You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package config
import (
var Data = new(AppConfig)
type AppConfig struct {
System struct {
Domain string
Mode string
NodeNum int32
Port int32
KeyPath string `mapstructure:"key_path"`
CertPath string `mapstructure:"cert_path"`
IsHttps bool `mapstructure:"is_https"`
Cron bool
Redis struct {
Db uint8
Addr string
Password string
ZapLog struct {
Level string `mapstructure:"level"`
Filename string `mapstructure:"filename"`
MaxSize int `mapstructure:"max_size"`
MaxAge int `mapstructure:"max_age"`
MaxBackups int `mapstructure:"max_backups"`
Jaeger struct {
Addr string
Open bool
Jwt struct {
Key string
Expire int32
Bos struct {
AccessKeyId string
AccessKeySecret string
Endpoint string
Host string
BucketName string
BosBaseDir string
CdnHost string
func GetConf() (iniConf string, err error) {
if os.Getenv(model.MODE_ENV) != "" {
if err = os.Setenv(constant.ConfigFileEnvKey, fmt.Sprintf("./conf/%s/%s", os.Getenv(model.MODE_ENV), model.SERVER_DUBBOGO_CONFIG)); err != nil {
iniConf = fmt.Sprintf("./conf/%s", model.SERVER_CONFIG)
func GetOptions() {
iniConf, err := GetConf()
err = viper.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil {
panic("viper.ReadInConfig failed" + err.Error())
if err = viper.Unmarshal(Data); err != nil {
panic("viper.Unmarshal failed" + err.Error())