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* @FileName: format.go
* @Author: JuneXu
* @CreateTime: 2022/2/25 下午2:30
* @Description:
package timeUtil
import "time"
var MonthMap = make(map[string]string)
type DefineTimeFormat struct {
Normal_YMDhms string
Normal_YMD string
Normal_hms string
Slash_YMDhms string
Slash_YMD string
NoSpacer_YMDhms string
NoSpacer_YMD string
var TimeFormat DefineTimeFormat
var Loc *time.Location
func init() {
MonthMap[""] = "00"
MonthMap["January"] = "01"
MonthMap["February"] = "02"
MonthMap["March"] = "03"
MonthMap["April"] = "04"
MonthMap["May"] = "05"
MonthMap["June"] = "06"
MonthMap["July"] = "07"
MonthMap["August"] = "08"
MonthMap["September"] = "09"
MonthMap["October"] = "10"
MonthMap["November"] = "11"
MonthMap["December"] = "12"
TimeFormat = DefineTimeFormat{
Normal_YMDhms: "2006-01-02 15:04:05",
Normal_YMD: "2006-01-02",
Normal_hms: "15:04:05",
Slash_YMDhms: "2006/01/02 15:04:05",
Slash_YMD: "2006/01/02",
NoSpacer_YMDhms: "20060102150405",
NoSpacer_YMD: "20060102",
Loc, _ = time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai")