You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

332 lines
11 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package approval;
option go_package = "./;approval";
// The approval service definition.
service Approval {
rpc Create(ApprovalRequest) returns (ApprovalResponse) {};
rpc Detail(ApprovalDetail) returns (ApprovalRequest) {};
rpc Update(ApprovalRequest) returns (ApprovalResponse) {};
rpc Remove(ApprovalDetail) returns (ApprovalRemove) {};
rpc List(ApprovalListRequest) returns (ApprovalListResponse) {};
rpc DetailSetting(DetailSettingRequest) returns (SettingRequest) {};
rpc UpdateSetting(SettingRequest) returns (SettingResponse) {};
rpc RemoveApprovalWork(ApprovalWorkDetail) returns (ApprovalWorkRemove) {};
rpc ListApprovalWork(ApprovalWorkDetail) returns (ApprovalWorkRequest) {};
rpc DetailApprovalWork(ApprovalWorkDetail) returns (ApprovalWorkRequest) {};
rpc CreateApprovalWork(ApprovalWorkRequest) returns (ApprovalWorkResponse) {};
rpc UpdateApprovalWork(ApprovalWorkRequest) returns (ApprovalWorkResponse) {};
rpc ListDepartmentApprovalSetting(DepartmentApprovalSettingDetail) returns (DepartmentApprovalSettingRequest) {};
rpc DetailDepartmentApprovalSetting(DepartmentApprovalSettingDetail) returns (DepartmentApprovalSettingRequest) {};
rpc CreateDepartmentApprovalSetting(DepartmentApprovalSettingRequest) returns (DepartmentApprovalSettingResponse) {};
rpc UpdateDepartmentApprovalSetting(DepartmentApprovalSettingRequest) returns (DepartmentApprovalSettingResponse) {};
rpc RemoveDepartmentApprovalSetting(DepartmentApprovalSettingDetail) returns (DepartmentApprovalSettingRemove) {};
rpc RemoveExhibition(ExhibitionDetail) returns (ExhibitionRemove) {};
rpc ListExhibition(ExhibitionDetail) returns (ExhibitionRequest) {};
rpc DetailExhibition(ExhibitionDetail) returns (ExhibitionRequest) {};
rpc CreateExhibition(ExhibitionRequest) returns (ExhibitionResponse) {};
rpc UpdateExhibition(ExhibitionRequest) returns (ExhibitionResponse) {};
rpc RemoveExhibitionNum(ExhibitionNumDetail) returns (ExhibitionNumRemove) {};
rpc ListExhibitionNum(ExhibitionNumDetail) returns (ExhibitionNumRequest) {};
rpc DetailExhibitionNum(ExhibitionNumDetail) returns (ExhibitionNumRequest) {};
rpc CreateExhibitionNum(ExhibitionNumRequest) returns (ExhibitionNumResponse) {};
rpc UpdateExhibitionNum(ExhibitionNumRequest) returns (ExhibitionNumResponse) {};
rpc DetailWork(WorkDetail) returns (WorkRequest) {};
rpc CreateWork(WorkRequest) returns (WorkResponse) {};
rpc UpdateWork(WorkRequest) returns (WorkResponse) {};
rpc RemoveWork(WorkDetail) returns (WorkRemove) {};
rpc ListWork(WorkDetail) returns (WorkRequest) {};
rpc UpdateApprovalExhibition(ApprovalExhibitionRequest) returns (ApprovalExhibitionResponse) {};
rpc RemoveApprovalExhibition(ApprovalExhibitionDetail) returns (ApprovalExhibitionRemove) {};
rpc ListApprovalExhibition(ApprovalExhibitionDetail) returns (ApprovalExhibitionRequest) {};
rpc DetailApprovalExhibition(ApprovalExhibitionDetail) returns (ApprovalExhibitionRequest) {};
rpc CreateApprovalExhibition(ApprovalExhibitionRequest) returns (ApprovalExhibitionResponse) {};
message Bundle {
uint64 ID = 1 [json_name = "ID"];
string ReturnAt = 2 [json_name = "returnAt"];
string ReceivedAt = 3 [json_name = "receivedAt"];
uint64 ApplicationsNum = 4 [json_name = "applicationsNum"];
message Show {
uint64 ID =1 [json_name = "ID"];
uint64 ArtistNum =2 [json_name = "artistNum"];
string ShowAt =3 [json_name = "ShowAt"];
message ApprovalWork {
uint64 ID =1 [json_name = "ID"];
