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package common
import (
uuid ""
ffmpeg ""
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
const (
MediaPath = "./runtime/"
RouteType = "static/"
VideoType = "video"
ImageType = "image"
PngType = "png"
ArtworkFilePath = "artwork"
ArtworkChunkBasePath = "./runtime/tmp/artworks"
func UploadImg(c *gin.Context) {
var err error
source := c.PostForm("source")
mask := c.PostForm("mask")
action := c.PostForm("action")
if mask == "" {
mask = "default"
mediaType := c.PostForm("type")
logger.Errorf("UploadImg 1 %+v", mask)
var BasePath string
if mediaType == "" || mediaType == ImageType {
mediaType = ImageType
BasePath = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", MediaPath, mediaType)
//BaseRoute = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", RouteType, mediaType)
var isCompress int
if cStr, ok := c.GetPostForm("is_compress"); ok {
var errS error
isCompress, errS = strconv.Atoi(cStr)
if errS != nil {
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Fail, errS.Error(), nil)
logger.Errorf("UploadImg 2 %+v", mask)
// 检验参数
if mask == "" || source == "" {
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Fail, msg.INVALID_PARAMS, nil)
file, err := c.FormFile("file")
// 检验文件
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Upload FormFile err", err)
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Fail, err.Error(), nil)
logger.Errorf("UploadImg 3 %+v", mask)
// 判断是不是视频或者需要压缩
var oriUrl string
if isCompress != 1 && mediaType != "video" && action == "" {
oriUrl, err = quickBos(file, mediaType, mask, source)
if err != nil {
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Fail, err.Error(), nil)
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Ok, msg.SUCCESS, map[string]interface{}{
"ori_url": oriUrl,
logger.Errorf("UploadImg 4 %+v", mask)
fileExt := strings.ToLower(path.Ext(file.Filename))
filename := uuid.NewV4()
if err != nil {
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Fail, err.Error(), nil)
fileFullName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", filename, fileExt)
//检测文件夹 不存在就创建
imgPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", BasePath, source, mask)
_, err = utils.CheckDirPath(imgPath, true)
if err != nil {
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Fail, err.Error(), nil)
dst := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", imgPath, fileFullName)
logger.Errorf("UploadImg 5 %+v", mask)
// 保存文件至指定路径
err = c.SaveUploadedFile(file, dst)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Upload FormFile err", err)
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Fail, err.Error(), nil)
logger.Errorf("UploadImg 6 %+v", mask)
if action == model.ImgActionRotate {
fileFullName = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", filename, fileExt)
newDst := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s_rotate%v", imgPath, filename, fileExt)
if err = logic.MakeThumbnail(dst, newDst); err != nil {
//ResponseQuickMsg(c, e.Failed, e.GetMsg(e.ERROR_ROTATE_IMG), nil)
} else {
_ = os.Remove(dst)
dst = newDst
//localUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", config.ServerDM, BaseRoute, source, mask, fileFullName)
var data = make(map[string]string, 2)
//data["ori_url"] = localUrl
if int32(isCompress) == 1 {
fileFullName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_small%s", filename, fileExt)
newDst := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", imgPath, fileFullName)
//compressUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", config.ServerDM, BaseRoute, source, mask, fileFullName)
err = utils.CompressJPG(dst, newDst)
compressUrl, err := PutBos(newDst, mediaType, true)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Upload compress err", err)
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Fail, err.Error(), data)
data["compress_url"] = compressUrl
logger.Errorf("UploadImg 7 %+v", mask)
// 如果是视频需要截图图片做封面
if mediaType == VideoType {
videoCover := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", imgPath, filename)
_, err = GetSnapshot(dst, videoCover, 1)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("GetSnapshot err %+v", err.Error())
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Fail, "获取封面失败", err.Error())
logger.Errorf("UploadImg 8 %+v", mask)
logger.Errorf("UploadImg 8.1 videoCover %+v", videoCover)
//data["cover_url"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", config.ServerDM, BaseRoute, source, mask, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", filename, PngType))
coverUrl, err := PutBos(videoCover+"."+PngType, mediaType, true)
data["cover_url"] = coverUrl
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Upload GetSnapshot err", zap.Error(err))
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Fail, err.Error(), nil)
ossUrl, err := PutBos(dst, mediaType, true)
if err != nil {
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Fail, err.Error(), nil)
data["ori_url"] = ossUrl
response.ResponseQuickMsg(c, msg.Ok, msg.SUCCESS, data)
func GetSnapshot(videoPath, snapshotPath string, frameNum int) (snapshotName string, err error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
err = ffmpeg.Input(videoPath).
