aapplication",
"apply.error": "Application failed ",
"load.failed": "Load failed",
"update.succes": "Modified Successfully",
"code.actPass": "Please enter the operation password and verification code",
"code.start": "Get the code",
"code.change": "X s to reacquire",
"code.end": "Retrieve",
"": "The mobile phone number entered is incorrect",
"pick.up": "Pick up",
"": "A Letter To You",
"letter.all": "A Letter To All Staff"