uint64 WorkId =2 [json_name = "WorkId"];
uint64 ApprovalID =3 [json_name = "WorkId"];
uint64 ArtworkId =4 [json_name = "artworkId"];
string ArtworkName =5 [json_name = "artworkName"];
string ArtistName =6 [json_name = "artistName"];
string ArtworkCover =7 [json_name = "artworkCover"];
uint64 ArtworkNumber =8 [json_name = "artworkNumber"];
message Work {
uint64 ID =1 [json_name = "ID"];
string ReturnAt = 2 [json_name = "returnAt"];
string ReceivedAt = 3 [json_name = "receivedAt"];
repeated ApprovalWork ApprovalWorks = 4 [json_name = "approvalWorks"];
message ApprovalExhibition {
uint64 ID =1 [json_name = "ID"];
uint64 ExhibitionID =2 [json_name = "exhibitionID"];
uint64 ApprovalID =3 [json_name = "ApprovalID"];
string ExhibitionName =4 [json_name = "exhibitionName"];
uint64 ArtworkId =5 [json_name = "artworkId"];
uint64 ExhibitionSize =6 [json_name = "exhibitionSize"];
string ExhibitionNumber =7 [json_name = "exhibitionNumber"];
message Exhibition {
uint64 ID =1 [json_name = "ID"];
string ReceivedAt =2 [json_name = "receivedAt"];
string Address =3 [json_name = "address"];
repeated ApprovalExhibition ApprovalExhibitions = 4 [json_name = "approvalExhibitions"];
message ApprovalListRequest {
string Domain = 1 [json_name = "domain"];
uint64 Limit = 2 [json_name = "limit"]; //
uint64 Offset = 3 [json_name = "offset"]; //
uint64 Status = 4 [json_name = "status"];//0待审批 1-审批成功 2-拒绝
string Type = 5 [json_name = "type"]; //类型
message ApprovalListResponse {
uint64 Count = 1 [json_name = "count"];
repeated ApprovalRequest data = 2 [json_name = "data"];
message ApprovalRequest {
uint64 ID = 1 [json_name = "ID"];
string Domain = 2 [json_name = "domain"];
uint64 Status = 3 [json_name = "status"];//0待审批 1-审批成功 2-拒绝
string Type = 4 [json_name = "type"]; //类型
uint64 ApproverId = 5 [json_name = "approverId"];//申请人
string ApproverName = 6 [json_name = "approverName"];
uint64 SubmitterId = 7 [json_name = "submitterId"];//审批人
string SubmitterName = 8 [json_name = "submitterName"];
repeated CopyUser CopyUsers = 9 [json_name = "copyName"];//抄送人
string Content = 10 [json_name = "content"];//申请内容
string Reply = 11 [json_name = "reply"];//回复
Work Work = 12 [json_name = "work"];
Show Show = 13 [json_name = "show"];
Exhibition Exhibition = 14 [json_name = "exhibition"];
Bundle Bundle = 15 [json_name = "bundle"];
message ExhibitionNumRequest {
uint64 ID =1 [json_name = "ID"];
uint64 DeletedAt =2 [json_name = "deletedAt"];
string CreatedAt =3 [json_name = "createdAt"];
string UpdatedAt =4 [json_name = "updatedAt"];
string ReceivedAt =5 [json_name = "receivedAt"];
uint64 ApplicationsNum =6 [json_name = "applicationsNum"];
uint64 ApprovalId =7 [json_name = "approvalId"];
message ExhibitionNumDetail {
uint64 ID =1 [json_name = "ID"];
string Domain =2 [json_name = "domain"];
message ExhibitionNumResponse {
uint64 ID =1 [json_name = "ID"];
bool Success =2 [json_name = "success"];
message ExhibitionNumRemove {
bool Success =1 [json_name = "success"];
message WorkResponse {
uint64 ID = 1 [json_name = "ID"];
bool Success = 2 [json_name = "success"];
message WorkRemove {
bool Success=1 [json_name = "success"];
message WorkRequest {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
uint64 DeletedAt=2 [json_name = "deletedAt"];
string CreatedAt=3 [json_name = "createdAt"];
string UpdatedAt=4 [json_name = "updatedAt"];
string ReturnAt=5 [json_name = "returnAt"];
string ReceivedAt=6 [json_name = "receivedAt"];
message WorkDetail {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
string Domain=2 [json_name = "domain"];