Filter("select", ffmpeg.Args{fmt.Sprintf("gte(n,%d)", frameNum)}).
Output("pipe:", ffmpeg.KwArgs{"vframes": 1, "format": "image2", "vcodec": "mjpeg"}).
WithOutput(buf, os.Stdout).
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("GetSnapshot Input err:", zap.Error(err))
return "", err
img, err := imaging.Decode(buf)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("GetSnapshot Decode err:", zap.Error(err))
return "", err
err = imaging.Save(img, snapshotPath+"."+PngType)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("GetSnapshot Save err:", zap.Error(err))
return "", err
names := strings.Split(snapshotPath, "\\")
snapshotName = names[len(names)-1] + "." + PngType
func PutBos(filePath string, mediaType string, needRemove bool) (url string, err error) {
BOSClient, err := objstorage.NewOSS(config.Data.Bos.AccessKeyId, config.Data.Bos.AccessKeySecret, config.Data.Bos.Endpoint)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("PutBos NewOSS err ", err)
err = errors.New(msg.ErrorUploadBos)
f, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("PutBos Open err %+v", err.Error())
fileBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
if needRemove {
if mediaType == "image" {
if err = BaiduCheckImage(fileBytes); err != nil {
filePath = strings.Replace(filePath, "./runtime", "", 1)
var objectName string = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s%s", config.Data.Bos.BosBaseDir, config.Data.System.Mode, filePath)
_, err = BOSClient.PutObjectFromBytes(config.Data.Bos.BucketName, objectName, fileBytes)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("PutBos PutObject err %+v", err.Error())
err = errors.New(msg.ErrorUploadBos)
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", config.Data.Bos.CdnHost, objectName)
func quickBos(file *multipart.FileHeader, mediaType string, mask string, source string) (url string, err error) {
newFile, _ := file.Open()
defer newFile.Close()
uuids := uuid.NewV4()
filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s%s", mediaType, mask, source, uuids, filepath.Ext(file.Filename))
fileBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(newFile)
if mediaType == "image" {
if err = BaiduCheckImage(fileBytes); err != nil {
var objectName string = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", config.Data.Bos.BosBaseDir, config.Data.System.Mode, filePath)
BOSClient, _ := objstorage.NewOSS(config.Data.Bos.AccessKeyId, config.Data.Bos.AccessKeySecret, config.Data.Bos.Endpoint)
_, err = BOSClient.PutObjectFromBytes(config.Data.Bos.BucketName, objectName, fileBytes)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("quickBos err", err)
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", config.Data.Bos.CdnHost, objectName)
// BaiduCheckImage 图片鉴黄
func BaiduCheckImage(imageByte []byte) (err error) {
var (
accesstoken string
response string
sourcestring := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(imageByte)
if accesstoken, err = logic.GetImageAccessToken(); err != nil {
return err
host := "[" + accesstoken + "]"
if response, err = utils.PostForm(host, url.Values{"image": {sourcestring}}); err != nil {
logger.Error("user_defined PostForm err", err)
return err
var res struct {
ErrorCode int64 `json:"error_code"`
ErrorMsg string `json:"error_msg"`
Conclusion string `json:"conclusion"`
Log_id uint64 `json:"log_id"`
IsHitMd5 bool `json:"isHitMd5"`
ConclusionType int64 `json:"conclusionType"`
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(response), &res); err != nil {
err = errors.New(msg.JSON_UNMARSHAL)
logger.Error("user_defined res", res)
if res.ErrorCode != 0 || res.ErrorMsg != "" {
return errors.New(msg.ERROR_BAIDU_FAIL)
if res.Conclusion != "合规" && res.Conclusion != "疑似" {
return errors.New(msg.ERROR_BAIDU_IMAGE)
return nil