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* @FileName: getTime.go
* @Author: JJXu
* @CreateTime: 2022/3/1 6:35
* @Description:
package stime
import (
func StrNowDate() string {
return TimeToString(time.Now(), Format_Normal_YMD)
func StrNowYearMonth() string {
return TimeToString(time.Now(), Format_Normal_YM)
// ThisMorming 今天凌晨
func ThisMorming(format string) (strTime string) {
thisTime := time.Now()
year := thisTime.Year()
month := MonthStrMap[thisTime.Month().String()]
day := fmt.Sprintf("%02d", thisTime.Day())
strTime = fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v-%v 00:00:00", year, month, day)
if format != Format_Normal_YMDhms {
t1, _ := time.ParseInLocation(Format_Normal_YMDhms, strTime, Loc.Shanghai())
strTime = t1.Format(format)
return strTime
// ThisMorningUnix 获取当日凌晨的时间戳
func ThisMorningToUnix() int64 {
thist := time.Now()
zero_tm := time.Date(thist.Year(), thist.Month(), thist.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, thist.Location()).Unix()
return zero_tm
// TomorrowMorning 第二天凌晨
func TomorrowMorning(baseTime time.Time) *time.Time {
year := baseTime.Year()
month := MonthStrMap[baseTime.Month().String()]
day := fmt.Sprintf("%02d", baseTime.Day()+1)
strTime := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v-%v 00:00:00", year, month, day)
res, _ := StringToTime(strTime)
return res
// ThisTimeUnix 获取当前时间的时间戳
func CurrentimeToUnix() int64 {
return time.Now().Unix()
// Currentime 获取当前时间
func Currentime(format string) (strTime string) {
strTime = time.Now().Format(format)
// HoursAgo 若干小时之前的时间
func HoursAgo(hours time.Duration, format string) (lastTimeStr string) {
lastStamp := time.Now().Unix() - int64((time.Hour * hours).Seconds())
lastTime := time.Unix(lastStamp, 0).In(Loc.Shanghai())
lastTimeStr = lastTime.Format(format)
// TimeToString 时间转字符串
func TimeToString(t time.Time, format string) string {
return t.Format(format)
// 计算指定月份的天数
func YearMonthToDayNumber(year int, month int) int {
// 有31天的月份
day31 := map[int]bool{
1: true,
3: true,
5: true,
7: true,
8: true,
10: true,
12: true,
if day31[month] == true {
return 31
// 有30天的月份
day30 := map[int]bool{
4: true,
6: true,
9: true,
11: true,
if day30[month] == true {
return 30
// 计算是平年还是闰年
if (year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) || year%400 == 0 {
// 得出2月的天数
return 29
// 得出2月的天数
return 28
// 求时间差返回一个数字该数字单位由传过来的unit决定。若unit为60则单位是分钟。
func GetDiffTime(start_time string, end_time string, unit int64) int64 {
// 转成时间戳
if len(start_time) == 10 {
start_time = fmt.Sprintf("%v 00:00:00", start_time)
if len(end_time) == 10 {
end_time = fmt.Sprintf("%v 00:00:00", end_time)
startUnix, _ := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", start_time, Loc.Shanghai())
endUnix, _ := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", end_time, Loc.Shanghai())
startTime := startUnix.Unix()
endTime := endUnix.Unix()
// 求相差天数
date := (endTime - startTime) / unit
return date
func TimeSince(pastTime string, format string) string {
t, err := time.Parse(format, pastTime)
if err != nil {
return ""
diff := time.Since(t)
if diff.Minutes() < 15 {
return "刚刚"
} else if diff.Minutes() >= 15 && diff.Minutes() < 30 {
return "15分钟前"
} else if diff.Minutes() >= 30 && diff.Minutes() < 60 {
return "半小时前"
} else if diff.Hours() >= 1 && diff.Hours() < 24 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d小时前", int(diff.Hours()))
} else if diff.Hours() >= 24 && diff.Hours() < 24*15 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d天前", int(diff.Hours()/24))
} else if diff.Hours() < 24*30 {
return "半月前"
} else if diff.Hours() < 24*30*6 { //小于半年
return fmt.Sprintf("%d月前", int(diff.Hours()/24/30))
} else if diff.Hours() < 24*365 { //小于1年
return "半年前"
} else {
return t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")