message ApprovalDetail {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
string Domain=2 [json_name = "domain"];
message ApprovalResponse {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
bool Success=2 [json_name = "success"];
message ApprovalRemove {
bool Success=1 [json_name = "success"];
message ApprovalExhibitionRemove {
bool Success=1 [json_name = "success"];
message ApprovalExhibitionRequest {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
uint64 DeletedAt=2 [json_name = "deletedAt"];
string CreatedAt=3 [json_name = "createdAt"];
string UpdatedAt=4 [json_name = "updatedAt"];
uint64 ApprovalId=5 [json_name = "approvalId"];
uint64 ExhibitionId=6 [json_name = "exhibitionId"];
string ExhibitionName=7 [json_name = "exhibitionName"];
uint64 ArtworkId=8 [json_name = "artworkId"];
string ExhibitionSize=9 [json_name = "exhibitionSize"];
string ExhibitionNumber=10 [json_name = "exhibitionNumber"];
message ApprovalExhibitionDetail {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
string Domain=2 [json_name = "domain"];
message ApprovalExhibitionResponse {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
bool Success=2 [json_name = "success"];
message ApprovalWorkRequest {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
uint64 DeletedAt=2 [json_name = "deletedAt"];
string CreatedAt=3 [json_name = "createdAt"];
string UpdatedAt=4 [json_name = "updatedAt"];
uint64 ApprovalId=5 [json_name = "approvalId"];
uint64 WorkId=6 [json_name = "workId"];
uint64 ArtworkId=7 [json_name = "artworkId"];
string ArtworkName=8 [json_name = "artworkName"];
string ArtistName=9 [json_name = "artistName"];
string ArtworkCover=10 [json_name = "artworkCover"];
string ArtworkNumber=11 [json_name = "artworkNumber"];
message ApprovalWorkDetail {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
string Domain=2 [json_name = "domain"];
message ApprovalWorkResponse {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
bool Success=2 [json_name = "success"];
message ApprovalWorkRemove {
bool Success=1 [json_name = "success"];
message CopyUser {
uint64 ID =1 [json_name = "ID"];
string Name =2 [json_name = "name"];
message SettingRequest {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
uint64 DeletedAt=2 [json_name = "deletedAt"];
string CreatedAt=3 [json_name = "createdAt"];
string UpdatedAt=4 [json_name = "updatedAt"];
uint64 DepartmentId=5 [json_name = "departmentId"];
repeated CopyUser CopyUsers=6 [json_name = "copyUsers"];
uint64 ApproverId=7 [json_name = "approverId"];
string ApproverName=8 [json_name = "approverName"];
string Domain=9 [json_name = "domain"];
message DetailSettingRequest {
uint64 DepartmentId=1 [json_name = "departmentId"];
string Domain=2 [json_name = "domain"];
message SettingResponse {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
bool Success=2 [json_name = "success"];
message DepartmentApprovalSettingRemove {
bool Success=1 [json_name = "success"];
message ExhibitionRequest {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
uint64 DeletedAt=2 [json_name = "deletedAt"];
string CreatedAt=3 [json_name = "createdAt"];
string UpdatedAt=4 [json_name = "updatedAt"];
string ReceivedAt=5 [json_name = "receivedAt"];
uint64 ApprovalId=6 [json_name = "approvalId"];
message ExhibitionDetail {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
string Domain=2 [json_name = "domain"];
message ExhibitionResponse {
uint64 ID=1 [json_name = "ID"];
bool Success=2 [json_name = "success"];
message ExhibitionRemove {
bool Success=1 [json_name = "success"];